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Now Skippy wearing almost nothing on a sea of... nowhere.  :v




I dont see a whole lot of difference between the variants. I think I like the 3rd one in the organization most. It's a little brighter on his fur and seems more balanced overall through out the photo. Which reminds me, how come you post so many variants with slight changes? I appreciate the swimsuit addition too. Cause this might be a first (or maybe not) with Skippy. He's one of my other favorites of the characters you draw. Now if only we could get one w/o the dang speedo. Need Ronno here to pull it off for us.


I don´t know, I can´t decide which one looks better, that is why I make many variants, I am crazy. xD Mmm I could remove his speedo only if he is a but more older. But I am working on it, I am making some works for make him maybe of 15 years old or more older. Ronno should wait. xD