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I thought I wasn't going to get this up today because my editing software was doing lol. Anyways enjoy.


             Mandy paced back and forth in the lab. She hated that her co-workers handed this task down to her. Just yesterday, they had done it, captured one of the ladies afflicted with the blueberry virus, and contained her in a cell. But now they had to study the woman to determine why this was happening.

             And for some god-awful reason, it was Mandy’s job to go in there and poke and probe the woman for samples. She had begged, pleaded for someone else to do it. She didn’t want to have some possible exposure and turn into a blueberry like countless others before her. But no, she had to walk in there on her own. Nor could she use one of the hazmat suits as all of them were taken. Apparently, the scaredy cats said in case something happened to her, they would need them.

             Mandy took a deep breath. “You just need a few samples. That is it for today. Besides, the woman is so sedated she can hardly move. What is there to worry about.” She tried to force a smile. “You won’t become a blueberry like the others. Nooooo. Nooooo.” 

She shivered as she forced herself towards the door. “Now come on. 

You can do this.”

             After what felt like an eternity, Mandy forced herself into the next room where the unconscious blueberry woman was waiting. “Can you please untie me? These restraints are really tearing into my juicy skin.”

             Mandy gasped and flattened herself against the wall. “How. . . how are you awake? We gave you enough sedative to put a rhino asleep.”

             The woman laughed. “Oh, that? That just had a strange reaction with my juices. I swelled for a bit, and then everything calmed down.” Mandy noticed the blueberry juice covering the ceiling. “It would have gone a lot better if I wasn’t restrained to this table, you know.”

             “You are restrained so you can’t spread your virus.”

             The berry woman arched an eyebrow. “My virus? What the hell do you mean? I don’t have your fucking virus floating around in me. I am a very all-natural blueberry lady, thank you very much!”


             “And you will call me by my name. It’s Linda.”

             “Umm, okay. Linda.” Mandy scratched at the back of her blonde hair. “I umm. . . how do you know you don’t have a virus? You are blue and all. . .”

             Linda snorted. “Because I know. I have been this way for years. I think I would know if I had some rinky dink virus. You fools have some out-of-control blueberry people for a few weeks, maybe months, and you think it’s some crazy virus. Hah!” Linda shook her head. “Where is your fucking proof, huh?”

             “Wait, what? You have been a blueberry for years?”

             “Decades, to be precise.”

             Mandy flattened herself against the wall once more. “How do I know you didn’t start all of the women in this town turning into blueberries in the first place?”

             Linda narrowed her eyes. “I came here to figure out what was going on and try and put a stop to it. And while I am at it educate people like you. Brats like you are as much of a problem to the world as this possible blueberry virus.”

             “Excuse me!”

             “I said it. You think just because I am a blueberry that there is something wrong with me. I mean, I saw the way you and the others were fucking hiding from me. What do you think, just because I touch you that, you will turn blue or something! Get some sense in that thick head of yours! Sheesh!”

             “I umm. . .”

             “Now get over here and undo these restraints! I swear if I am stuck here one more minute, I am going swell up. I don’t do well tired up.” Linda struggled against the restraints. “This is just like when I was on that fucking plane. I hate it. I fucking hate it; now let me go!”

             Mandy shook her head. “You are not going anywhere until we can prove that you don’t have a virus. And I can’t just take your word at it.” She shivered as she walked over to the table. “So, we have to run some tests. Get some blood samples.”

             Linda narrowed her eyes. “I am not a lab rat. Besides, you do not want my juices.”

             “I said your blood.”

             “It is pretty much the same thing. While my skin is harmless, my juices can easily cause you to swell up with juice yourself, and the only way to get rid of it is to be juiced. I am warning you, don’t do this! Let me go, and I will answer all the questions you want. I will even help you!”

             Mandy shook her head. “Sorry, but we can’t trust you.” She grabbed a syringe. “We can’t take the word of some horny blueberry lady. I saw some of the footage that my colleagues set up in the city. You people are nasty.”

             Linda snorted. “I am anything but horny.”

             Mandy gulps as she holds the syringe over Linda. “The results will speak for themselves.” She plunges the syringe into Linda’s arm, and blueberry juice gushes out as she does so. “What the hell!”

             “I said I don’t do well tied up like this.” Linda’s breasts swell a little. “Now, please untie me. I can’t. . . take this. . .”

             Mandy falls to her feet, her body covered in juice. “Fuck.” The syringe full of blueberry juice falls to the side as she looks up at Linda. “I command you to stop swelling at once.” She gulps as she watches the woman’s belly grow a little. “You hear me!”

