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Just then, Brian heard the ringtone from his phone, at first giving him hope then quickly dispelling it when the foot relented its quashing pressure, and he had to watch Olivia unlocking his device.

“Let’s see here… oh what a surprise, the less-hot version of me is texting you. She wants to know “if you’re at home now, smiley-face.” Ha! Should I tell her you’re just out getting some air? I don’t have to tell her the air is coming off my feet, obviously.”

“Please,” Brian rasped. He struggled even to stand, with or without a giant sole sagging on him anymore. “I’ll d-do whatever you ask. J-Just don’t…”

“Are you really going to forget who’s calling the shots, so soon after you made a good impression there by licking up all the crud like the foot-bitch you are and always will be?” Olivia reprimanded. Her dark eyes practically glowed with malice as she carefully positioned her toy between the upturned walls of her flexed-out arches, reminding him he was in her custody, before tapping away on the phone. “I’m telling her “Yes, just waiting at home for you.” Should I add a winky face? I want her to be as disappointed as possible when she gets back and thinks you left her.”

Brian only whimpered, knowing whatever answer he gave would only worsen a hopeless situation. He’d happily eat the dirt off her feet for a thousand days straight, if only it saved Amy from shrinkage or heartbreak. As it happened, though, he was probably going to have to do exactly that anyway, plus more.

“Oh, wow, she’s already starting the dirty talk. “Are you getting lonely in that big house all by yourself, little guy?” she says. Honestly, I read back some of your old messages, and you two are the saddest sexters I’ve ever seen,” Olivia continued. “Yes, I am,” I’ll say. And, let’s face it, it’s probably going to get a little lonely for you sometimes, Bri, considering from now on I’m going to keep you in my shoes all day. You always did seem like you’d make a better insole than a boyfriend anyway. Okay, now she says “Better watch out when I get back, or you might get squished.” Wow, it’s like she’s psychic!”

While Olivia giggled to herself over this irony, and idly began to pat Brian with her big toe like a wet punching bag, the little man couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. Amy NEVER joked about foot-related demise, even for sexual teasing, considering how close he’d come to biting it the last time Olivia had him in her clutches. Was his giant tormentor lying, or was something seriously off with Amy?

“I’m saying, “Too bad nobody told you getting squished is my thing,” Olivia narrated. “Maybe she’ll give us some good inspiration for ways to play with you, Bri. Wouldn’t that be nice? It would be like your girl-toy is here too, except she’s just choosing the games that I get to play with you instead, and probably a lot better than she would, considering how much she treats you like a baby. She has no idea how much you can really take, Bri, but I do. Hey, she says “Start running away before I getcha then, little guy, and smash you flat!

Now Brian knew for certain something was wrong, but he couldn’t guess what was making Amy text that way, especially while Olivia’s toe bopping his cranium was making it hard to think. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, she tired of this and plucked him up between two fingers, swooping him head-first toward the floor, where her feet quickly followed, slamming onto the library basement carpet alongside him.

“Sorry, Bri, but she had a good idea. Aren’t I so nice, easing you into this whole thing with some input from that oblivious idiot?” Olivia teased, standing once again at full height and making a beautiful citadel of herself above him. She picked up one bare foot then brought it crashing back to earth mere inches away from Brian, causing the floor below him to quake and his ears to ring. “Hey, in the words of your fake new girlfriend: Better start running before I getcha.”

Brian raced away, trusting that Olivia wasn’t just pranking him with empty threats, and he was right to believe so, as her scrunched toes came punching at the ground right where he’d previously stood not three seconds earlier. Of course at an inch tall, even his fastest sprint didn’t get him far, and he felt the ground quivering while Olivia’s feet shuffled after him at a glacial pace, just fast enough to let him know she could keep up and overtake him at any second she chose. Still he endeavored, making his way past the coffee table and in the direction of the door.

“What, you’re making a break for it, huh?” Olivia chuckled. “Fine, give it a try. Doesn’t bother me.”

And he did, huffing and puffing across the expanse of carpet long after his legs started to sting from effort. Several times, he felt the heat and breeze of his giant ex’s toes swinging at him like meaty pendulums when she took a playful step, nearly catching the thumbnail-sized man under their weight again, but he didn’t allow them to knock him off balance, and soon was in spitting distance of the door. He didn’t expect to be allowed out, of course, but making some kind of effort was the only thing he had to keep himself from a breakdown, and plus Olivia had mockingly encouraged it, which meant if it entertained her, he’d probably live longer.

To his shock, she actually turned the knob just before he was cornered and cracked the door, allowing the inch-high victim a fearful exit through the divide. No sooner was he loose in the seemingly deserted hall, though, when Olivia threw the entry fully open and jumped after him with both feet, landing with such a furniture-shaking fury that Brian was bounced up off the ground, crash-landing in a heap several inches away. Panting and sore, he looked up in time to see Olivia making full use of this horrific juxtaposition in their sizes, straddling his puny prone form between her insteps and forcing him to gaze up the intimidating tower of her body.


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