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After being dumped on prom night. Jessica's Dad set up a surprise date for them to get her mind off of Nathan. A nice dinner and a little wine compels Jessica to confront her dad about the Pictures she found in his office a few months ago. As her dad confessed his feelings, Jessica had a confession of her own.

I was super excited to get this one done. I had to alter it a little, the way I was originally going to do it made it far to big and complex. I am having a weird issue with clothing, I thing its a timeline triggering thing. sometimes the cloths are there sometime they aren't. but I'm not putting this off any longer, you guys have been more then patient with me and I want to get things out. Sooooo. if in the second scene when they are at the table they are naked...Pretend they have cloths on lol. at least until I figure out why I am having this issue. it happens with any clothing, even the cum cloth pieces. 

Even tho I altered the scene a bit the story remain the same, and I feel like this is one of the hottest and most erotic scenes to date. but I also have a soft spot for Jessica. she's so pretty in this one.

Anyways enjoy I now need to finish Midnight visitor based on the poll votes currently tabulated. 

Let me know of any issues and as always all dependencies are packed with the scene.

You can get it now here  select the proton link.




Oh and may I suggest considering doing the poll over again after each completed scene. Before starting the next. I think we all really want everything. Which of course can't happen. But gives us a chance to give it more of a think as the list gets smaller.


Thanks for the feed back, ya that clothing issue is a major pain in the ass. I did use eleven labs for Jessica and her dad and I used replica for the narrator ( I'm just using up the time I have left in that one because it kinda sucks) this time, what I did do was voice clone a daughter's whisper clip which gave me the ability to use her voice for dialog as Jessica, which worked almost flawlessy. I did however have to blend some of the dialog with the old clip for the sex sounds, but it's getting better. Will definatly be using eleven labs for characters going forward. I will try that alpha option in the clothing, what I have been doing is hiding and unhiding materials which appeared to work but now this issue has surfaced, it's always something with VAM lol.