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***Update*** Completed 

(Note Animation and sound sync are the same as a daughters whisper, I have spent hours trying to adjust animation speed to match audio, only thing I can suggest is to make adjustments based on your systems performance and save it. I simply cannot define a setting that will work on all systems at this time.) 

I have made some major progress with timeline though, that may help going forward. Lolita and Sheena's wedding night will be scenes that will be using timeline for some animations.

Thought this was an interesting concept, you go for relationship help for your foot fetish and your therapist gets a little too personal and intimate during your sessions. which is why you keep going back lol.

Shout out to Goddess Valora -  She's soo hott

Check her out and support her her if you like her.





Is this broken for anyone else? On scene 1 the animation stops towards the end. On scene 2 the volume of her speaking is far too low to hear her. Havent gone into the other scenes yet. I have the latest version of VAM.


Cool idea 88, I found a workaround so dont dig too deep.


OH crap i may have forgot to loop the opening animation, i will check it when i get home, sorry bro, ill look into the audio volume as well, when i am creaing scenes i have the volume turned down so the wife dosent hear a ton of moaning and stuff from my office lol, and sometimes i forget to restore normal volumes, that can be adjusted in the head audio of the character if you need a quick fix immediately.


A workaround for audio sync?? man if you know a fix for that PLEASE let me know i have several other scenes i want to do in this style but get so frustrated with audio syncing issues.