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A shining light! A blazing blast, a flash burning and consuming everything!

A hell on the earth.

- Come on son, we are almost there! - Screamed an adult who was with his boy.
- Father, I cannot walk anymore. - Replied the cervine exausted and morally defeated.
- Yes you can, Come on, there is not time to waste!

The fire surrounded the father and son. The flames were on their feet! The old deer with instinct of survive taked his boy and carrying him on his back.

- I am scared! - yelled the cervine.
- Hang on! - And his father started to run finding a way to get out on the maze of fire.

"The sky is closed" . The Great prince said for himself on his mind. "Is impossible difference the light of the day with the flash of the fire".

He is lost, up and down is the same, left and right there is not difference. Go to nowhere; he cannot stop and wait.

The trees started to fall, cracking envolved on fire. And like ancient giants screaming in agony smashed the earth crushing any poor creature is on their way.

Ashes and dust bloomed on the air, consuming the oxigen and fullying it of pestilence. Their eyes started to suffer, blurrering the reality. The old deer started to feel dizzy, confused, like a stranger on an unknown land.

- Watch your steps. - Said the small prince.
- I know, my son, I know. - Replied the Great Prince. - Just... I cannot reconize the forest.
- We should follow the light.
- The light?
- I can see a light in front of us.
- we can get it.

And his father started to walk quickly. The fire is behind of they hurting their hooves and sometimes burning a bit their skin and fur. Then... A scream, somebody is calling for help!

- Bambi, come, help me! - Implored a voice.
- I think I know who is him. - the cervine reacted and tried to find the origin of the voice, but only was fire everywhere. - Where are you?
- Please Bambi come, help me! Help me to out of here! - Insisted a voice, sounded now desesperated.
- Father! I think is R...
- Don´t look my son! - Screamed his father. - We cannot help him.

The fire rised furiously, and the voice transformed into screams of terror. The sound of the flames consuming everything drowned the agony of the poor victim.

The son cried without consolation, his eyes were full of tears and ash. His father claimed to Heaven to find a way to get out. And then, the land trembled, he lost the balance and fell dropping his son on the ground.

- Stand up Bambi! - Shouted the Great Prince. - Stand up and leave!
- Father, we can get it. - The cervine replied. - Come on father.
- No my son. - Then Bambi discovered with horror what is going on. His father broken on the fell his hooves of his left leg, caused on him a great pain.
- Go my son, the exit is almost there.
- I don´t want to leave you! Not you! - Bambi hugged his father crying.
- You must leave! you must live!
- Dad, no!
- I love you so much, my son. Go now.

The fire turned into a tornado on their heads, and the heat separated father and son. The Great Prince with amaze looked his horns on fire.

- Run away Bambi! Don´t look behind! -  And then Bambi started to run horrorized to the light. When he noticed he leaved his father to his fate it was too late to say "goodbye daddy".

A fire wall rised behind him and then all collapsed on a huge cloud of smoke, dust and ashes.

Behind him only debris and echos of his cut breath...

Silence... only silence...

And nothing else...