             Linda moans. “Please untie me. I can’t take it anymore!”

             Mandy jumps to her feet, unsure of what to do. She has orders to keep the berry woman tied up, but that seems to be causing her to swell. Mandy runs her hands through her golden hair.  “What do I do? What do I do?”  She takes one last look at Linda, whose hips are pressing against her swelling arms. “Fuck it. My cowardly superiors can be angry with me all they want. If they have an issue with this, then they can come in here.”

             Mandy pulled at the restraints, but Linda’s juicy frame almost seemed to seal it tight. “It won’t budge!” She turned around. “I am going to get something to cut it!”

             “Wait, what!”

             Mandy smiled. “If you are cut well, I can just let those juices ooze into a test tube. No big deal.” She was giggling uncomfortably to herself. “No big deal at all.” She began to cut away at the straps. “It’s for science, after all.”

             One step came loose with no trouble, and Linda regained the use of her right arm. “Just don’t you dare cut me.”

             “Oh, don’t worry. I will get my data one way or another.” She worked on the other straps. “Now, hold still. I don’t want you to swell anymore. Ugh!” Mandy removed the strap covering Linda’s belly, only for it to expand and bob around. “Holy crap.”

             “Ahh, I feel a bit better. My juices can flow around a bit.”

             Mandy snorted. “That wasn’t my intent.” She stood up. 

“Now I just need to. . .” She worked on the remaining straps, quickly freeing Linda. “There. 

Now, just sit there and don’t move.” She pointed the knife at Linda. “You hear me?”

             Linda smiled. “Whatever you say. I am just happy you helped me get my juices under control. I do hate being tired up like that after all.” She giggled. “But I may have to return the favor soon.”

             Mandy waved the knife about. “You won’t do anything of the sort. You hear me!”

             Linda put her hands behind her head and leaned back against the wall. “I won’t? 

I guess you will just swell and swell then. I told you not to get my juices on you.”

             “Huh? You are lying.”

             “Look at your hands, hun. Just remember I didn’t touch you.”

             Mandy slowly looked down at her hands and gasped. “Ahhhhh.” She dropped the knife and backed against the far wall as she noticed the blue dots and pulsing blue veins. “What is happening?”

             “You are going to swell into a blueberry. The juices of a berry lady don’t really. . . have the best effects on other people.” Mandy gulped. “I could help you if you don’t want to be a blueberry so bad, but. . .” Linda shrugged. “I don’t know. I have an icky virus and don’t know what I am talking about.”

             Mandy rushed across the room and grabbed Linda by the boobs, leaning against her. “Please. Please tell me what I have to do!”  Guggle. Her eyes widened as she felt a strange pressure inside her chest. “Hurry!”

             Linda snorted. “First things first. You must agree to tell your colleagues that not all blueberry women are bad. And I have to be able to talk to them about this virus thing.”

             “What? I can’t do that! Are you crazy?”

             Linda let Mandy fall to the ground. “Well, then, I guess you are plum out of luck. Enjoy being a juicy blueberry, my friend.” Linda walked over the door, her hips swaying back and forth. “I, on the other hand, am going to find my way out of this strange place and get back to what I came here to do. Trying to figure out what this so-called blueberry virus is and deal with it.” She turned and looked at Mandy. “And then tell idiots like you how to co-exist with blueberries in peace. The last thing we need is crazy fools trying to juice us every day and night.”

             Mandy squeezed her ass as she felt something bubble inside of it, causing her butt to press against her slacks. “Okay, fine, fine, I will set that up. Just fucking make it so I stop swelling!”

             Linda giggled. “Wow, you can’t even take a little bit of it, can you?”

             “This isn’t funny!” Mandy’s face turned bright purple. “I am having a serious reaction here, and you are laughing.”

             Linda leaned against the door. “Oh, just calm down. But you will have to swell a little. I am sorry to say that.”

             “But. . .” Mandy narrowed her eyes as her golden hair turned blue. “You fucking lair!”

             Linda shook her head. “I am not lying it’s just your body needs to adjust a bit before I can help stimulate it and help get those juices working. I have to coax them out of your body. Trust me, it will be one of the most fun experiences in your life.” Linda raised a finger. “But you do need to keep your stress levels down. The more you freak out, the more you will swell. And considering it’s just me and you here, if you get too big, there won’t be much I can do for you. And I doubt your panic stickers buddies will help you.”

             Mandy gulped and began to pace back and forth. “So, you are saying if I swell too big, I might be stuck this way?”

             “Well, yes, because your co-workers are idiots, I am guessing.” Linda walked up to Mandy and put her hand on Mandy’s shoulder. “They would probably have a mental freakout if they saw you like this.”

