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Crap! I totally forgot to post the Q&A thread over the holiday weekend! Sorry about that, but I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe Memorial Day! Leave your questions here!



Have you been able to figure out the placement of Heir to the Jedi and Weapon of a Jedi in the Canon timeline? I'm wondering if you think they take place before, after or during the first few volumes of the Marvel Star Wars and Darth Vader Comics?


They take place before the comics, apparently. I believe Heir to the Jedi is first and then Weapon of a Jedi. That area of the canon is kind of crowded right now.


Is it known if Snock is a force user or force sensitive?


Just adding my opinion into this; in the current canon we have so far it inst really confirmed anywhere factually. It is open to speculation that he maybe perhaps based off material out of the aftermath series; how Palpatine believed the source of the dark side was in the unknown regions, this may potentially be alluding to Snoke. Also in the Thrawn novel, Thrawn mentions an evil in the unknown regions - perhaps this is also alluding to Snoke