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I designed a bunch of Pokemon cosplays and one Digimon cosplay yesterday! (except Magneton which I had designed before). Vote on your faves! (or comment if there is more than one fave.) I'll probably end up doing most of these but curious to know which designs are your favorites. I also designed a Bruno from Jojos genderbend cosplay I'll show you guys soon too.

Also, I've had COVID the past week! No, I didn't get it from Holmat, I got it from a friend who got it from work. My symptoms aren't super severe but I've been sleeping A LOT, but I've been behind the scenes productive. I designed a new Mario cosplay and sewed it, fixed up my Sailor Jupiter cosplay that I just finished halfassedly for Holmat, and ALMOST finished my Butterfly cosplay but fucked up and ran out of fabric and had to order more. (this never happens to me) T_T I'll post pics of my Mario progress tomorrow. Also I haven't sent out Nov and Dec sets, but Nov for sure gets Meg, and Dec gets Naruto + Rudolph. Need to shoot one more cosplay for Nov, and a bunch of lewd looks, I might do 2 casual lingerie looks and 2 cosplay lingerie looks just to get caught up. :)


Toporkov Anton

Went with Blastoise cause he's my favorite, but Meowth too cause im really digging the color scheme. Not sure if the skirt works with it tough, maybe instead a belt with his forehead "lucky coins" instead, kind of like a belly dancer's thing that has many of them "chainmailed" together?


I want to use the skirt. Was not asking for critique constructive or no! ;) Thanks for the input tho

Toporkov Anton

Sorry didnt mean it negatively, guess its an old cosplayer habit of throwing ideas around among friends. Looking forward to the final result in any case, i know you'll smash something awesome at the end.

Jorge Gomez

Gatomon isn’t a Pokémon, but I still vote for it.