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Behind him only debris and echoes of his cut breath...

Silence... only silence...

And nothing else...

He was so scared. He looked around if somebody else got able to escape.

No... nobody else did it.

Desolated and devastated for his lost, Bambi looked the sky. The light looks far away; it looks like is moving.
He really wanted to scream, but he couldn´t. His mouth was full of ashes.
He wanted to cry, but his eyes was full of dust.
He wanted to run, but he couldn´t see the ground.
A courtain of haze passed slowly for the ground, and slowly was covering the restes of the death trees.

Bambi entered in panic. He has one thing in mind: follow the light.


- We should help him. - Said Mune.
- This is a memory, we cannot change it. - Replied Cheshire. - Create false memories can cause a false image of reality, like a broken mirror it deform our face and, with the time, you will asume is real and you will try to change something it is not broken.
- I though Bambi was traveling on his dreams to get out.
- He is not trying yet, he is just repeating a tragic past... but this is strange.
- What is it?
- It doesn´t looks like is his memory. Is like another put that idea on his mind.
- How is that possible?
- That is the corruption I want to find.
- So what we should do?
- Wait until something happen, and then, when he stop to dream, I will convince him of get of that mental prison.
- And how will you notice it?
- Oh blue boy. Observe, learn, and react.

They continued watching the dream of the cervine. And everything was getting more and more darker.

Bambi lost the hope...



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