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Now reunited with her sole, Brian wasn’t liable to last long, but was determined to enjoy her talents as long as he could. Amy’s thumb began to massage her boyfriend in circles, slightly stretching her buoyant sole flesh in each direction she pushed him, and in so doing, provided a rough yet sensational footjob, or at least the closest approximation of one given the circumstances. Though he couldn’t see her well with his face nestled against her giant foot’s underbelly, Brian could hear her moaning again, not to mention feel a tangible aftershock that made her thigh tremble below at a piston-like rate, which told the little man that both Amy’s hands were now busily occupied.

Their pleasures and volumes heightened at the same right; Brian had his third orgasm, perfectly squeezed between his girlfriend’s thumb and meaty sole, while the giantess reached a body-quivering peak as well, much to her tiny partner’s delight, and they remained frozen in these positions for several minutes after to savor the glow, having found such unexpected yet synchronized harmony.

“Let me know when you’re ready to go again,” Amy whispered, just when Brian was beginning to anxiously fear the fun was already over.

The next morning, a re-sized Brian awoke alone in the bed, but found a sticky note from Amy, complete with smileys and hearts, explaining she had a full day of work ahead on her senior physics project and, not wanting to wake her “little guy,” she snuck off to campus before the sun came up. Smirking to himself, and continually dumbfounded at his romantic luck, he hopped out of bed, only briefly having to mentally recalibrate to standing beside the furniture, instead of looking up at it and his monumental goddess. His dreams had become much more macrophilic ever since getting together with Amy and finding their kinky groove, which made it even trickier to return after a slumber full of imagined shrunken playtime, but by his third step across the room, Brian was steady. The size-changing device was still resting on the bedside table; not wanting to leave something so powerful too out in the open, he sealed it back in its case, locked it, and tucked the container in the closet.

Upon entering his own university workspace an hour later, Brian was dismayed to find notes from one of his undergrad interns explaining he’d been unsuccessful in running tests on the latest version of what was to become an amplifier for the future version of the size-changer, which would require the inventor himself to take several extra hours out of his research time first before moving ahead. Sighing, he supposed occasionally even the brilliant creator had to get his hands dirty, or otherwise lose his humility. Brian got down to business, and eight grueling hours on, returned to the apartment he shared with Amy. He saw no lights were on as he turned the key, meaning his hard-working girlfriend was still on campus slaving over her project. Smiling and shaking his head, Brian resolved to have takeout ready when she got home, though this plan was quickly reprioritized when he shut the door and entered the bedroom to discover none other than Olivia Seong, his ex-girlfriend and near-destroyer, seated calmly on the bed, holding the shrinking device in her hand and pointing it directly at Brian.

“Oh, Bri. It must get old, to keep finding yourself in this position,” Olivia said, immediately squeezing the trigger and blasting her ex with reduction rays. While Brian dwindled toward the floor, the cold-as-ice beauty hardly budged a muscle, seated just as robotically as she had in that courtroom while facing partial justice for her crimes. “You know, to keep being the one always two steps behind me? Two steps behind and six feet below, that should be your motto. Not because I’m going to kill you, you puny little horndog, though I certainly could now, and without any effort. No, I’m just referring to the fact that I’ve come to prefer you at one inch tall. By a lot, actually. So, try to take that for the positive that it is, now that you’re about to become mine for… well, let’s just start with forever, and see how much you annoy me. C’mere, now.”

Olivia sat up from the bed right as a thumbnail-height Brian clambered in shock and terror from the heap of his now-giant clothes, feeling much as he had that fateful day six months ago, only now with the added hopelessness of knowing he was currently at the frigid mercy of a lovely raven-haired colossus whom he’d successfully, however briefly, helped put behind bars. The towering giantess, dressed in a typically stylish skirt and top, stalked slowly across the floor toward her miniature target, giving Brian a stomach-churning show as her all-too-familiar gargantuan feet, garbed in black leather slip-ons, padded in his direction, dramatically arching and subtly tremoring the floor with every landing.

As with the last time he was surprise-shrunken at the feet of his callous lawyer-in-training ex, Brian was filled with almost as much curiosity as panic, wondering how in the hell a woman with so much heat on her had not only managed to get herself in here undetected, but opened a locked case and figured out how to use its life-threatening contents. Unlike last time, though, he didn’t have the strength to blubber out stupid questions, instead going silent and wobbly in the knees, which made it even easier for the girl to advance on him. When the tips of her boat-size slippers were within easting punting distance of the naked incher, she crouched down for closer examination.

What was the point in running, Brian thought? Over the last glorious half-year, he had become wonderfully familiar with just how vulnerable he was at this size while engaging in fantasy play with Amy, and while he never felt a shred of fear now while helplessly prostrated before her creamy mega-scale soles and thick masturbatory toes, all that learning allowed him now to feel every bit of sheer pants-pissing horror Olivia clearly desired as she glowered down at him with a sickening grin and a devilish glint in her eye. There was no chance of escape.

The intruder’s plush lips parted as though to taunt him again, but instead the triumphant giant’s palm lowered with outstretched fingers and snatched Brian up. Entrapped in the warmth of her balled fist, the tiny man could only hyperventilate as he was bounced around the claustrophobic confines. He was never deposited into a pocket or purse, but kept in this inescapable cell for an eternal twenty minutes. Outside he heard the rumble of cars and chatter of passerby, but had no way for his squeaky voice nor his stem-like arms to penetrate the firm palm-and-finger padding on all sides. When Olivia’s hand finally opened, Brian expected to find himself in her bedroom again.

Instead, he was placed on a coffee table, while the deadly-serious giantess took a seat on an adjacent couch. Naturally the drop to “safety” below was a lethal one, though Brian didn’t like his odds up here either, especially when Olivia eyed him so ominously while reaching below to pry off her slip-ons. Leaning back, she carelessly swung both hulking newly-nude feet up over the edge of the table, slamming her heels down with a hard thud that sent Brian tumbling away from the precipice. Though their surroundings were shadowy and unknown, the array of bookshelves and student furniture told the shrunken victim they were in the basement of the university library, which Olivia’s macho-lawyer parents just so happened to have endowed two years ago with additional wings and study rooms.

Gazing up at the pair of leviathan soles made into up-standing obelisks, rife with doughy wrinkles and an olive-tan luster, Brian had become delightfully accustomed to this specific viewpoint, usually offering his services to Amy after a hard day of thesis work. Olivia’s feet were even eerily similar to his lover’s, he realized now with painful clarity, though the key differences being that his ex’s peds were at least one shoe-size larger, which was a burly addition indeed when he was only an inch tall, and also the fact that these particular feet, unfortunately pretty though they were, belonged to a genuine psychopath.

“What, no questions about how I pulled this off? I’m almost disappointed, Bri. Where’s that scientific spirit?” Olivia teased, swaying her propped feet like windshield wipers so her scrunched big toes rebounded off one another. “I guess maybe you’re learning now that it would be a pointless waste of energy to get too worked up, when I’m clearly just smarter than you. I may not have your brain for physics, true, but sometimes common sense is much more useful. That, and my parents’ law degrees. I shouldn’t discount that. Anyway, I’m just dying to tell you how I did it, and I’m sure you’re eager to procrastinate getting the shit kicked out of you by these big sexy feet of mine, so just hear me out. No… on second thought, go ahead and start rubbing my heels while I explain anyway. I want full 100% commitment, hard as you can, and maybe then you’ll have the privilege of doing it while standing free, instead of with my foot on top of you. You’re not going to get a better bargain than that today, or ever again.”


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