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WITH side-aim ,need XM2010 SE v4.0 ,  must  use MCM HOTKEY, Game version, must be 1.10.114 - 1.10.163

default fov is 80

2021.11.22 v1.33 update:

fix : When you get off the Vertibird, the sights(AOCG Scope) can't auto-zoom

2021.11.3 v1.3 update:

1. add 17.0" factory Barrel 

2. add skin: Volcano(SE)

3. add Bright Dot(like FARCRY6 , Cod Laser Dot) , you can find in workbench : [Rail Laser] Laser Sight: ON - Bright Dot

4. fix: the long-scopes has no upper cover(when you aiming)

2021.10.24 v1.2 update:

1. Add tactical reload patch(need : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49444)

2. (if [tactical reload] not installed) Add 2 kinds of animation Mags ,you can selecte on the weapon workbench

3. add [ Laser Sight : On - Off , Only Dot , Only Beam ] Options, on the weapons workbench

4. Remake the [side-aim position] of the long scope(Laser assisted increases hip-fire)

2021.1.24 Beta v0.99.2 update:

0. fix small defects of gun body texture

1. Acog Hybrid switch Sight (for SE) (Up and down Sight switching )

2. add 2 skins (for SE): (You can also switch skin with my latest Q.M.W)

[AX50 むすめMusume](Nijigen style) , 

[Toekap boa](Animated texturing)

2020.12.28 Beta v0.99 update:

add Inspect weapon action(You can also use "One-key Inspect weapons" switch )

2020.12.23 Beta v0.99 update:

1. Modify Sound of [Stock and shoulder collision]

2. add GrenadeThrow, MineThrow animation

3. add patch : No rotation camera , (when you use remote scope side-aim) (optional patch)

4. Optimize Reload/EquipFast/UnEquip animation, and add cloth friction sound, Mag impact sound

2020.9.2 Beta v0.99 update:

1. add skin : White Tiger(for Special Edition)

2. add  Check Watch action :  Time and Survival-Status displayed as UI

(you can find HOTKEY,in MCM..     Support all weapons  !!!!!!!  )

2020.8.14 Beta v0.98 update:

1. add skin : First Blood(for Special Edition)

2. add Attachment : [Rail].Top LaserSight[Green]

3. fix skin [Topo] of Barrel Ported

4. fix firelight position when you fire

2020.7.31 Beta v0.97 update:

1. add [iRam Optics scope] without red tape

2. add skin : Topo

3. Modify the sound effect of Pulling bolt

2020.7.19 Beta v0.96 update:

1. Ported Barrel add SKIN for [Ghillie Wrap]

2. 1st Add animation at the end of reload animation 

3. add a NO LL Patch(delete Leveled Lists)

2020.7.13 Beta v0.95 update :

1. Fix the muzzle firelight when you fire

2. Fix that there is no bolt pushing sound when you closing the scope quickly after opening the scope to fire

3. Optimize the Textures.ba2

2020.7.11 Beta v0.94 update :

1. Compatible with [classic holstered swords system] mod, fix muzzle position

2. 3rd Reload: add sound for [Drop the magazine to the ground] 

3. fix powerArmor action

4. Optimize 1st  bolt action ,

5. add chinese language .patch

6. Fix an environment map 

2020.7.10  beta v0.92 update :

add fov 90,100 patch


05xa.es.1.33(2021.11.22.update) - Google Drive



Guys how do i install this??


is there a horizon patch somewhere?


where's the xm2010 Special edition link?


The Side-aim doesn't work even with XM2010 SE v3.7


Works ok for me. Be sure to use the right one as in XM2010 there are 2 options for alt aim


dont 't use acog ,,,acog can't side-aim , Except for ACOG, all the others can be switched


dont 't use acog ,,,acog can't side-aim , Except for ACOG, all the others can be switched


So you, check your xm2010 is 3.7??? AX50 ,you use SE? And do you install the f4se complete


If your xm2010 can't switch side-aim, then I think there may be something wrong with your installation. Because ax50 is based on xm2010


I download the XM2010 SE v3.7 from here and yes i'm using F4SE


I don't really like using the HotKey for something like this, since i'm using a controller to switch Sight. I kind of prefer using the chem/aid to switch sights


using the chem/aid to switch sights?????, but ax50 no chem/aid .


Like how you change sight when you have the Red dot Sight on the XM2010, you use a item or whatever to change it. I say its a chem/aid thing because the item to change Sight is there


Working perfectly. Thanks for another amazing mod.


This might be a sorta weird question, but what is the UI font you seem to usually be using? It's looks really good.

DJ Klassick

works perfect Tooun, thanks :)


Quick question, i found these Misc. pendant's but i have no clue how to equip them. My AX50 comes without a pendant :o They also dont appear as a option in the workbench/chem station








all is functioning well but where can i find the wristwear?


SE Ver, have wetness bug https://ibb.co/dby6ZwT


Stupid question, but what does "LL" stand for? I forgot. In the "NO_LL.Patch" file. EDIT: It means leveled list, I remember.


am i the only one who couldn't get the ax50 to work?


Thanks for the amazing gun but could you please add a patch for AX50 and XM2010 so that it doesn't take too long when you use hot keys to switch sights or open wheel menu. Your weapons seem to cause a delay in the script when performing these actions.


Hi, I use to use your AX50 se about a year ago and it worked fine. But I can't seem to get it to work now with the updated version. I can't seem to get your ammoui with the NV animations to work either. Perhaps I am just dumb, thank you for your time.


I retract my statement before, I was just really dumb and was installing the entire folder into my mod manager instead of taking out individual files and putting those in the manager instead.


I have both special editions but cant add a side aim sight to the AX 50, I have f4se installed correctly.


add a side aim sight??? ax50 no right sight...only right side-aim .. you can install laser


And make sure that “there is no mod in your mod list that conflicts with the f4se script.”


For example, there is a script file "scriptobject. PEX" in the mod of HK416. This file conflicts with f4se. It uses the same file name.. F4se will not work properly. Be sure to forbid or delete Other mods cannot have any conflict with f4se script.


Hi Tooun, first off amazing mod ! Just a quick thing for me, whenever i switch to a long range scope it zooms in really odly. like See trough scope is not even working i only see the cross hair fromthe scope. FOV problem ? or do you have any fixes for that ?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-25 13:53:32 the textures of skins on my ax-50 seem very pixelated even on ultra if any one has ideas how to fix this please let me know thanks <3
2021-09-16 04:26:43 the textures of skins on my ax-50 seem very pixelated even on ultra if any one has ideas how to fix this please let me know thanks <3

the textures of skins on my ax-50 seem very pixelated even on ultra if any one has ideas how to fix this please let me know thanks <3


with AX50 SE v1.21 ver side aim wont work with long range scope (iram optics) its bug or intended?


i've downloaded this AX50 plus updates and the skin s for it are there but they dont equip?


Siede Aim wont work