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Everything became a bubble-blinding blur for Cody, as the giantess efficiently re-angled the tool every which way to dig her slave’s transformed features into each saliva-drenched nook and cranny of her unbearably muggy maw. Whether she was abrading him as tough as she could against a pesky spot of food-gunk texture to polish it clear, or softening the ride for a moment to rake some bacterial residue off her damp taste buds, every juncture was bitterly painful for Cody. Not to mention a challenge just to breathe, because despite getting a cloyingly-sharp taste of that minty paste, it was soon covered up by the stagnant omnipresent haze of morning breath stink Kayla needed to scour away. The rustling bristles hurt his ears, the liquefied light-green paste burned in his eyes, and the diminutive mound of his face itself took on such a bruising full-brunt assault as she glided him harshly along her teeth that the stalks of the brush might as well not have been there at all to separate him from her hardy grin.

Then at long last, the giantess collected a sweltering wad of syrupy saliva and melted-down toothpaste between her cheeks – briefly entrapping Cody’s under-bristle face at the center of it, as if teasing how easily she could drown him in a filthy post-brushing spitball – and finally drooled out the whole payload into the drain, which meant rinsing it all past his head one last time. Even while no longer getting his countenance slaked across her incisors, though, her melded-in slave was casually gripped between the top and bottom rows of her jaw, with her muscular tongue batting at his face while she prepared whatever stage of hygiene was next. Fatigued and gasping for respite, Cody let himself breathe a sigh of relief when the toothbrush was at last removed from Kayla’s mouth, only to groan back into the same abusive stasis as his easily-transformed body was exorcised and then merged directly into the periwinkle-hued alcohol-acidic liquid pooled in a paper cup she was just drawing toward her lips. Evidently, the shrunken victim was cursed to partially “become” whatever object came near the giantess’s lips, but there wasn’t long for him to wrap his head around this idea, especially since Cody no longer had a head while literally transitioned into a liquid state, right before being helplessly poured straight back inside the mouth he’d only just escaped.

“Burns GOOD, don’t it?” she laughed, though unable to fully articulate while pooling the caustic spillage around her tongue.

For a full minute that felt like an hour, Kayla swished Cody’s mouthwash form through the pitch-black lip-sealed cavern. Every scalding purple droplet that split apart and trickled between molars or became churned under the hefty serpent of her tongue was imbued with his consciousness, forcing him to bewilderingly experience the violent totality of the giantess’s mouth in all dimensions at once, and every single one of them stung like hell. Not only was the constantly-changing pressure from her cheeks frothing Cody’s ever-shifting liquid body into a stormy furor, but the germ-killing burn of his own chemical makeup made him feel like he’d dunked his head into a bucket of acetone. It was bizarrely violating to have no definitive form, as Kayla’s thick tongue flicked and stirred its way through the spinning purple nebula of her fluid-transformed slave, causing him greater anguish with each lap around her mouth that she forced him to endure. And as the finale of this activity, Cody himself was spewed out into the sink as a messy stream of intermingled slobber and tooth-picked meal debris, somehow screaming in alarm through every separated droplet like a thousand-man choir until he splashed into the basin with the force of being thrown through a car windshield.

None of this routine, as was plain to see, was at all out-of-the-ordinary for Kayla, and she accordingly only hummed a poppy tune or giggled whenever Cody’s crybaby howls turned particularly desperate. She wiped her mouth, switched off the light, and stalked out of the bathroom without a word, as if she’d forgotten her living toy was still splattered across the curved sink and dribbling collectively around the drain. Inch by inch, those pieces of Cody’s hybrid-mouthwash being were suspensefully washed toward the plumbing, no matter how hard he willed himself to cling to the surface and go still until the giantess remembered to come back and get him. Just when he began to fear she really meant to dispose of him, but with no third wish salvation yet coming to his panicky mind even now, Kayla retook her slave from the opposite side of the apartment, already seated at her desk, just as she inserted a rubbery yellow stick of tropical-flavored gum across her freshly-brushed chompers. Any fate other than a neglected descent through the drainpipes while his alcoholically-tingling liquid body was spread apart and reconstituted with a thousand different varieties of unknown grunges was favorable to Cody, so once again he felt momentary comfort when his titanic owner brought something close enough to her mouth that he was forced to occupy its shape.

Predictably, though, his second relief was only a split-second long before the carnivorous reality of being Kayla’s chewing gum descended. Nice as it was to become a mostly-solid object again, with his frightened little face protruding from the pliable center of the candy-scented square, it only took the guillotine effect of being chewed clean in half by the giantess’s teeth to make Cody wish again for the freedom of being a mouthwash that gushed near-harmlessly into liquid beads at the slightest contact instead. This, by contrast, accurately felt like being shredded apart into stringy chunks; thankfully, serving as Kayla’s chewing gum wasn’t as unthinkably agonizing as it would probably feel to have his usual flesh-and-bone body slowly gnawed apart, but it was still the sharpest discomfort yet of all his transformative uses, leaving Cody to moan and shriek each time his face wasn’t getting smothered and stretched across another unknown surface of his goddess’s mouth. His lengthy wails soon devolved into blubbering tears as Kayla’s gargantuan canines easily cleaved through his soft yellow-gummed constitution like a knife through butter. In a flash, she’d gnashed through every piece, mushing and twisting and drenching her compounded plaything’s bouncy body into its wetter gnarlier stickier final form, with his horrified face still mounted on the side and feeling absolutely everything.

“Seriously. Can’t anyone do anythingfor themselves? It’s always me cleaning up the mess. So… freaking… annoying,” Kayla commented, seemingly to herself, while tapping away at her computer for work. Somehow her distracted indifference to the passive suffering she was inflicting on Cody made the pain of getting continually chomped asunder into new gooey-splayed shapes every other chew even stiffer, which was saying something, since the near-unrecognizable slave was currently in the middle of the worst experience of his life, and that was including that time barely half an hour ago when he was stomped to death beneath her heel. He’d certainly fallen far from his initial hedonistic dream of becoming the downtrodden yet erotically satisfied toy to a worthy foot-goddess.

“WAIT! GENIE! I… urgh… know… what to wish!” Cody shouted, wheezing for oxygen as his sodden dough-esque body was squished back into a misshapen little pineapple-aromatic lump and then frayed apart anew the next time Kayla’s teeth clacked together. “PLEASE! HELP… grrrgghh… I w-wish…”

“Yes?” the genie inquired in the shrunken gum-boy’s ear. Though Cody couldn’t see her inside the topsy-turvy epileptic light-and-darkness of the giantess’s ever opening-and-closing mouth, especially when he was being contorted in so many sickening directions at once against the squelchy saliva-glazed backdrop of enormous undulating inner-cheek flesh. “I hope you thought harder about this one. This is your last wish, you know.”


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