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PoV Blueberry Virus Day 2.

              You wake up in your apartment, your body still bright blue.  “I guess this isn’t going to change that easily.”

              “Good morning, sunshine.”  You gasp as Pam walks into the room with a plate of pancakes.  “How are you doing?”

              You blush, your cheeks turning bright blue. “I am doing fine.  What are you doing here?”

              Pam smiles at you. “Well, a little birdy told me yesterday where she lived, and she didn’t want to be alone in her blueberry condition.”  She winks. It’s okay. I won’t let you swell up that easily.”  Pam hands you the plate of pancakes. Eat up. They are blueberry flavored.”


              “I am kidding.  They are just regular ole pancakes.”  She laughed.  “So, what does a blueberry like you have planned for today?”

              “Work.”  You eat at my wonderful syrupy gift.  “I just hope people don’t freak out.”

              “Need my help, dear?”

              You shake my head.  “I should be fine.  I don’t think I am going to swell up again.  I do thank you for what you did, but I am fine.”  After I finish my breakfast, I throw off my blue bedsheets.  “But thank you for staying with me tonight.”  You sigh as you look at my curvy blue figure.  “Ugh, they are really going to get on me for this.  I can cover my skin but my boobs.”  I rub my sensitive blue babies, a moan escaping my lips.  “And this ass.  I swear if someone tries to say something, I will. . .”  I catch myself.  “I am just going to get through the day.”

              Pam smiles at me while I get dressed.  You make sure to wear a hoodie, thinking back to the lady who had given me this strange blueberry illness.  “Sure, you don’t need any help?  I can at least give you my number in case you have a swelling incident.”

              “I umm. . .”  I shrug.  “I guess.”

              Pam writes the number onto a piece of paper.  “There.  Now you can reach me in case of juicy problems.”  She winks.

              “Okay, okay.”  You turn around, blushing.  “I am sure I will be fine.”


              About a half hour later, you arrive at my office as I try to scurry to my cubicle. “Hey, Sarah,” Alex waves at me. What are you doing in that hoodie? It’s almost eighty degrees.”

              “I just wanted to wear it.”  You pull the hood down around your face, trying to hide.  “Is there anything wrong with that?”

              “Umm, besides the fact that you seem to be hiding?”  As you rush off, Alex scratches at his head.  “Everything alright, Sarah?”  He arches an eyebrow as you hurry out of sight.  “Strange.”

              You finally reach your desk and let out a sigh of relief. “Finally.”  But just as you sit down, you feel your belly rumble.  “Guggle.”  Your eyes shoot open as a familiar sensation shoots through your body. “Not now.”

              But it’s too late; the blueberry virus has taken hold once more.  You moan as you feel your juices churn.  As you remember back to yesterday, you know the only way to stop this is to be juiced, the oh-so-pleasurable sensation of being juiced.  Or the other alternative, the sweet embrace of feeling another against your juicy skin.  “But that would lead to. . .”  You gulp, knowing that you could doom another to this juicy fate.  “No.  No matter how big I get or how much the juice overtakes me, I won’t make someone else into a blueberry.”  You moan as you feel your breasts inch outward.  “I won’t. . .I. . .”  Blueberry juice drips from your nipples.  “So. . . sensitive.  So. . . ughh.”

              You can’t control yourself, standing up as your belly expands outward, your hoodie tightening.  You said you would try to hide this, but the sensations are stronger than yesterday.  “I. . . need. . . juicing.”  You stumble out of your cubical, your ass swelling by the second.”

              “Hey Sarah, . . .”  Alex looks at you.  “Umm, your ass. . .”  He stares at you.  “Why are you moaning?  And why is your. . . belly. . . wait, no, your body?  Why is your body swelling?”

              You throw off your hood, exposing your swollen cheeks. “I need help, Alex.”  You rub your juice-filled boobs.  “Before it’s. . . ughh. . . to late.”  Your ass expands a few inches.”

              He looks at you in confusion.  “What happened to you?  Why the hell are you blue?”

              You take a step closer, your eyes slowly becoming hungry.  “Please.  My juices. . . I can’t resist them.”

              He turns around.  “I am sorry this is too weird for me.”  You raise your arm, but you feel too heavy; your waist is now big and heavy.  “Ugh, what am I going to do?”  You shrug off the thoughts.  “I. . . I need to juice myself.”

              Martha walks into the room.  “Everything okay?  I heard moaning.”  She looks upon you.  “Oh my.  Sarah, you. . .”  She giggles as she smells the blueberries on your skin.  “Wow, you smell a bit. . . wow.”

              “Please. . . help juice me.”

              “Juice you?”  she asks, watching as your skin expands ever outward; your body looks like an overstuffed bean bag chair. “Why should I do that?”

              “Because. . . blueberry. . .”  You moan.  “I am a big, sexy blueberry.”  You fall to your knees, the urges becoming too much to handle as your juices drip from your nipples.  “Oh fuckk!”

              Martha walks up to you, a mix of concern and arousal on her face.  “Hmm, I think I can help.”  She pulls you to your feet and drags you away as your hips swell.  You resist the urge to kiss her, the juices crowding your mind.  “So what does a blueberry like you need?”

              “I. . . no. . . get away. . .”  You moan, your body slowly becoming more and more sensitive as you ripen.  “I might. . . ughh. . .”  You rub your nipple instinctively as the juice drips from it.  “I feel so full. . .”

              Martha drags you into a meeting room and closes the door, locking you inside.  “Full, you say?  Hmm.”  She giggles as you fill up with juice, your pants struggling to contain your juicy growing girth.  “I can see that, but how do I help.”

              Your eyes flash blue.  “Juice me!  Kiss me.”  Your hands are rubbing your right breast.  “Help me ripen!”  You shake your head as the juicy haze passes.  “I umm. . .”

              But Martha is already walking towards you.  “Oh, is that how it is?  You need help you big sexy blueberry?”  You try and back away, knowing full well you could pass this on to her, but your stubby blueberry legs won’t move.  You are just too full, too fat.  But she presses against your big round body anyways, squishing between your boobs as she slips off her top.  “You know I always loved blueberries.  I found them sexy.”  She squeezes your side as your shirt presses tightly against your body.  “Does this happen often?”  She licks your skin.  “Because I could. . . get. . . used to this.”

              Your juicy hormones are taking more and more over as you kiss her back.  Your tiny arms wrap around her, squeezing her between your growing breasts.  But the heat of the moment only makes you swell faster, as if the anticipation of what is to come makes you ripen more.  You now want to be a giant blueberry.  Your belt snaps, and your pants rip.  Your hoodie rips and tears as Martha rubs your body.

              “Yes, Sarah, let it out.”  She squeezes your right breast, blueberry juice squirting onto the floor.  “Let the blueberry out.  I want to see you big and round.”  She kisses you.

              There is a sudden knock at the door.  “Hello?  Who the hell is in there?  We have a fucking meeting.”

              Martha sighs.  “Well, I guess we will have to do this some other time.”  She pushes down on your boobs as if she knows what to do. Juice flows out of you, slowly at first, but soon faster and faster.  But it is exhilarating for you.  You moan at the top of your juicy lungs before Martha puts a hand over your mouth.

              “Quiet.  I know you love it, but they don’t need to hear your juicy orgasm.”  She winks.  You slowly shrink down to a more manageable size, even if you are now in just your bra and panties.  “Now then.  How about you slip out the back, dear? I will get you some clothing in a bit.”  She winks at you again.  “I will help you through this.  Even if I have to become a blueberry myself.” Martha turns around, not knowing the blue juice on her arm is actually her own skin. You have passed this juicy curse onto someone else.



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