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Well Skippy won this time, and here is paceful on the middle of... nowhere. XD




He always looks like a doofus to me. Not a jab aimed at how you draw him. But he just seems a bit goofy with his design. Just wears a blue shirt and a rope for a belt. If I could compare his appearance to Eeyor's personality that's my thought process. He just tags along in the story, mostly, and seems a lot like the "Goofy" doofus of Robin hood. I do like him a lot though. Cause he's a cute little likable guy. I enjoy your process too. Choosing to make an alternate atire this time around.


I like Skippy´s design, but the outfit is ugly, the blue color selection is not the best and combined with the Robin Hood´s hat... damn those colors! xD I´d like change his outfit, on any case on green should looks better than this tone of blue, if is blue I´d prefered another tone because this one makes him looks... sad? Skippy is a strange character, is nice and cute, but is a 70´s kid. xD