             “Oh god! I am doomed.” Her boobs suddenly swelled a few inches. “I am fucked. 

Fucked, I say.” Her shirt became stained with blueberry juice. “I need to get out of here.”  Blort.  “But god, I feel so. . . fucking full and juicy.” She rubbed her hips as they slowly stretched out her shirt. “This is all your fucking fault!”

             “I told you I would help you if you just stay fucking calm. The more stressed you become, the faster you swell and the bigger you get!”

             Mandy’s body bubbled. “Stay calm! That is easy for you to fucking say. . .” She took a deep breath, a new sensation filling her body. Everything was becoming so sensitive. “I. . .” She moaned as blueberry juice dripped out of her nipples. “Oh, god’s sake.”

             Linda put her hands on Mandy’s shoulders. “Look, this is very important. Your body is trying to adjust to the blueberry juice surging through you. It will make everything so much more sensitive at first. You can’t give in. Otherwise, you will just swell faster.”

             “I thought you said stress did that!”

             “Well, giving into lust does it as well. But we will talk about this later as it is. . . also a form of getting rid of the juice.” Linda shrugged. “But again, we will table that for now. Just whatever you do, don’t give into any of your thoughts.”

             Mandy moaned. “But I feel so fucking hot. . . and full. . .” She shook her head as her boobs pressed tightly against her shirt. They felt so sensitive, so. . . ripe. She wanted to squeeze them. “Please just let me touch my breasts. They are so fucking hot. If I rub them a little, I can get them to calm down.”

Linda slapped Mandy across the face. “No! Bad blueberry. You want to beat this, so no giving into such horny thoughts.”

             “But. . . I. . .” Mandy rubbed her breasts as they swelled. “They feel soo good.”

             Linda pressed her body against Mandy’s. “God, why do I have to be in this situation. I bet Christen and Rachel are not having such a hard time.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, I am going to make sure you get through this one way or another, as otherwise, I don’t think I am getting out of this room outside of a test tube.” Linda looked at Mandy’s stretching hips. “So, first things first, I have to get you out of these clothes.”

             “Oh, thank god!”

             Linda unbuttoned Mandy. “Just don’t get any ideas. I am doing this so I can more easily juice you.” She removed her shirt. “Though you can keep your pants.”

             “But they are so tight.” Mandy pulled at her slacks as her blue skin poked through the fabric. “Can’t you just unzip them? Maybe pull them down so they don’t. . . ohh. . .”

             Linda removed Mandy’s bra. “That will serve no purpose for the juicing process. Besides, it will help force your juices to where they need to go.”

             “But. . .” Her hands rubbed her breasts. “I just. . .”

             Linda slapped Mandy again. “I said focus.” Mandy blinked her eyes as her massive blue boobs bounced about on her chest. “You are not going to become a giant blue blob on my watch.”

             Mandy moaned. “But. . . I want to ripen up now.” She rubbed her cheek, feeling it plump up. “Maybe you juicing me is a bad thing.”

             Linda wrapped her hands around Mandy’s breasts. “You will be juiced. I am not going to be some blueberry experiment, and I know you don’t want to be one either.” Mandy cried out. “Now, I am sorry that it has to be this way, but extreme times call for extreme juicing methods.” Linda pressed down hard on Mandy’s breasts. She knew that this would only cause Mandy to become more stimulated, but at the same time, it would cause her juices to work their way up and out her breasts. She just hoped she had the strength to force all of the blueberry juice out of Mandy’s system; otherwise, they would believe she was responsible for this virus after all.

             Even so, Mandy’s body struggled with Linda, her hips surging with blueberry juice as Linda forced juice out from Mandy’s nipples. “Come on! Stop fighting me!”

             “I. . . ohh fuck. I am not! But I. . . want to swell.”

             Linda sighed as she tried to keep juicing, more blueberry juice pooling at her feet.  On and on they went, Linda struggling to juice Mandy as her blueberry body tried in vain to swell. The whole process seemed to take hours, each girl not giving in an inch. But finally, Linda juiced out every last drop of blueberry juice from Mandy and lifted the unconscious girl onto the table where Linda had been strapped down just a few hours before. Linda then took a few steps back, her feet ankle-deep in blueberry juice. “Damn girl passed out from the sheer joy I was giving her. I normally wouldn’t have tried to work the breasts so hard, but I just didn’t have a choice.” Linda sighed. “I still don’t know if her breasts will return to their original size, though.”

             Linda backed against a wall and slid down against it. “I just hope this eventually means that I can get out of here without a bunch of crazy people trying to experiment on me.”



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