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Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, but leave your questions here and I'll be back on Thursday to choose and answer them all! :)



So "The Last Jedi" seems to refer to *plural* jedi when you see the titles in other languages. Would your speculation changes in the light of this revelation? <a href="http://io9.gizmodo.com/star-wars-the-last-jedi-is-totally-plural-if-youre-bi-1792473880" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://io9.gizmodo.com/star-wars-the-last-jedi-is-totally-plural-if-youre-bi-1792473880</a>


How come Thane Kyrell didn't know about the Death Star weapons test until the destruction of Alderaan? He should have been on board during the tests seen in Rogue One. Have I missed something or is this a new plot hole?

Rena Nox

Just like the question the other person asked about Ciena, its seems that they both arrived in between the battle of Scarif and the Blowing up of Alderaan in the book. So they were not there when Scarif or Jehda occured.