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Over the ten long years in which the Drawing Circus traveled the UK never had we posed in such an opulent venue as the Music Room of Brighton's Royal Pavilion. With respect to the antique carpets the conservators prohibited the sharpening of pencils in the Music Room, requiring us to employ a team or runners who on seeing a blunt pencil raised aloft would dash forth, take the pencil and leave the room to sharpen it, before returning it to the artist. This first set of Drawing Circus photos can be downloaded via the link below - a collection of costumed figures, portraits and costumed tableau shot by Nicolas Brekespeare, Mary Martin and Seqouia Ziff. Thom Novi also captured the night in this short film, if you would like some context for your drawings. Please feel free to use them to make work from, following the guidelines below. 


Guidelines for using the photographs

Please do:

  • Download these pictures to your own computers and devices

  • Use the pictures to draw, paint, print and sculpt from, being as realistic or creative as you like

  • Share the artwork you’ve made with us and the world - in books, in exhibitions, on social media, or on your fridge

  • Tag us in work you make (@drawbrighton / #drawbrighton) – you don’t have to, but we love to see what you’ve made!

Please don't:

  • Share these pictures with anybody else – they are between you and us

  • Share the photos themselves online – thanks for respecting our models’ privacy

  • Edit the photo files themselves for artwork – we want to see original work you’ve made 


Photo by Sequoia Ziff
Photo by Sequoia Ziff


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