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Mitch laid awake longer past midnight than he should’ve, despite his poor sleep he received the prior night. It was simply impossible to sink straight into slumber, when he’d been unable to get that trip under Lilina’s desk out of his mind for the rest of the day. He was pretty sure he’d botched a few calls throughout the afternoon as a result, too, losing his place in the script and accidentally telling customers that a certain item cost ten times its worth. But he couldn’t help it. The woman had turned him inside-out without ever knowing it or doing anything especially provocative. Her presence, her voice, and the magnificence of those feet that he’d gotten to enjoy for those divine few minutes today for the first and perhaps-not-even last time were more than enough to leave him under a full mind-and-body spell.

In this state, Mitch had no way of knowing at what stage he finally drifted off, or even if he did at all. He didn’t notice that same unearthly tightening of his frame down to the bed, or the way the darkness swallowed his room so wholly that it might as well have been the size of a concert hall and he’d never have known. It was only the reappearance of the same night visitor’s bare feet weighted on his chest coming gradually into visual relief, twilit and impeccable, that made everything click back into place in Mitch’s mind. When he did recognize those soles as authentic manifestations rested on his body, and not just another wistful reimagining, his heartrate shot up faster than ever, enough that he might’ve gone faint if he wasn’t already lying down and probably-still asleep. He could actually feel the thrum of his pulse against her heels, and accordingly, the unseen woman could no-doubt feel his cardiac thrill at her return. Not that he thought she needed to; the way she’d spoken last night, the way she’d touched him, controlled him, and then drifted back off into the night, he guessed she never had to actually lay a hand, or foot, upon him to know everything about him.

“You did not think I would just forgive your debt, did you?” she asked, without presumption or malice. While the exact nature of that voice and the finer details of her arches had vacated Mitch’s memory during the day, as though plucked clean out by tweezers, immediately everything came rushing back after one nectary word and a glance across the raised vertical plains of those wonderfully supple soles in all their divoted moon-bathed gloriousness.

“No!” he peeped. “T-Thank you. For… coming back.”

“It is good you know the order of things,” she replied. “Though it is also I who will owe you a fair share of gratitude when we are ultimately through. As I said, I am here to accept payment, and while we both know that you have long chased an opportunity such as this, I am not here for the purpose of bestowing your wildest dreams upon you. That is merely… an incidental effect, which you are fortuitous enough to enjoy while you make your tribute. But first and foremost, I am here to stake a claim.”

Mitch listened to this cryptic explanation and nodded as much as his largely-rigid neck would allow. Part of him wanted to ask what her actual purpose was, since this ghostly shtick had become no less unsettling, but then the other part of him preferred to keep silent, guessing that letting her get on with her business would give him the best chance of feeling one of those soles against his cock again the quickest. She was still just a vaguely-nightmarish dream-state sexpot, after all. And it was probably best to stop thinking so hard and just feel, or else he’d risk waking himself before she even pulled his covers up.

“You did well, watching my foot at our previous encounter,” she said. “But I think you wish for more.”

It seemed strange to Mitch that she’d have to suggest this at all, when she’d already gone far enough to sole-jack him to completion using the opposite ped last time. Still, she wasn’t wrong.


“When you looked deeply upon it, you saw its vastness. Its grace. Its marvels. They all fascinated you. Took hold of you. These are not questions, mind you, as I already know your heart. What remains now is what you wish, now that you have seen what is there.”

Taken aback, the man gulped hard enough to feel like a tennis ball was going down his throat. After the greeting he’d received last night, he hadn’t expected her to take his opinion into account. Then again, she must’ve known the answer before he could speak or even think it, as she had every other one so far, and just wanted to hear him pronounce it himself. Bracing himself and biting his tongue, as he’d never really had to speak these fetishistic truths aloud in his life, Mitch didn’t hesitate then to give her whatever was required to make another deposit:

“I… want to touch it. P-Please. You’re right. It’s… so beautiful. T-The most… beautiful… sole that I’ve ever seen, or imagined, or… d-dreamt about. Please, if… y-you really want to know how I feel, that’s it. I… want… my face against it. If… if only you-”

“Enough speaking in circles,” she said, though there was a curl of satisfaction in her timbre, as Mitch’s lips were instantaneously sealed shut. He minded it even less now than he had last night, finding this state almost comfortable. There was less expected of him now; she’d reduced him to a single function, but one which he’d been building up his whole life to fulfill. “You speak the truth. And I will give you what you wish. But there will be no language of tongues, whether through speech or worship, tonight. You will only look on my foot, just as closely as our last meeting, and you will not shut your eyes. You will not deviate. You will search the expanse and discover just as much beauty as you can manage before the next payment is made. When you see that which you adore, no matter how small or large, you will think of it. Sharply. So that I may hear it crying out from within you. Now, we begin again.”

As the instructions entered Mitch’s cerebellum, he followed them with militant precision. Whereas last night his hypnotic vision-quest dive over that sole resting a distant few inches from his face had been plagued with understandable shock and curiosity over this macabre hookup, he no longer cared to fill in the blanks, not when she’d given him a new even-more intimate purpose. And especially not when he knew the prize waiting at the end. So he locked his gaze onto the center of the fleshy isle, his synapses coming alive as one foot neared while the other retracted into the dark. Indeed he’d seen so much of it last night even through that void, and witnessed the same flushed creasy exquisitely-decadent mass of sole detail right away in the inches that kept them apart, but she was about to remedy that unfortunate disconnect to reveal yet more.

When that foot met his face (the first one in his life to ever do so despite it being technically not “real” as far as Mitch knew), he’d expected everything to fade to black right away. How could it not, when he was blinded, muted, and gently suffocated by a perfectly-architectured slope between heel and ball? But it didn’t; that same sourceless light which had illuminated her feet yesterday too despite the cosmological pitch of the room was now spread shimmering-wet across every square inch of velvety-soft underfoot brawn like a healing oil, guiding Mitch to spy even the most infinitesimal minutiae across the taut pink wrinkle-lined skin. Yet there was no longer any discernible space parting their bodies.

She didn’t dawdle with some teasing show of brushing her luminous dewdrop toepads over his forehead, or sifting the weight of that heel from his chest to the chin. His night-mistress simply went for it, clapping and compressing the man’s face with an authority just shy of inflicting pain, though once Mitch got over the surprise of her intensity, he felt no ache at all in the force uniformly exerting itself upon him from this pure, balmy, milky-smooth wall of foot flesh that united with his countenance now in utter harmony. And just like that, a pubescent ambition was achieved, and one so fantastic that he could’ve died happy now, if it came to that.


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