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Gradually the ebony doombringer pivoted, barely raising her feet high enough out of the puddle of the Atlantic Ocean to reposition herself, but still the impacts of her digits and nation-size soles thudded every city in a two-hundred mile radius into a jittering frenzy. Windows cracked, car alarms blared, furniture toppled over, boats capsized, and literal millions of helpless citizens were flung to the ground and into walls, causing thousands of injuries and fatalities. In the closer cities “only” a few dozen miles away from where Manhattan once proudly stood before she bulldozed it all, skyscrapers tumbled over as easily as if she’d flicked them like paper footballs. All this, and none of them had even been touched by Nicole yet, but only felt her truly earth-moving presence.

Following this sobering wakeup call, most of the millions in sight of her expected the girl would simply raise her ped, take one normal step in any direction, and decimate another population in a deafening split-second without even realizing it what she’d done until she felt the crunch of their architecture and forests turning to a glittery paste in the street-worn grooves of her pale-mocha sole skin. Instead, however, they continued to experience her in frightful and unexpected ways, as if the giantess meant to disturb them all to their very souls in every manner possible before finally stomping everyone into smithereens painted across the underbellies of her feet. Though Nicole’s tramp through the ocean had helped rinse away some of the filth crusted into the wrinkles of her flesh, upon her callused heels, under her toenails, and in the deep canyon crevices between those digits, her recent uprising to five hundred miles now pronounced even the smallest remnants of soil and road-grit tattooed on her feet.

It had been a very long time since the giantess had enjoyed a real bath, and now millions of the people who once looked down on were forced to imbibe her gnarly essence. An aroma of long-fermented sweat and hardened dust from the previously-homeless nobody’s lowest features now overtook half the country in a disgusting fog, especially when Nicole wiggled and scrunched her toes, fanning out even more of her salty pent-up musk in every direction. Citizens, watching the African-American goddess’s sky-reaching brown toes battering the ocean and displaying the grease and debris earned over hard years living behind alleyway dumpsters, all doubled over, coughing and hacking and even upchucking in some cases, so overcome by a smell they’d never have needed to recognize before, much like the woman to whom that scent belonged. This thought of what was happening below hadn’t even occurred to Nicole now, of course, since her mindset had appropriately moved on to a much grander scale, but still she rumbled with laughter, as if in answer to the poetic irony of those millions of callous bystanders who’d never have raised a finger to help her before, and as a result, now paid the price by inhaling the bitter, humid stench she bore in every skin cell of her feet day after day. The smoggy flavor of those monolithic feet was like a plague was sweeping through the streets faster than any natural pathogen.

But of course, the all-consuming odor was nothing compared to the concussive force to come when Nicole’s willpower could hold out no longer, and she lifted her actual foot to begin marching in a victory circle along the entire eastern seaboard, which for her was roughly the length of her prison cell at the lab. The giantess apparently wasn’t content to just step on one metropolis at a time, however, but made a point of brutally shuffling toes-first through the pitiful manmade sprawl, creating heretofore unseen havoc on both land and sea. She smeared her muscular nasty-perfumed soles through multiple cities at a time and felt them all splinter apart like soft peanut shells. For the people unfortunate enough to exist in her path, the end was at least relatively swift, since the beautiful black titaness was arriving so quickly, the most warning any of them received was a deadly gust of wind, the foul tincture of unwashed foot, and another resonating ground-shudder, before a shadow swallowed them and a seventy-mile-long mountain of sole mass cruised through to render them all asunder in just a blink.

In the act of pile-driving towns of every size and reducing them to particulate rubble one crushing step at a time, Nicole was gradually overwhelmed with a rush of power-hungry adrenaline and vengeance over the populations that once victimized and kept her down, and then felt that sensation graduate to a stir in her loins. She was surprised and amused, but only at first, when she paused with her foot resting atop the entire demolished state of Rhode Island and reached between her legs to find dewy cum forming in thick beads. The moment she stroked her vulva petals, dollops of erotic honey dripped two-hundred-fifty miles downward and drowned the next yet-unstamped city in her equally-fragrant pussy juices, just before Nicole’s sole followed to mash them into a stew of fiery destruction and her own ejaculate.

“Hell, yes…” she groaned with need. Thrusting her fingers in deeper while thumbing the nub of her clit, the giantess’s astronomic physique tensed, hunching slightly with the vulnerability of so tenderly fondling her long-unpampered cunt while still continuing to violently mop large sections of geography off the Atlantic coastline with her earthen crust-deepening footprints. “It’s been so long since I felt this good… REALLY good, I mean! I…deserve this. Just like all of you deserve to be down there watching… feeling it… And knowing that if even one of you had tried to give me a chance at a better life, then maybe I’d leave you all alone. But you didn’t, because everyone in this ugly little species is nothing but a bug. And bugs only deserve to be squished. But, take this as a last compliment before you all go: the way you all feel under my feet gets me so fucking hot.”

Nicole’s masturbation began to furiously crescendo. Her planet-rocking moans were almost as devastating as her billion-ton smell-tainted footfalls now, and the harder the woman worked her nethers, the faster surplus nectar was pumped from the great swollen maw, creating a bittersweet drizzle that slowly coated the smoking ruins of every city below now molded into the rocky shape of the giantess’s elegantly-sloped soles and thick toepads. Right as the woman neared orgasm, the world’s militaries managed to pull together their most destructive combined resources, and showered the whole eastern half of America in a fireworks display of nukes sent from every available nation. A tremendous light show created a heavenly glow around Nicole, but she didn’t seem to mind or even notice the intrusion, as she was so focused now on achieving the best climax of her life. If anything, the missile barrage seemed to heighten her experience, and while none of the yet-unsquashed members of humanity would ever know for sure whether it was the nuclear armaments or the girl’s sexual finale that caused her next growth spurt, the cause was irrelevant, because as Nicole shrieked and gyrated into the squirtiest finish of her life, she doubled again in height.

At a thousand miles tall, the giantess felt terra firma itself sinking like mud under her lightest step, the prickly texture of the cities hardly distinguishable now against the sensitive skin of her hardy brown soles, but none of them mattered to her now, and never would again. Catching her breath, and looking up toward the cosmos, which seemed closer than ever, the newly-made goddess stomped the remaining coastline straight into the ocean. It would be soon enough before she’d touch those stars with her own hands, perhaps just another three or four orgasms, but while the Earth was still “large” enough for her to enjoy, Nicole reflected on the fact that she’d never had the money to travel before. Now, however, there was nothing stopping her from taking a quick sojourn across the shallow Pacific pond to see what the rest of the globe had to offer.

“Who’s ready for round two?” Nicole spoke in a booming whisper to her playthings, already reaching again for her salivating labia at the mere thought of heightening again. “Here… I… come.”


THE END (for now?)


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