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Blueberry Special.

             You wake up in your house, tied to your chair. You blink your eyes, trying to remember what had happened.  How had you been knocked out?  How did you become tied up?  And why was there a piece of blueberry pie sitting in front of you?

             Suddenly, your girlfriend steps into the doorway. “Oh, so you finally wake up?” she giggles.  “Good.”  She saunters over to you.  You notice she is wearing a black leather outfit, her breasts jiggling.

             “What is going on?”

             She grabs the pie and sits on your lap.  “Oh, I just. . . I just couldn’t take it anymore.” She leans against you, her breasts pressing down against your body.  “You do know that you insulted my cooking again.”  She sighs.  “And I can’t just let it slide this time.”  She smiles. “So, I thought I would do something.” Katty arches an eyebrow.  “I hope you like blueberries.”

             You have no idea what she means as she lifts the pie to your mouth.  It tastes wonderful.  Katty rubs her hand against you as she lets you take another bite.  “That is, it, darling.”  She touches you on the nose.  “Go ahead.”

             As she gives you another piece, you start to feel funny.  The rope around you starts to feel tighter.  You look down and notice your arms are now bright blue.  You try to turn away, realizing that the pie is doing something strange to you, but Katty pulls you in with a kiss.  “Come now, my dear.”  She rubs her breasts against you.  “There is nothing to be afraid my little blueberry.”  You feel warm.  “Won’t you juice up for me?”

             You are putty in her hands, and you eat another piece willingly.  You can feel your belly start to tighten and bubble as Katty kisses you.  A blueberry.  That is what she called you.  You look down at your body once more, seeing your ass swell and press tightly against the chair.  Would it be so bad to be a blueberry?  So full of juice?  So big? Maybe not if Katty was there to be there for you.

             Katty feeds you another piece of the pie.  You can feel your breasts tense up as the juices surge through you.  Your body presses tightly against the ropes, and you wonder how long they will hold your frame back.  You can feel them loosen by the second, your folds inching out between the seams. Maybe it was a bad idea to eat this much pie.  You can feel your legs spreading apart beneath you and your pants ripping.  Just how big are you going to get?”

             “Such a cute blueberry?”  Katty licks your neck.  “But you still haven’t broken free, have you?”  She squeezes your right breast, causing it to tense up.  “I guess you will have to finish your pie, won’t you?  You have so much more to grow now, don’t you, dear?”

             Katty sticks her tongue down your throat, removing any resistance you might have had.  You will become the biggest blueberry ever for her.  You gladly eat the rest of the pie, feeling the juices bubble about inside of you.  Suddenly the rope snaps, your shirt rips, and your belly bounce about, causing your boobs to jiggle as they swell.  Katty flies into the air before landing on your belly.  “Oops.”  She giggles as she rubs your giant breasts.  “Looks like I forgot to put your bra back on.”  She licks the blueberry juice from your nipples as your boobs swell more, pressing against her body.


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