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“I did not need the help to know for certain, but even if I did not have the ability to read every thought running through your simple mind…” Eve’s laughter-tempered voice tremored through her foot flesh like an earthquake. “…your body would surely have betrayed you regardless.”

She was only too right. As her immense foot commenced brushing to and fro over her captive’s shape, Mitch’s hardness was battling to burst through his underpants, again the only clothing he’d chosen to wear to bed: perhaps, he realized, a subliminal hope that he might still meet Eve tonight after all, no matter his other efforts to avoid her. It occurred to him too that she’d technically allowed him to retain his bodily autonomy for the first time, since he was still vibrating in glee, but then again, the size of the sole holding him down meant no tricks were necessary to keep him from any real movement.

Had she not been compressing him up and down with so much pithy arch musculature, Mitch would’ve fought immediately to rip his boxers away as a sign of his total surrender, but he needn’t have worried about this impediment. Although Eve’s foot was far too large now to snake up his pant leg and find his erection within – not even her pinky toe could’ve made it in without shredding the cloth – her ped’s consistent near-hypnotizing slaking of along a short distance which simultaneously fondled and cradled her happy entrapped subject into an arousing hump-like twitch meant that it took only a dozen or so thrusts from her titanic underfoot region to gladly strip the man down to his more-natural state.

“I presume you see what you would have missed now, had you been foolish enough to refuse me?”

Yes!” he thought, and would have broken into relieved tears, if he wasn’t so busy euphorically perceiving every single point of contact between his insignificant body and the loping ridge-wrinkled sole topography above. Of course the union of his trembling stiffy into the doughy lip-like valley of a wet flesh crease down the exact center of Eve’s arch took up most of his brain’s obsession, and only more so with each repeated slide through its soft depths. Mitch realized now, feeling every wonderful tingle and endorphin source lighting up his entire body almost as bright as her luminous foot, that the generous visitor had been training him the past nights by instructing him to let in every sensation on an almost-superhuman level, seeing and caressing and breathing in so many essences at once, beyond what he ever could’ve handled at once, until these specific peds entered his life. His mind had been opened by Eve, and he only hoped he’d have the will to keep it that way long enough to experience everything she had to offer.

“Remember, then, that this was of your own will. You have vowed to give yourself to me, my little follower of soles,” she hushed, though her full-body foot-rubbing only picked up the pace. Eve pushed harder, causing her tiny host to throb from the crotch-outward, leaving Mitch huffing and pleading via ragged moans. “There is no turning back. You have tried me once before and proved yourself incapable of meaningful survival without the guidance of my feet. Keep that truth in your heart, as you embrace destiny now. Your debt continues to shrink with every offering you make, but still we must make it smaller. Now you will make payments of both seed and tongue. Extend yours from that undeserving mouth and taste your master.”

Mitch almost sprained a muscle in the process of shooting out his tongue at the first whisper of permission. Having been denied this last grace these long days and nights, even with that aching sample through his kisses, he’d allowed himself to wildly build up hopes of the flavorful splendor awaiting once she finally gave the go-ahead to lick her foot in worship. Naturally he hadn’t been able to conceive of the circumstances, where Eve’s ped would rest upon him like an insect caught underfoot, rather than resting luxuriously across his face alone, but this turned out to be better, and even more scrumptious than his fetishistic desires had suggested.

Those previous tempting zests of toxic flora and sugary cake, night sweat and lust, merely inhaled before were all present still now, but took on new dimension once Mitch was dutifully dragging his tongue through the creamy contours of every proffered sole dimple, forming its own ever-flexing ravine in the ecosystem of Eve’s humongous ped. It would’ve been prize enough to just feel his taste buds in sensuous congress with her arch flesh, pushing as hard as he could up against her skin and feeling just enough give to remind him of the invitingly soft vitality of this foot, even without the flavor awaiting. But of course it was there, the interwoven cocktail of saccharine frosting and exerted saline, plus delightfully-zippy petals of alien flower growth, unidentifiable perfume, and that vanilla-orange kiss. Mitch lapped and sucked, drank and smooched, understanding his devotion would never be enough for what Eve and her feet actually deserved, but also knowing for sure that he could be content locked in this moment, more than any other spent with her prior, forever. His spine arched as much as could be allowed by the sweet and sweltering quash-mass petting his whole being, again in the way of a spectral possession trying to float him right out of the bed, but the force of Eve’s regal sole held him fast in place.

Time lost all meaning during that ecstatic marriage of sensations at his mouth and crotch, bathing and humping the same foot at once by the whim of her sole alone, but Mitch guessed he didn’t hold out very long, once he’d given in fully to this new privilege Eve had blessed upon him. At the height of these otherworldly tastes blossoming in his cheeks and pleasure mounting to a point of necessary relief, the visitor’s loyal bed-bound servant paid his next cum tithe with a spine-bending spasm that might’ve caused him to launch from the mattress and spin through the air like a helicopter leaf, if not for the lasting authority of that foot still keeping him trapped right beneath its soft heft where he was needed. Instead he just jolted and tweaked into the malleable skyscape of flesh, raking his tongue back through another squishy arch cleft-line mid-moan and trying so hard to imprint that foot flavor into his brain that it began to numb his taste buds.

This finish had topped any of the prior nights under Eve, and by extension any other bout of pleasure (sexual or otherwise) that Mitch had experienced in his whole life. Again he could only miserably regret having tried to deny this uncanny creature entrance into his consciousness. In this moment, the rationale of his exhausted days, Eve’s imaginary self, or her vows of soul-theft all melted away. The undeniable fact was that he felt better now than he had in any other singular moment of existence, and was not willing to give it up, no matter how much his bones ached or brain went batty with paranoia outside this nighttime void. Eve was worth it, he told himself during the heart-pounding interval following that supernal climax, as the endorphins settled over him in a thousand-pound blanket with just as much potency as her gigantic foot.

“I believe we have come to understand one another better now. For your sake, I hope that is true, as there will not be a second show of such charity,” she said, every word equally seductive and life-threatening. “Another payment is made. Remember what I have said. Do not think or act for yourself, but only for me, and you will not just receive forgiveness for your defiance, but pleasures and worth of being beyond anything you could’ve hoped to reach alone. You will belong to something far greater.”

Mitch nodded as fervently as possible while Eve’s commanding weight affixed his head under mushy-smooth sole mass, but the acceptance he continually repeated in his head for her to hear seemed to be enough. Her ever-enlarged foot did not recede tonight before the illusion of sleep came, but simply pressed down on her devotee until his senses folded and the heated darkness of her moon-shine sole took him.


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