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Hey everyone! This post is to announce that I have made some changes, and hopefully you all see them as improvements, to the milestones on Patreon. I've been trying to brainstorm more things that I can do for you guys that will be special for you, since you've all been so amazing in supporting Star Wars Explained. So we are going to start doing audio commentaries for all the movies! And you can download the first one RIGHT NOW!

If you look through the new goals we will be putting out the commentaries pretty frequently as we continue to grow. I set them in a certain order, but I will probably send out a poll every time to see what you guys want to hear next.

And yeah. We'll be doing the Holiday Special. Eventually.

If you give this, please let us know what you thought of it! We've never done one of these before, so we need feedback to make sure these are something you get excited about hearing!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your continued support. It means the world to both me and Mollie! You guys are awesome! Thanks for reading, and may the Force be with you!


Rogue One Commentary.mp3


Tichael Murner

Commentary was great to listen to while I was at work! Bigg's commentary was appreciated as well while he snored in the background. :P It'd be great to hear a regular podcast from Mollie and you!

Kenny Teeology

Legends history of Rogue One: Knowing that the Alliance's only chance lay in obtaining a copy of the station's blueprints and analyzing them for vulnerabilities, Bail Organa and Mon Mothma set up multiple plans for the capture operation. Toprawan rebels, in a raid on a space convoy, stole most of the technical information before it could be transferred to the Imperial Information Center. On Danuta, an untested Alliance agent and former stormtrooper officer named Kyle Katarn broke into an Imperial facility and made off with another set of plans. When combined, the two readouts formed a complete schematic of the Death Star from pole to pole. But Imperial Intelligence learned of the leak. Star Destroyers blockaded the Toprawa system while stormtroopers moved in to crush the Rebels and recover the plans. The Alliance's only hope was a risky in-system data transmission. Princess Leia Organa, adopted daughter of Bail Organa, arrived in the Toprawa system under cover of diplomatic immunity. Her consular ship Tantive IV intercepted the Death Star plans and vanished into hyperspace. Tragically, the Rebels on Toprawa-led by Commander Bria Tharen and Red Hand Squadron-were all killed. With the Empire's secret weapon exposed, Darth Vader pursued the fleeing princess in the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator. He vowed to retrieve the stolen information, at any cost.