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On the dark and stretch hallways... there is only forsaken and misery. Nobody remember they. On empty rooms, they await the redemption. Maybe will never happen.

Four souls and a shadow on a single quest. The animals were for behind, and the black smoke was guiding the way, and with his hand touching the walls was guiding himself. "I can feel the corruption". - Cheshire said. - "The corruption of madness".

"I only I can feel sadness".- Mune replied. - "There is not light".

"Sometimes, the light is useless, sometimes it show us the worse"

"It´s true, but for cure our mistakes, we need see first see it in the light".

"But the cost can be high... it is worth?"

"Yes, it is worth". - Interrumped Slade. - That is what we made in my company of heroes. My mistakes were too high. But we saved the world.

"At least... for a short time". - Concluyed Cheshire.

The shadow stopped. - "There is one". And then Slade proceded to open the lock of the door.

Inside was wet. It was a warm room. There was an amphibian creature, trapped, impossible of get out for himself.

"Who are you?" - Mune said. - "And... what are you?" - Slade continued.

"My name is Duam Lua, and I am a Mon Calamari. I has been captured for the empire. I have important information to the rebels. I need get out for concluye my mission..."

Cheshire laughed of him. - "Do you really think will you end your mission?" - "I must". - Duam said a bit upset.- "I cannot fail the rebellion".

"You already failed yourself". - Cheshire proceded while was checking the cell. - "How long are you here?" - The mon calamari don´t responded. - "That´s right. You have not idea, why? because you are already death". - Only the sound of the chains and the deep breath of Duam Lua are enough loud for destroy the silence caused that sentence. - "How did you failed yourself?" - Cheshire proceded.- Look at you. You cannot identify yourself what are you... and your proud killed you when you considered yourself important. The empire don´t trapped you, it was you".

"So, is worth?" - Asked the shadow. - "Not for our quest". - Cheshire replied. - Give him one year for think about it, and I will consider it.

Duam Lua watched in silence how all leaved the room except Cheshire. Mune watched him for last time and he said: "I trust in you, I know you will find the way to get out for yourself". - Mune leaved.

"Please... I need get out. I cannot alone trapped here for the eternity. I can´t with this". - Insisted the mon calamari.

"Yes you can, but you didn´t find the answer yet because you think is impossible." - Responded Cheshire.

Then he proceded to the exist. However he stopped and he laughed. He concluyed the conversation with a grim sentence and for Duam Lua mean a lot:

"Use the Force".

His steps sounds far... Now there is only silence.

"I... I will". - Said Duam Lua for himself.

The door was closed, but not locked with key...




Oh no, the Mon Calamari is stuck when will he get out? Shame. He's a valuable member to the rebels. Maybe not the team though. interesting you decided on a cloaca for their anatomy. First for you I believe.


Cloaca? no, is not the first time. For this character I am using this design... since the first design. One day he will get out, one day for sure. :v