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Wheel of Change Returns.

             “Hey Betty, look at this.” Alie smiles as she rushes into the living room. “I found this at the pawn shop.

             “Fuck!” Betty slams her hands down on the keyboard. “You know I just died right.” She narrows her green eyes as she turns her head. “You just killed me.”

             “Oh, come now.” Alie sets the strange package down on the table. “You can get beaten up on that silly game some other time. Now, come over here and join me already.” She tossed her jacket to the side. “Seriously, you have to see this.”

             “I do not get beaten up, as you would put it.” She turned her attention back to the monitor. “I kick these people’s asses and send them crying back to their—” Alie grabbed Betty by the shoulder and yanked her from her gaming chair. “Ahhhhh! What do you think you are doing!”

             “We have to play this.”

             Betty crossed her arms as she was forced over to the couch. “I don’t see how a stupid board game will be more interesting than Kill Zone Three.”

             Alie unwrapped her package. “Oh, come now. You don’t want to play Wheel of Change?”

             “Wheel of what now?”

             “Wheel of Change,” Alie giggled. “You spin the wheel, and it changes your reality. Or that is what the salesman said.”

             Betty sighed as she twirled her purple bangs. “Why would they have such a game? 

Who would make anything like this?”

             “Well. . .” Alie sighed. “Apparently, the last owners couldn’t handle it and had to get rid of the game.” She shrugged. “Something about the game being a bit cursed or something. I don’t know.” She giggled. “But the owner of the pawnshop did say that this would cause some fun and crazy things to happen. And the box has a giant lady on it. Can you imagine if that could really happen? If we could really become giants like that?” Betty shrugged. “Come on. Let’s play already.”

             “Okay, I will try it out.” She watched as Alie opened the box. “Strange looking thing, isn’t it?”

             “Yeah, I guess so.” Alie scratched at her head. “Hmm, it didn’t come with any rules. Not sure how we play.”

             Betty set a button down at the start of the board. “Well, if pieces are missing, we can compensate for it.”

             “Oh.” Alie reached into her pocket and pulled out her keys. I guess I can be these,” she giggled. “Umm, well, I think you go first.” She pointed at the wheel in the center. 

“You spin that, and the game is supposed to play itself. Or at least that is what the salesman said.”

             Betty shrugged. “Okay, then.” She bent down and spun the spinner. “But only one turn. You got it?”

             Alie held her hands up. “Fine. One turn.”

             The spinner slowly spun down before stopping. Then Betty’s button moved on its own, moving three spaces on the board. “That is strange. Is it supposed to do that?” Suddenly, green words pierced the air above the board.

             “A journey you have started, but you are not ready to jump into the unknown. Don’t worry; you don’t need to jump, as you can float. Up, up, and away.”

             The words slowly vanished, and the girls looked at each other in confusion. “What was that about?” Alie asked.

             Betty shrugged. “I don’t know.”

             Alie gasped and pointed at Betty. “Oh my god. Betty! Your breasts!”

             “You know it isn’t nice to point like that.” She narrowed her eyes.

             “No, seriously. They are. . . they are. . .”

             “They are what?” Betty looks down and gasps. “What the hell?” She squeezes her boobs, causing them to squeak. “How? What is happening? Like fuck you don’t just swell a cup size like this.” Her eyes widened. “Oh no.”


             Betty jumped to her feet, her hand on her ass. “My butt. . .” She rubbed her rear end. “I can feel it swelling too.” She gulped. “What the hell did this fucking game do?”

             Alie giggles and takes a step back. “You may want to grab onto something.”

             “What do you. . .” Betty’s eyes suddenly darted about. “What the hell? Why am I rising into the air?” she gulped. “Stop this! Alie!” Alie jumped up and grabbed onto Betty’s breasts. “What are you doing?”

             “Trying to keep you from floating away.” she pulled Betty down to the ground. “Wow, you are light. You remind me of one of those giant balloons they have hanging outside of stores.”

             “Just get your hands off of my boobs.”

             Alie rubbed her girlfriend’s big round breasts. “Aww, but don’t you like this?”

             Betty moaned as her boobs stretched out her shirt. “I. . . just tie me down already.”

             “Okay.” She let Betty go, watching as her girlfriend bounced against the ceiling. “I will go get a rope out of the other room.

             “Hurry.” Betty moaned as her boobs and ass pressed tightly against her clothing, her nipples poking through her shirt. “I. . . . everything is so tight.”

             Alie smiled as she reappeared in the room, rope in hand. “Well, I have a great idea of getting you down. If I can just get. . .” She jumped up and tried to grab Betty. “God, why did you have to fly up there?”

             Betty crossed her arms. “It isn’t like I wanted to fill up with air. I didn’t even want to play this damn game. It was your idea, remember.”

             Alie grabbed Betty’s right leg and pulled her down. “Yes, and it’s fun, isn’t it?” she smirked. Now you are really going to like this.”

             “What do you. . .” Betty’s cheeks turned bright red as Allie removed Betty’s shirt. 

“Hey! What are you doing?” She moaned as Alie tied the rope around her boobs, causing Betty’s body to squeak. “Fuck. That is tight.” She reached down and squeezed the couch. “Ohh god! 

Why did they have to swell and become so sensitive?”

             “I know, right?” Alie giggled. “You have some nice G-cup breasts.” She let go, watching as Betty floated up a little bit before the rope caught her.

             “Fuckkk!” Betty squeezed her hips. “That is soo fucking goood!”

             Alie smiled. “Hmm, I think you can stay there until my turn is over.”

             “Ohhh god. Oh god. Oh god.”

             “I will take that as a yes.” Alie looked down at the board. “Now I wonder what will happen to me.” She rubbed her hands together. “This is already worth the fifty bucks.”

             Betty moaned as she looked down at Alie, her big round ass rubbing against the ceiling. “Just. . . be careful. Anything can happen.” She took a deep breath. “And hurry up with your turn. I don’t want to stay up here forever.”

             Alie giggled. “But I thought you were having fun.”

             Betty blushed. “My moans don’t mean a thing. I. . . Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Betty’s face turned bright red as Allie pulled on the rope. “Don’t do that.” She lowered her voice. You might make me leak.”

             “Okay, okay.” Alie turned her attention towards the board. I will focus on my turn.” She spun the spinner. Lady luck, what do you have in store for me?”

             The spinner went round and round before landing on a one. Alie slammed her hands on the ground. “A fucking one?” She watched her piece move. “I can’t believe that is all I get! Lady luck, you have forsaken me!”

             Words appeared in the air once more: “Your secret thoughts are laid bare, your secret thoughts you must confront. A shame you feel will now be addressed, but as you change, will you grow into the new you, or will it all be too much to bear?”


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