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Tea Party.

              Alice smiled as she finished hanging the banners.  “This is going to be the best tea party ever.”  She giggled.  “And I can’t wait to let out my ultra girly side.”  She turned around and looked at the tea set.  “I just have one worry,” she said as her eyes drifted over to the tea brewer.  “This batch came from a very. . . odd supplier.  I was not going to pay the crazy prices on Amazon, but. . . ugh, I can’t believe some of the reviews on this product.”  She picked up the tea bag.  “Hmm, I hope nothing funny happens.”

              There was a knock at her door.  “Ahh, my wonderful guests have arrived.”  She hurried to let them inside.  “I know it’s just my friends, but still, it is going to be the best party ever.”  Alice flung open the door and smiled.  “Sarah!  Jane!  Welcome.”

              Sarah immediately hugged Alice.  “My dear.  I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”  She walked inside.  “So please tell me you have some bunny cups.  You know how much I adore little bun buns.”

              Jane smiled.  “Thank you for having me over.”

              “No problem. Please come in.”  Alice closed the door behind them. Now, let’s get started. I also thought we could go out to eat afterward. It’s been ages since we all have been together.”

              “Of course.  Of course.”  Sarah sat down at the small round table.  “Is this new?”  She ran her hands over the wood.  “I have never seen it before.”

              “I got it just for this event. Now, girls, let’s, let’s sit down and have a fun time.”  Alice joined them. “The tea should be just about ready.”

              Jane giggled.  “I have never done something like this.”

              Sarah patted Jane on the shoulder. “You will love it. Letting out your younger self every so often is just so relaxing.”

              Alice poured the tea. “I just love Alice in Wonderland, so I think of it as my little taste of that. It isn’t like we can live out the other parts of the story,” she laughed. “Imagine growing and shrinking.”

              The other girls laughed.  “I am not sure I would be able to handle that.  Imagine me taller.”  Jane struck a pose.  “I don’t think the men could deal with that.”  She raised the teacup to her lips and took a sip.  “Hmm, this tastes a little strange.”

              Sarah nodded her head.  “Yeah.  Where did you get this.”

              “I am sorry, it’s a small brand. I wasn’t going to pay for some overpriced Amazon tea,” Alice said, taking a sip of her tea. But now that you mention it, this stuff does taste a little weird. Hmm.”

              Jane giggled.  “You get used to it.”  She took another sip.  “It actually is better than I thought.”  Alice and Sarah stared at Jane as she suddenly grew three inches.

              “Umm, Jane?”  Sarah inched her seat closer to Alice.  “Are you okay?”

              “Yes?  Why?”  She smiled.  “I am just enjoying this wonderful tea party.”

              Sarah gulped.  “I think there is something wrong with this tea Alice.”  She moaned.  “Ughhh my ass!”  Sarah stood up, her butt now a few inches wider than it had been when she entered Alice’s house.  “Where did you get this stuff, Alice?”

              “I don’t know.  It was just. . . off some random website.  It came highly reviewed.”  Alice poured the contents of her cup onto the floor, not wanting any kind of strange reaction to happen to her.  But it was already too late as her body heated up and her nipples hardened.  “Ughhh. . .”  She moaned, her blouse tightening.  She looked down and gasped as her breasts slowly expanded.  “Fuck!”  She couldn’t resist any longer, rubbing them.  “What have I done?”

              Jane stood up as she grew another few inches, now almost a foot taller.  “This is getting so fucking. . . hot.”

              Sarah moaned, her legs slowly thickening.  “I. . . fucking can’t take it. . .”  She tried to slide her pants off.  “Its soo intense.  Ugh, get off my fucking body already!  Ughhh!”

              Alice looked around, her own horny feelings overtaking her.  “Girls I am soo sorry.”

              “Don’t be.”  Jane smiled.  “We are going to have a wonderful night, aren’t we?”  She knelt down and rubbed Sarah’s expanding butt.  “So take off those pants if you can.”

              “Ohhh fuck.”

              Watching her friends play only turned Alice on more.  “Oh god, you two.  Stop it.  You are turning. . . me. . . on!”  Her boobs pressed tightly against her blouse and bra, her clothing struggling to contain her bosom.  As her breasts jiggled about, Alice looked at the ceiling.  “What are we going to do?  What are we going to do?”

              “Have fun, of course.”  Jane reached over and squeezed Alice’s right breast, causing a button to snap off.  “Didn’t you plan this?”

              “What?  Nooo!”  Her blouse turned dark as milk poured out of her nipples.  “Don’t do that.  I can’t contain myself!”  She moaned.  “Yes, do it again.  I love it!”

              Sarah giggled as she finally pulled her pants down.  “I think Alice loves it.  Look at her bright red cheeks.

              “I do not!”  Another button snapped off her body.  “Yes, I do.  Oh fuck I do.”

              Jane walked over to Alice as she grew an entire foot.  “My dear, do you need some love.”

              Sarah walked over, her ass swaying back and forth.  “Yes.  I agree.  Alice needs love.”

              Alice waved her hands back and forth.  “No.  Girls I. . .”  They each took a breast and squeezed.  “Ohhhh.  Yess.  Yessss!”  Her boobs slowly forced her blouse open.

              “Come now.”  Jane leaned forward and whispered into Alice’s ear. You have to play as well.”

              Alice rubbed Jane’s thigh, pressing her breasts against her body.  “Ugh, this bra is so constricting.”

              “Let me help you.”  Sarah giggled as she reached around Alice, smooshing herself against her left breast.  “God, you feel so wonderful.”  After unhooking her bra and letting it fall to the floor, Sarah leaned forward and kissed Alice.  “Ahh, that is so much better.”

              More milk spilled forth from Alice’s rock-hard nipples.  “You two are just so fucking. . . fucking. . . ahhhh!”

              Jane rubbed their heads.  “You both are my little angels.”  She noticed the growth had stopped.  “Aww.  But it doesn’t matter.  I am wonderful at this size.”

              Sarah slapped her gigantic ass.  “Agreed.”  She squeezed Jane’s ass.  “We get to play with each other anyways.”

              Alice finally relented and showed her horny joy.  “I love this so much.”  She rubbed her hands against Sarah’s round ass and thick thighs.  She then pushed Sarah down and fell on top of her, her boobs pressing against Sarah in a beautiful squishy embrace.

              “How dare you leave me out of the fun.”  Jane fell upon them in a dog pile, rubbing her body against Alice.

              “Hey!”  Sarah moaned.  “This is so fucking tight.”  She giggled.  “And wonderful!”

              Alice sighed.  “You know I am going to have to order more of that tea.”

              Jane narrowed her eyes.  “You don’t have any more sitting around?”

              “Sadly, no.”

              Sarah smiled.  “I just hope this never wears off.  I could get used to this.  Imagine all of the boys and girls we will pull in.”

              Alice kissed Sarah.  “But I already have the most wonderful person in the world.  Why would I want more?”

              Sarah blushed.  “Awww.”



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