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Soapy Growth p2.

             Greg pushed the door open and sighed as Jane’s breasts greeted him.  “Honey, we need to do something about this.”

             “What?” She giggled. “You already sick of the new gigantic me?”

             He crawled over her naked body.  “I mean, it’s been a few days, and I think I want to be able to be able to move through my living room again without a giant ass sitting in it.”

             Jane laughed.  “I thought you liked my giant ass.”

             “But it blocks the television.  We have to do something about this.  Like seriously, it’s been over a week.  I would have thought you would have shrunk down by now.”

             Jane shrugged.  “Well, I haven’t.” She sneered at him.  And I am starting to get a bit sick of this anti-giantess talk, mister.  You love me now, or there will be consequences.”

             He stepped out of the room.  “How?  I just stay out of the living room, and you can’t do a damn thing.”

             She tried to grab him but couldn’t do much with her limbs getting in the way.  “Fucking hell.  Get back here.  I need to teach you a lesson.  Greg. . .”

             He rubbed his hand against the bridge of his nose. “You also have a very crazy size complex.  Just because you are big doesn’t mean you can order other people around.”

             “But I love being big.  And I don’t order other people around.  Just you.” Jane turned her head and stared at the far wall.  “It’s fun, though.  You are my little man.  My little lovable man.  What can I say?  What would I do without you?  Hmm?”  She turned her head.  “Besides, I know you love my big, sexy body.”

             Greg shuddered.  “You are big and sexy, but you can’t stay that way.  You know that.  Besides, I can’t keep buying a week’s worth of food daily for you.”

             Jane shrugged.  “So what?  I have to eat too, you know.  Now get in here so we can have some fun already.” She giggled.  “I am hungry for some lovely meat.” She licked her lips.

             Greg crossed his arms.  “Oh no.  We are getting you out of there today.”

             “And how do you propose we do that?” She tried to move, her body struggling to budge more than a few inches.  “I am stuck in here tight.”

             “I know.  I know.  I bought some more of that soap.”

             Jane’s eyes went wide.  “You want me to get bigger!  Oh, I love you so much!”

             “What, no.  You will destroy the house.” He sighed. “Look, I had to get a value pack as they don’t sell the shrinking soap on its own.  I hope I take the shrinking soap out of the box, as they didn’t mark it, but we should be able to get you out of there while having a good time.”

             “Or you pick the wrong bar of soap, and I grow and grow and grow.” She licked her lips.  “And I am just even more of your lovely giantess girlfriend, baby.”

             Greg shook his head.  “You are big enough, thank you.” He turned around.  “I left the soap in the car.  Look, I am doing this to get you back to normal.  It may be fun but keep that in mind.”

             “Right.  Normal.” She blew him a kiss.  “But when I get bigger, I will reward you.”

             He gulped.  “You won’t get bigger.  I am just saying this now.” He backed out of the room.  “I don’t even know what I would do with you if you started to grow on me.” She hummed to herself while he was gone.  “I wonder how big I am going to get.  Oh, I can’t wait to see how he will do this.” Her body tensed up.  “This is going to be so naughty.”

             A few minutes later, Greg appeared with a bag in his hands. “Okay.  Here is the deal.” He let it drop to the floor.  “If I get the hint you are growing, I am going to switch gears and use the other soap. Got it.” He walked up to her.  “First things first, though, we have to get you wet.”

             She looked down at him.  “Oh, if we want to do that, you have to lose the clothes.  I will not let you do this to me with those things on.” She smiled. “I want to feel you glide across my skin.”

             “I. . .” He blushed. “But this is for your own good.”

             “Make me want it!”

             Greg sighed.  “Fine.  Fine.” He undid the buttons on his jacket. “I guess having some fun won’t be that bad.” He held a spray bottle up in his hand.  “And as for how I am going to get you wet.”


             “What?” He shrugged his shoulders.  “I am not dragging the fucking hose in here.”

             She giggled.  “Aww.  Why not?”

             He gulped.  “Because I—”


             He slammed his foot down as he looked up at her half-naked.  “I am not chicken!” He turned around.  “I will show you.” He stormed out of the house once again.  “Okay, Jane you want to get wet?  I will get you soaked miss giantess.”

             “Oh my.” She giggled, her nipples hardening in anticipation.  “You better work me hard after, mister.” A few minutes later, Greg appeared once more, hose in hand.  “Oh, you are back.  Think you can. . . ohhhhh!”

             “No more words.  Now I am in control.” He used the jet on her breasts.  “Be a good giantess, and I will be gentle.”

             “Ohhh. . . never!”

             He aimed the water at her nipples.  “Not what I want to hear!” Jane moaned.  “Now submit!”


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