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The person I wrote this for wishes to stay anonymous.

Blueberry Sized Bimbo.

              Cathy smiled as she walked into the office. Today was going to be another great day.

              “Hi, Cathy.”  She smiles and waves at Andrew.

              “Why hello there.”

              “Hey there, Cathy.  How are you doing today.”

              Cathy smirks as Heather walks by.

              “I am doing fine.  How about you?”

              Heather gives Cathy a toothy grin.  “I am doing great.  My kid scored a home run last night.”

              “Oh my god, that is great.  Well, happy Monday.”  She hummed as she walked through the corridors towards her desk.  “And what a wonderful Monday it is.  Hey Sasha.  How are—”

              “Fuck you, Cathy.”


              Sasha snorted.  “You really don’t remember, do you?”

              Cathy shrugged. “No, not really.”  She grabbed Sasha’s cheek and shook it. Come on. I am sure whatever it is, we can let bygones be bygones. Now, I do have a meeting early this morning. It’s always nice chatting with you, Sarah.”

              “Sasha.”  She crossed her arms.  “Are you intentionally trying to act like a bimbo, or is your head just screwed on wrong?”

              “What?  No. Look, I know you are new here, but I am just bad with names.  I do want to get to know you.”  Sasha snorted.  “Please let me make it up to you, okay.”  Cathy smiled.  “But I do have a meeting.  I will see you later.”

              As Cathy bounced away, Sasha muttered under her breath.  “You made me look like a fool, so I will make you look like one.  I hope you enjoy the little present I left for you on your desk bitch.”

              Cathy turned the corner and sat down at her desk.  “Aww.”  She picked up a small letter.  “I guess Sasha was just joking.  She really left me a letter saying just how much she cares.”  She held it against her chest.  “I knew she couldn’t hate me.  Nobody does.”  Cathy opened it, and a strange light shot out.  “Huh?”  Cathy blinked her eyes.  “What in the world was that?”  She shrugged.  “Ahh, well.”

              She slowly examined the contents of her gift.  “Cathy, it really hurt when you didn’t show up to my office party. You seem to be the life of the office, so when you didn’t show, the others soon left. Well, now that you read this little gift, I’m over it. Enjoy your day.”

              Cathy blinked her eyes.  “Wait, that party was. . .”  She tapped her fingers.  “Ugh, I should really write these things down.”  She laughed.  “People keep telling me I should, and I just never do.”  She spun around in her chair.  “I can be a tad boneheaded sometimes, can’t I?”

              Andrew appeared at the opening of her cubical.  “What are you doing just sitting here? We have a meeting, remember?”

              “I. . .”  Cathy blinked her eyes. Oh, yeah. I was talking about that with Sarah.”  She shook her head. “I mean, Sasha. I swear I will get it eventually. I know a Sarah, and I keep mixing the names up.”

              “Well, come on.  Mr. Peterson isn’t in the best mood.”  She jumped to her feet and followed after him.  “I heard he already cursed out Terry for just wearing the wrong tie.”

              “Shesh.  What a crabby start to the day.  How long is the meeting?”

              “An hour.”  Cathy gulped. She didn’t want to be stuck in a room with her angry boss, who would just yell at her and her co-workers. But there wasn’t much of a way around it at this point. As she followed Andrew, she could feel a strange heat creeping through her body. “Did they forget to turn on the air conditioning?”

              “What?  It’s pumping full power?”

              “Oh?”  she blushed involuntarily.  “I umm. . . never mind.”  They walked into the meeting room, and Cathy sat down at the far end of the table.

              “Okay, is everyone finally here?”  Mr. Peterson snorted as he looked around the room.  “Good.  Now, I want you all to know that things are not going well.  Not well at all.”

              Cathy took a deep breath.  “Why the hell am I so. . . so fucking hot?”  She resisted the urge to moan.  “Keep it together, Cathy.  It’s just a little heat.  It’s nothing you can’t handle.

              Heather looked over at her.  “Umm, Cathy, you have a little something on your face.”

              “I do?”  She rubbed her nose.  “Did I get it?”

              Heather gulped.  “No.  I think you made it worse.”  She scooched away.  “You may want to see a doctor or something.  I have never seen anyone’s face turn so blue so fast.  Hurry before Mr. Peterson sees and makes a scene.”

