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On the dark and stretch hallways, Slade guided the way. Mune and Cheshire followed him by behind. The way showed a large and infinite road, and with it many doors. Many of those locked, others open but empty, and others with not exit, but with small windows were appear small eyes watching in the darkness.

Mune felt a deep sadness, he as a happy creature remember the day Necross stoled the moon and the sun.

Cheshire aproached to him: "I know your minds... And no, this is much worse. Necross found the redemption on death, but here their habitants are every time, and every moment agonizing for eternity waiting for, perhaps, salvation".

Slade stopped and stand up next to a door. "Alright, here is the first door".- Slade said. Suddenly, a black cloud with red bright eyes appeared by the door:

- "What are you looking for?" - the shadow speaked and then Cheshire approached to respond: "We are looking for a cat who lost the way before to reach the cross of south". - The shadow don´t responded. In silence he searched on the wall a hole, and there got a key: a big and rusty key.

And then, the shadow giving the key to Slade he exclaimed: "You may not like what is inside. On life and death we search things, but we find things we don´t want, and sometimes we keep it with us. Remember, only you can open the doors with this key, and with it carry the consecuences of what is inside of it". Slade taked the key and open the door.

The shadow was the first on enter. Inside there is a cat with the number 19-GB.

"Who are you?" - Said Mune. The orange cat after to get out a large sigh he finally speaked:

- "I was a laboratory animal. To this day, every time I see a test tube... I throw up. I evaded many times the disection. I escaped. I become on a monster; and here I am. I have no more memories".

- "You never leaved the laboratory". - Replied Cheshire. - "The world is a very big laboratory, and to the death, you were always the lab animal. He is of no use to us. We must continue".

- "Wait!" - the orange cat replied. - "I can help, please don´t leave me here, I cannot rest". - "Such an animal with that pain and hate on his soul cannot be useful for our quest". - Said Cheshire.

- "But I know where are they!" - the cat insisted. - I will tell you where is the exit of your quest. Let me get out at least for a small time.

Nobody speaked. Everybody was in silence, and then, the shadow spoke: "You are not ready to leave, but I will give you the oportunity for see what you must do. After it, you will back to your prison.

"Yes, I accept". The orange cat stand up.

All continued walking on the dark and stretch hallways...




poor mindless lab cat. Maybe they have a skill that isn't revealed yet.