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Shelly Sanders is a Middle School English Teacher. She loves her job and finds it very fulfilling to know she helps her students to prepare for life's challenges. She is good at what she does and wouldn't change professions for anything. To meet her in the school you would find her sweet, Charming and even innocent in many ways. however she does have a darker side to her. She's rather good at seducing her students parents. She has been know to get quite flirty with Fathers of her students. She has even managed to lure some into an affair or two. She has not been caught yet as she covers her tracks very well. Recently she met one of her new students parents during a Parent teacher meeting one Friday evening in her classroom. the students parents sat on either side of her as they went over their sons progress. During the meeting the Mr. Smith and Miss Sanders exchanged some intresting glances until he finally put his had on her knee under the table. Miss Sanders attracted to him discreetly so his wife wouldn't notice spread her legs for him so he could touch her. but to her surprise a hand from the other side of the table came in for the touch. Mrs. Smiths hand was there. She looked at both of them startled and speechless for the first time in a long time. And for the very first time actually felt attracted to a woman as she smiled at Mrs. Smith.

What should she do now? Should she give in to their advances, or brush it off?

You guys decide this one.



Norbert Eisner

super scene. But i see only a sitting Miss. Sanders.


Yes this post was just her character, the scene itself is being written.