              “What are you talking about.  My face isn’t blue.”  Cathy took a deep breath as she could feel her nipples rubbing against her bra.  “Ughh.”  She closed her eyes.  “Why are they sensitive all of a sudden.  I. . . why do I want to touch them?  No.  I am better than this.”  She suddenly noticed Heather’s stare.  “Why are you staring at me?”

              “You are rubbing your breasts with blue fucking hands; that is why!”  Heather stated it loud enough for everyone to hear as Cathy looked down.  “What is going on?”

              Cathy shook her head, pulling her hands away from her sensitive breasts.  “Umm. . . I can explain?”  She suddenly moaned.  “Ugh fuck. . .”  Cathy slammed her hands on the desk, a strange warm surge flowing through her.  “Soo fucking hot.  So. . .”  She grabbed her thighs.  “Fuck. . . .”

              Suddenly, the world around her grew.  Not by much, but enough for her to realize things were growing out of control.  “No. No!”

              “Miss Iverson.”  Her boss crossed his arms.  “I suggest you get a hold of yourself right now.  This is a place of business.  Now stop this shrinking nonsense, and don’t you try and squeeze your breasts again.  We have a meeting to conduct.”

              Her cheeks turned bright blue.  “You think I am trying to do this?”  She suddenly found herself on the table.  “I swear I am not.  You all. . .”  She moaned as she was unable to control herself, her hands slipping under her blouse and squeezing her breasts.  “Ohhh fuck! Sooo goood.”  She squirmed as she shrank a little more, now half a foot smaller than she had been almost a minute ago.

              “Miss Iverson!  Get down now!”

              Her hands dropped to her side.  “I am sorry.  I really didn’t mean to do that.”  She shrank again, this time much faster, almost an entire foot.  “Please believe me.”  She panted a little.  “Why am I doing this?”  She looked around the room, and her co-workers started to blush.  “Stop.  No, this isn’t supposed to be hot.”  She tried to turn around, but her body decided otherwise.  “Ohh fuck. . .”  She moaned as she fell to her knees, her boobs swelling a few inches.  “Soo heavy.  Soo. . . soo. . .”

              Cathy licked her lips as she stood back up, still shrinking.  “God, I am turning into such a slut.  I. . . I have to fucking stop this.  I have to. . . to fight.  Fight this, Cathy.”  She moaned as her hands rubbed against her shrinking body.  “But so sensitive.”

              Her eyes widened as her pants fell to the ground.  “Ahhhh!”  She tried to cover herself, her cheeks bright blue, but a few moments later, her panties fell down as well.  “Nooo!”  She watched as everyone grew bigger and bigger.  “Ughh for fucks sake.  This is soo. . . sooo. . . fucking. . . gawd.”

              Andrew took a deep breath as he looked away, clearly turned on.  “You umm. . . you sure you don’t need help?”

              “Yes! I mean, no.”  Cathy held her hand over her mouth as her blouse slowly slid off her body and tried to control the tone of her voice.  “I mean I would lovvvve some help, but I am not sure like how it would. . .”  She moaned as she felt something soft and liquid-like press against her boobs.  “Ughhh. . .”  Her cheeks turned bright red.  “Soo sensitive. . .”  She moved her hips, trying to stay calm.  “Soo. . . I have to. . . why can’t I stay calm.  I am not a slut.”  Her blouse fell onto the table, and now all that covered her blue body was her massive bra.  “My nipples feel so hard, so full.”

              Cathy fell onto the table, her body almost a foot tall.  She crawled forward, leaving her bra behind.  “I. . . I have to fight this.”  She moaned, blueberry juice starting to drip from her nipples and onto some documents beneath her.  “I am better than this.”  She gritted her teeth as she rubbed her right breast.  “But it feels so good.  I am a good blueberry.  Such a good blueberry.”  Andrew giggled.  “And every good blueberry. . . has to. . . has to. . .”

              She stood back up, throwing her tiny arms out wide.  “SWELL!”  Suddenly, Cathy’s breasts swell almost an entire cup size, blueberry juice squirting out of them.  She can’t control herself any longer, squeezing herself as her co-workers look down at her.

              “Miss Iverson.  Stop this at once.  Don’t make me reach down and. . . and. . .”  Her boss struggled for words as her boobs slowly swelled, her juices staining the table.  “You just stop it.  We have a meeting to conduct her.”  He pulled at the collar of his shirt.  “And it’s so fucking hard when you keep. . . keep.”

