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              “How could you do this!”

              “What are you talking about?  I was trying to uphold the laws our people have held since time began.”  Sarah held her hand against her head and tried to sit up, only to find that she was tied down by strong ropes. “I find someone who is some half-breed!”

              “You don’t know that!  Just because you find someone who had been living amongst all of those fake giantesses who wasn’t fake herself?  What proof do you have, Kira!  We don’t have any way to tell outside of if the girl’s parents came forward.”

              Sarah’s vision came into focus, and she could tell she was in the middle of the forest, with the trees around her towering over her.  Standing around her were the biggest people she had ever seen in her life.  Men, women, and children are all ginormous in size.  Or, well, they were normal size to her.  As she looked over herself, she noticed that she was covered with some kind of tarp.

              “Don’t you find it odd, though, that this woman was naked just like all those fake giantesses who use “science” to make themselves our size?”  Kira pointed at Sara.  “If she isn’t a half-breed, why in the world would she be hanging out with people who sully our name?”

              The man Kira was arguing with grabbed her by the collar of her tunic.  “We told you to leave those ladies alone.”  He tossed her to the ground next to Sarah.  “The world is already in a giantess crazy; we don’t need them sniffing around our village!  We have managed to make people forget that we exist, and you want to ruin that just because you are pissed that some random bitches decided to manufacture how to keep their growth.”  He loomed over her.  “You weren’t this irritated when we taught you the super moon was a thing, Kira.”

              She snorted as she looked up at the man.  “They sully our name.”

              “We don’t have a name.  That is the point!”  He looked over at Sarah.  “As for you. . .”  He took a deep breath.  “There are some clothes in that building.”  He pointed at a nearby shack.  “Put them on, and I will speak with you in private in five minutes.”  He turned and looked at everyone.  “Okay, this isn’t a show.  Go home already.”  He shooed them away.  “I said go home.”

              Kira stood up and undid the ropes.  “I know who you are, and I will do everything to have the elder deal with you permanently.”  Sarah grabbed the massive white sheet and wrapped it around herself.  “I am watching you breed.”

              Sarah snorted as she stood up and made her way towards the building the old man had pointed out to her.  “I have never seen anything like this before.  I mean, sure, there was another town for giantesses built by Karren, but this just is. . . different.”  It was like a small village hidden away from the world.  The trees only came up to about her head and managed to hide the buildings and everyone despite their massive size.  Sarah ducked into the building and was astonished to find it a bit rustic, but it was like any other she had been in.  Tables, chairs, a dresser.  “What is going on here?”

              She walked over to the dresser and found clothes in her size.  The old man told her to get some clothes for herself, so she did just that, putting on a tunic and some pants that were very reminiscent of jeans.  Just as she tightened her belt, the old man walked in.

              “I am sorry for Kira. She is young and very spirited.”  He narrowed his eyes. “Though it does stand that I have never seen you before, nor has anyone else.”  He pointed at one of the chairs. “So, Kira does raise an excellent question.”

              Sarah took a seat.  “I have many questions of my own, so I guess we can trade them.”  The old man nodded.  “Starting with names.”

              “I am the village elder and protector.  You may call me Hector.”

              “My name is Sarah.”

              “Now for my question.  What is your relation to those gigantic women playing make-believe with their size?”

              Sarah crossed her arms.  “It’s a long story.”

              “We have nothing but time.”

              Sarah explained everything, from how she had been kidnapped to how Fredrick had stolen her blood and the same with Karren. She made sure to leave out the parts about her changing in size and spending time as what they would consider a tiny person. She didn’t want to confirm Kira’s suspicions after all. After she was done talking, Hector rubbed his chin and sighed.

              “So, you grew up knowing nothing about this place, and during your life, you had been experimented on.  I had always wondered how these ladies managed to retain their size.”  He turned his head.  “We knew about women growing during the time of the supermoon.  We tell the women here to stay inside during such times as the moon can have strange effects on them.  But it has helped us stay secret and make us just a myth for ages.  Just something that could be considered a foolish trick of the moon.”  He looked at Sarah.  “But what these ladies have done is putting a greater focus on giant folk in general and I do worry they will come looking for us in time.”

              “What do you mean?  I don’t understand how a place like this can even exist?”

              Hector stood up. “I am sure it’s hard for you to understand, but we have been here all this time. I make sure anyone who gets too close.”  He stamped his foot on the ground. “Never finds us.”  Sarah gulped. “Though there is something else that is nagging at my mind. How in the world would the world not notice you outside of very specific situations?”  He narrowed his eyes. Maybe there is some truth to what Kira said.”

              Sarah sighed.  “I. . .”

              Hector stood up.  “My dear, I wouldn’t worry too much.  While it is true, we have a law to deal with our people who decide to fornicate with humans and produce a baby that will sully our line.”  He looked at her.  “Considering you have grown up to be a giantess, I don’t think we need to deal with you.  Just don’t go around telling people.”

              “But what about my parents?  I don’t even know who they are.”

              Hector shook his head.  “It’s better that you never know.”  He put his hand on her shoulder.  “For the sake of everyone’s well-being here.  If they knew you had a human parent, well. . . fear would spread through our village like wildfire.  What you told me is already bad enough, and I don’t know how I will deal with it.  Vess is going to have to take over someday, and she will have to figure out these problems, I am afraid.”


              “The woman I am training to take over when I pass. I am not the young man I used to be, and Vess shows much promise, especially with her interest in the world beyond. Unlike Kira, she has a level head.”  He turned his head and looked at Sarah. “ Maybe you can teach her about that world.”

              “What are you talking about?”

              “I am sorry, but you can’t leave.”

              Sarah gulped.  “But that is absurd.  You can’t keep me here.”

              “It is bad enough that you spent most of your life living among humans and putting our lives in danger. I am putting a stop to that here and now. I am sorry, Sarah. From now on, you are going to be a part of this community permanently.”

              Sarah gulped.  “Ashely.  I am going to find a way to see you again!”



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