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“You really did believe that you could avoid me that easily?” Eve accused in a volume to match the size of her feet, though even now there was no palpable anger: just omniscience. Her toes thumped together and scrunched, causing the skin of her cloud-soft soles to whiten even more from the pressure and thus briefly make Mitch believe he’d been blinded, like he’d peeked too long at the sun, but it was only the fearful attention to her presence overtaking him again. “After these nights we shared, I truly thought we had something special between us. I thought you were progressing into the most ideal recipient of my blessings, and the most ideal source to feed my unending appetite for pure willing souls such as yours. But maybe I was mistaken. It is not often that I so seriously misjudge a candidate to bask in me, but you may be the exception. If you are so eager to block me from your slumber – though I assure you that is impossible, so long as I wish it – then maybe I am better off seeking subjects elsewhere. I’m sure there are many beings, lost and alone and thirsting as you are for satisfaction, who would better appreciate the gifts I have to bestow. Take a final look, then, and wish my feet farewell.”

“NO!” Mitch screamed desperately, again shocking himself with his ability to actually talk, but also cowed by the peep of his mousy voice. He’d never felt so physically miniscule, not even as a toddler, but somehow still that status didn’t seem incorrect for this moment, as the guilt at disappointing Eve quickly overtook his apprehensions about her nightmarish promises.

Even more potent than his remorse at failing a fictional dream-character’s expectations, though, was the stabbing dread he immediately felt at the merest thought of never seeing, touching, inhaling, suckling, or cumming to these inordinately colossal and utopian shapes of beckoning damp-soled dimple-bunched perfection. He’d only wished to be away from her feet for a single night, and even then reluctantly, just to get back on a healthy sleep pattern before he keeled over at his desk in the light of day. Though it thankfully hadn’t occurred to Mitch yet that he might permanently lose her, it was clear that whatever combination of creative subconscious and rampant desires were torturing him this way now were capable of taking away the single best thing in his life. He couldn’t let them.

“Such spirit…” she cooed. Eve’s feet sifted together, gliding instep-to-instep, but coming no closer just yet. Their overhanging presence was more than enough to keep Mitch rigidly splayed in anticipation of her judgment. “And yet before you still rejected everything I gave to you. You tried to shut me out, to deprive me of what is rightfully mine. That, you must know by now, is unacceptable. The thought of becoming my possession in all forms, I suppose, was too much for your feeble mind to grasp, and so you tried to flee. Unsuccessfully, as you now see, but that is not the point. Down to the core of your fragile being, you know that you have wanted this, even before the first repayment of your debt. You cannot fully comprehend yet what it means to be taken by me, but still you want to remain in orbit of me, and as you know only that to give yourself over to me will ensure that you may continue clinging to the presence of my feet, to surrender and worship and feel them laid intimately upon you as your masters, that is enough for you to give in to a new purpose below me. You knowthat is enough. So why then, insignificant creature, do you test the patience of the one who has given you everything you ever desired?”

“I… I…” he stammered, but finding no words, even though Eve had still not taken away his power of speech. Of course she had seen everything in his head, being of his own mind, and so she had him dead to rights: her vows had frightened him, because he couldn’t or just didn’t want to grasp what it meant when his own dreams were threatening to eat his soul. But it was just that: a dream. And if the price of continuing to savor the overwhelming sexual nirvana that was Eve’s footjobs and arch explorations was simply a few groggy hours spent zombified at his desk, well, Mitch didn’t even need a second to decide. The only concern left, and which left him feeling more crushed even than Eve’s gargantuan soles might if they trampled him, his hard-on, and the bed straight down like a crumpled matchbox right now, was whether he could apologize enough to salvage their relationship. “I am sorry, E-Eve. P-Please, I… I don’t know why I… did what I did. N-Not really. I didn’t want to offend you, and… God, please, I d-don’t want you to leave. M-More than anything, I want you to stay. I w-want to please you again.”

“But there was a reason you defied me,” she challenged quietly. “What was that reason? You know I see it inside you already, but I would have you speak it aloud, for yourself as well as me.”

“P-Please… it wasn’t because I… d-don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I… was just so tired-”

“You tire only because you still cling to things unimportant,” she interrupted. “Your body is delicate, moldable, easily overpowered. We both know how easily you have given up your seed at the slightest touch. The effort of your body, then, is by far the least useful element of your being when it comes to your devotion toward me… though, I admit, your biological enthusiasm has pleased me nonetheless. But if you wish to continue being visited upon, and continue paying your debt until you belong to me, as I know you do, then you will set aside your more earthly woes. Your “tiredness” is not of concern to me. Nor are your fears of the unknown. Your only wish now should be to rest less, think even less, and then give in fully to me. Is that too great a task for one so desperate and small as yourself to accomplish?”

“No!” Mitch crowed again, and this time realized the answer came from inside his head, though whether Eve had again silenced his voice, or he’d simply become too diminutive in the scope of his swelling bedroom to be heard, he couldn’t guess.

But at his sincere telepathic response, the sky of her feet ceased its mesmerizing activity, with her toes flaring apart again and those milk-pale sole wrinkles stopping instantaneously like curled ocean waves freezing over. And then without Mitch noticing the shift, he was suddenly placed in direct contact again with the unquestionably-expanded surface of one foot’s underbelly: a reunion he’d been painfully itching for now over the course of this whole disciplinary hearing beneath her, in mortal terror that he might not be allowed the chance to touch them again. Or rather, he was buriedbeneath Eve’s foot upon the interminable plain of his bed, wholly ensconced on his frontside by a delectable velvety-lithe field of cushy flesh pleats along the whole meaty mass of her moonlike undersole. He might’ve squealed and jumped for joy, if he was capable of either speaking aloud or moving a muscle, but she’d officially quieted him for the night, and while her skin was soft and dewy as he recalled, the full brunt of being immersed confidently beneath its humid damp-glazy heft with any degree of pressure matching the strength of such a large being ensured he was powerless to press back against the still-yielding texture of lush pinkish-peachiness pinning him down.

Miraculously, but not unexpectedly for the grateful fellow, he could still inflate his lungs and draw breath somehow or other out of a solid ceiling of beautifully-tactile feminine arch brawn, though this seemed less impossible compared to the other physics laws she’d broken this week. And so after recovering from the momentary excitement-induced hyperventilation of realizing his truthful appeal had worked, Mitch just let himself soak up the jubilation of being lovingly mashed down under Eve’s foot, so heartily that the mattress started to sink beneath him until he was certain it had bent and folded inside-out, and yet still he experienced not an ounce of pain, no loss of air, or even the nerves he’d felt upon going to sleep, her threats of soul-reaping be damned. So what if his brain was feeding him some creepy notions? Not even the most traumatizing night terror could make him want to stay away from this.


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