              She licked her lips and looked at him.  “Just say it!”  She jiggled her boobs about.  “That I am a blueberry slut?”  She moaned as her boobs swelled even bigger, juice dripping from her nipples.  “I am such a bad berry girl.  Ohh fuck.  Ohh.”  Cathy squeezed her breasts.  “Ohh, I just can’t fight it anymore.  You are all staring at me, and this is so wrong. So fucking naughty.  But maybe it’s good to be naughty.”  She blushes, her boobs almost as big as her tiny little chest.  “Ohh fuck yes.  Ohh. . . ohhh baby.  Oh, baby, yes. Oh, baby, yes!”

              Mr. Peterson sighed.  “I think that this meeting is adjourned.”

              “What, why?”  Andrew sighed.  “It’s just getting good.”

              Mr. Peterson pointed at the door.  “Everyone out!  Andrew, you can help the little blueberry to her desk.”

              Andrew reached down and grabbed Cathy, only causing her to moan even louder, her juices spilling onto his hands.  “Ohh god.  I am so sorry and yet I am not.  Ohh. . .”

              He blushed.  “I am. . . this is awkward.”

              “I just keep filling and filling.”  She pleasures herself, forcing the juice out of her nipples.  “I am so fucking full. . .”  As his hands tighten around her, Cathy can’t help but drip juices out of her pussy.  She loves feeling his hands against her tiny skin; she loves being a small little blueberry for him to play with.

              Andrew blushes.  “Well, umm. . . I am happy I can help.”  He rubs her body, causing Cathy to cry out.  “There you go.  Just let it out.”


              He reaches her cubical and sets her on her desk.  “Will you be okay?”  He tries to walk away but stops.  “Well?”

              “Ohh. . . so full. . . can’t stop.  Can’t!” 

              He sits down and watches her.  “I am just going to be here.”  Andrew smiles at her.  “Say if you need anything.”

              Cathy forces a smile through her intense pleasure.  “Thank. . . ohhh. . . . you. . .”  She rubbed her blueberry breasts against the computer.  “Ohh, we have more meetings later, don’t. . . we?”

              Andrew laughed.  “Ya.  You will be the star of the show.”  He patted her on the head.  “The little blueberry star.”

              Her juices squirted out onto her desk as she thought about it.  “Ohh. . . ohhh.  I can’t wait. I can hardly hold in my juices thinking about it.  Just. . . so sensitive.  So wonderful.”  Cathy was slowly learning to accept and love her fate despite what had happened. Maybe she could get others to love it, too.  Cathy fingered her nipples as she wondered what the other meetings would be like.  “Ohh baby.”  Her boobs slowly swelled even bigger as she lost focus.


              “I don’t think I am going to make it.”  She moans.  “I need you. . . so very much Andrew.”  She rubs herself as she looks up at him before another jolt causes her to stumble back, her boobs surging with juice.  “Fuck. . .”  Without thinking, she raises a boob to her lips as she fingers the other, licking the lovely blue liquid with her lips.  “Soo good.  Maybe I could have the big, strong man help me drip even more.”

              Andrew blushed.  “What?”

              Cathy bounced her boobs up and down.  “Carry me to the next meet and. . .”  She suddenly stumbled forward, landing on her massive breasts, juices squirting onto his hands.  “Ohhh. . . so. . . full.”  She giggled.  “I guess I am a bit of a clumsy blueberry.”

              Andrew ran his finger along her back.  “Hey there.”  He pressed down on her gently, causing her to squirm, her juices pouring out onto the table.  “You seem very eager to get to a boring ole meeting.”

              Cathy twisted around and hugged his finger with her breasts.  “I am just so. . . so happy.”  She squeezed her body around his.  “So full and lovable.”

              He smiled.  “I can see that.”  He pressed down on her boobs.  “Don’t worry. The meeting will come soon enough.”  Blueberry juice oozed out of her pussy.  “You can have fun with me in the meantime.”  She rubbed her up and down.  “Now, who is a good blueberry?”

              “I am.”  Ohhh. . .”  She licked her right nipple.  “I. . . ammm!”

              “Now, why don’t you keep ripening for me, hmm?  It’s going to be a long day.  Maybe if you are good and keep producing juices for me, I will carry you to the meeting again as you seem to like.”  He pressed down on her back.  “You can be good right.”  She moaned in response.  “I thought so.”

              Cathy squealed. This wasn’t how she thought the day would go, ,but she wouldn’t have it any other way.”



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