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A terrifyingly concussive THWOOOOOM shook me violently out of sleep, and shivered the walls of my modest cottage so roughly that I was certain for a second the roof would come down on top of me. Falling out of bed, heart pounding, I staggered to the window and searched the area surrounding my home for any sign of what had caused the tremor. I couldn’t remember a quake so harsh as this befalling our community before, even when that band of barbarians attacked the city three years ago and started catapulting boulders over the wall. Worse, I felt another shudder soon after, and saw the neighboring cottages and even stone-reinforced structures wobble like straw dolls in a strong breeze. Before I could dare venture outside to see if anyone needed help, or to investigate what possible force could inflict such seismic unrest, I was startled to see a massive battalion of fully-armored royal guard soldiers marching briskly down the lane en route to the closest exit in the city’s surrounding defense wall.

Dashing outside, more alarmed than ever, I watched gob-smacked as hundreds of troops filed swiftly past our homes, all bearing shields and swords for battle. Knowing then that we must have been under assault again by an invading force, which turned out to be technically correct, I followed our city’s determined defenders from a safe distance until I could see the wall. I didn’t expect to see anything from here, of course, since our city’s preservative barrier was many stories tall, and shielded thick enough to withstand flame and ballista alike with hardly a scratch. The foreign army I anticipated to be surrounding our homeland now wouldn’t have been visible from here.

But it turned out I could see the army, or rather I could see her: a singular breathtakingly-gorgeous woman with wind-swept marigold-blonde hair and aquamarine eyes, clad in dense silvery-steel armor plating except for her lack of a helmet, and bearing a deadly-sharp broadsword in one clenched gauntlet, held nonchalantly by her hip. She also happened to be the most absolutely humongous living creature I had ever seen. Taller even than the towering castle at the center of our well-defended city, and assuredly bigger and stronger too than any threat which had ever approached our borders, let alone any threat which could have even been imagined until I actually laid eyes on this unthinkably colossal giantess.

Awed and horrified at once by the sight of her, I was positive I must’ve been dreaming, until another earth-thudding impact – which turned out to be the result of her smallest footfalls – knocked me to my knees, and made it clear that this was utterly real. The golden-maned giantess now stood directly outside the city wall, which seemed paltry by comparison to her enormity, in the way of a downed log in the forest that simply needed stepping over. She didn’t make another move yet, but studied the sprawl of our city with a cold and calculated expression that came off as instantly intimidating, despite her undeniable beauty. Meanwhile, as I humbly drank in the presence of this distant invader just beyond the wall, those hundreds of soldiers charged through the gates and bravely took up posts around the woman’s armor-embanked feet, which were each grander in scope than any hundred-man warship.

Our battalion took up offensive stances in her shadow, then, drawing their weapons and strategically preparing to repel a creature whose steps alone could rattle the bedrock loose. I held my breath, waiting for the clash to commence, then felt my spine chill as the giantess, upon glancing casually down at her puny opponents with pure indifference, raised one foot off the ground. The metallic sole of her armored boot glinted in the early morning sunlight for an instant from such dizzying height, aimed squarely above the troops, and then came crashing back down upon them. This brutal collision was far more turbulent than any of her prior trodding, with the ground-swell vibrations knocking me against the door of my cottage, while some of my neighbors’ residences outright toppled over.

Yet I hardly noticed this, as my attention was fixated on the carnage taking place outside the wall. This unknown woman’s foot had just lethally squashed most of the gathered army in a single stomp, which she worsened by driving her armored heel deeper into the earth, twisting and pivoting that spacious sole upon the ravaged remains of our only defenders. What’s more, above the horrific grinding noises coming from below her foot, her jovial almost-musical laughter boomed and echoed across the whole city. I caught traumatizing glimpses of flattened armor and viciously-smushed soldier corpses plastered across both the bottom of the giantess’s foot and the crater her pronounced step had created. All she had to do, then, was pat her boot down against the screaming fleeing survivors, and within seconds, hundreds of our soldiers were defeated and executed with the ease of insects. I could hardly believe what I’d just seen, too paralyzed with dread to move, and that feeling only intensified as the now-unopposed invader raised that same foot she’d just used to obliterate our city’s forces and effortlessly stepped over the wall.

“All of you will worship only ME now!” the giantess declared with a godlike vengeance, eyeing her destination ahead. Her tremendous armor-entrenched foot, still bearing the squished-down trophies of so many soldiers along the undersole, settled into the same road the battalion had so recently filled on their way to the five-second-long battle. Fences, trees, and architecture were ravaged to ruin by a single heaving brush of her boot, yet the giantess didn’t even seem to be consciously inflicting that destruction, as she marched directly toward the church. In three more short steps, leaving behind ash and chaos in her wake, she loomed far overhead of our holy place’s central tower. I saw the giantess’s long fingers cinch tighter around the hilt of her bridge-sized blade, and then she took a horizontal swing that generated a tornado-like gale, as her sword arced through the easily-cleaved church tower like a hot knife through butter.

As the devastated site crumbled apart, priests sprinted out into the light before they could be buried under rubble. Though it was impossible to say whether they would’ve been better off simply staying put indoors, as the giantess only had to bend down and sweep her open palm along the ground to easily capture them all into her cupped grasp. Laughing again as she returned to her full height, this lovely leviathan doom-bringer held the undoubtedly-mortified little priests all the way up to her grinning countenance.

“You refuse to worship me? Fine. Then you had best pray for mercy from your God, because my body is going to turn you into shit.” Her thunderous threat was immediately followed by the giantess closing her eyes, parting her daunting soft-pink lips, and tipping the palm-imprisoned holy men directly over her gaping maw. Once that happened, her victims had no chance of survival. Their shrieks and pleas were soon drowned out as the last of the priests vanished between the giantess’s cheeks, and with a saliva-slathering lick around the rim of her mouth, she briefly swished their helpless bodies before gulping them all down with gruesome finality. Eaten, just like that.

And all I could do was watch from the ground, hopeless and quite certain that this day would be my last.




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