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Here's what's coming up for Star Wars Explained in June! As always, I might shift around release dates, but this is the plan for now!


Star Wars Explained Schedule

Sheet1 6/ 4/ 2017, How to Make a Holocron 6/ 5/ 2017, Blade Squadron 6/ 6/ 2017, Nightsisters 6/ 7/ 2017, Madclaws 6/ 8/ 2017, What Vader Did After ROTS 6/ 9/ 2017, Manaan/ Selkath 6/ 10/ 2017, Q& A 6/ 11/ 2017, How to Survive on Jakku 6/ 12/ 2017, Maz' s Castle 6/ 13/ 2017, Lightsaber...


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