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Angelina stifled a murmured chuckle. She almost admired the man’s dedication to his fellow officers, though she suspected at least some of his confidence was owed to the instinctive and deep-seated hatred he’d clearly felt for her and her blubbery man-bait tits from the moment he laid eyes on them.

“You may find this funny still, but I promise you won’t be laughin’ when you’re begging for something to eat, or a bathroom break, or even sleep. Because all of those are privileges for cooperative criminals only,” the sheriff warned, taking another pull from the mug. “This coffee was your last call for a drink, which you were dumb-headed enough to pass on, and since I suspect you’re goin’ to prove a real pain in my ass, I might as well tell you that the longer it takes to crack this thing, the worse it’ll be for you, and only you.”

“Oh, I doubt that,” Angelina said. No longer even keeping eye contact, she studied her manicured nails, despite her limited range while shackled.

“Still playin’ hardball, huh? Well, fair enough. The Deputy here will babysit you. Don’t bother waiting it out for folks who’ll treat you kind-like, because it’s just us runnin’ the show for the next four days around here, and we can be very patient… though, we’re liable to feel less generous the longer you make us wait. When you’re ready to start talking, we’ll listen, and if it’s useful information, maybe we’ll even consider letting you sleep in the holding cell without the sound of an air horn blowin’ all night.”

With that, the sheriff stood from the table and collected the deputy’s coffee mug, which was already emptied, and walked to the door. His stoutness blocked Angelina’s view of the keypad while he punched in the code, disengaging the lock. No sooner did he swing open the door, however, when none other than Deputy Owens, two feet tall and buck-naked, sprinted into the claustrophobic room.

“Good news, Sheriff. I found one of your missing officers,” Angelina calmly stated, as the little deputy ran past his coworkers straight for the prisoner.

Upon reaching the comparatively statuesque woman chained to her throne, however, he paused, instantly losing whatever courage he had for payback when he caught sight of a slender white leg like a temple pillar and longer than his whole body, which extended out from under her dress, obviously capable of punting him straight into the two-way mirror.

“What in the name of unholy fuck…” the sheriff balked. Both mugs tumbled from his hands, shattering and splashing leftover coffee across the floor. He didn’t seem to notice this, though, nor the interrogation room slamming shut again, as his eternally squinting peepers widened to distressed golf-balls. Deputy McDonald, upon seeing his shrunken peer, fell straight out of his chair like he’d spotted a poisonous snake.

“You woke up from your nap sooner than I expected, little fella. In fact, it was almost a close call. Maybe you’re tougher than I gave you credit for. You at least had better instincts than these gentlemen,” Angelina explained. “But, I think things will still work out just fine, because I’m sure at least one of you will be smart enough to give me the code to that door.”

“What kind of bloody tarnation are you spoutin’ now?” the sheriff crowed at the top of his lungs. He stomped over to Angelina, nearly slipping in the milky-coffee puddle, and slammed his chunky fist on the table. “I’m through with this shit, woman, do you hear me? You are goin’ to explain what the fresh hell happened to the deputy right now, or so help me, you’ll be too black and blue for them to even identify you once the big city folks are brought in to clean up the mess.”

“Deputy Owens, would you do the honors?” Angelina sweetly invited.

“IT’S HER MILK!” the little deputy screamed, right on cue. He jumped up and down, looking even more absurd as his hyperventilating resumed. “If you drink it, you get small!”

“Ah, that was succinct as it was accurate. Well done,” Angelina laughed. She extended her high-heeled foot, nudging it between the two-foot-tall nudist’s willowy legs, but he stumbled away in fright. Turning as far to the side as she could, the pressure of her arm against her outer breast flank compressed the wobbly flesh and strained her low-cut garment until her hardened nipple peeked over the edge. The squeeze paled her textured flesh nearly transparent again and made her teat moisten with a newly formed milk-glob, which plunked as an orb whiter than the sheriff’s eye to the floor below. At the sight of this single liquid drop, Owens flung himself back as though she’d fired a machine gun in the room.

What the shit, what the shit…” Deputy McDonald stammered in a trance, still unable to pull himself up from the floor.

“If I don’t get some… Lord, forgive me… GODDAMNED answers NOW…” the sheriff roared, “I’m going to make you-”

“Yes, yes, I know, black and blue… you’ll starve me out, keep me awake, whatever else. Believe me, I understand all that. I just needed more time,” Angelina said.

“Time for what?”

“Oh, for the milk I put by your coffee maker to start working. You see, it takes a little longer to kick in when it’s been diluted, but you and the good deputy here have ingested enough that it should start showing symptoms right about… ah, there you go,” Angelina casually explained, right as Pullman and McDonald began dwindling into their uniforms. “I’d advise you to sit back and breathe normally… especially you, sheriff, since I don’t imagine you’re in the kind of shape to withstand an anger-induced heart attack, though I also doubt you’re in the mood to take advice from me. So do what you will.”

The sheriff and deputy, already manic from the surreal surprise of a shrunken Owens, were thrown into double hysteria when their specially milked coffees got to work burning inches off their statures. Pullman had finished only half of his mug, though this was still enough to reduce him down past the height of his junior deputy, while McDonald had chugged through his whole cup, and as a result, stuttered downward by leaps and bounds until there was no sign of his formerly buff six-foot-plus figure in the cloth. While the shrinking men writhed and grunted with varying degrees of rage and terror from Pullman and McDonald respectively, Angelina coolly used their panic as an opportunity to snag the deputy’s pant leg with her stiletto spike and drag it, along with his belt and its utilities, over to her side of the table. Owens, still quietly impotent in the face of all this madness, backed into the corner.

By the time the sheriff, now a mere one foot tall, crawled out from his uniform, Angelina was already unlocking her cuffs. And as he was still busily panting and spitting to find the words to precisely articulate his fury, this gave the woman plenty of time to stand and retrieve Pullman’s gear as well, taking away their chances of resistance by placing it all in a heap atop the interrogation table. A newly four-inch high Deputy McDonald also found himself stowed securely above, though far too small to make use of anything on his belt, even if Angelina’s hand wasn’t hovering so near and clacking her nails on the metal with the probably capacity to impale him up to her cuticles if she wished.

“This night just keeps getting more interesting, doesn’t it? For me, I mean. You boys, on the other hand, may come to regret choosing law enforcement as a career. I know poor Deputy Owens must, and so would Sheriff Williams, if I hadn’t quenched his thirst until he was too small to have any more opinions,” Angelina said, looking down on the naked old sheriff with the royal sniveling tenacity she’d been forced to curb until now, and at last the height advantage to back up her commanding aura. She swung her hips and coaxingly petted her fingertips over the exposed portions of her boobs, indenting the freckled brawn, then flicked the doughy valley when she had Pullman’s full attention and watched him fearfully tremble at the same frequency as her wavering cellulite like she’d kicked him upside the head. “Let’s talk about plea bargains, yes? Again, of course I mean for you boys, not for me. Because one way or another, I’m walking out of here, and the first little sucker who gives me the code to that door will NOT have to have to take a quintuple-shot of the best shrinking-draft breastmilk that my dearly departed husband’s money can buy. Crystal-clear? Lovely.”

A minute later, the room’s occupants were rearranged for another interrogation, only with the tables figuratively turned. Angelina now sat on the sheriff’s side, fingers placidly laced together just in front of the sagging bulk of her tits, while opposite her, Deputy Owens and Sheriff Pullman hunched naked on chairs, each with one of the handcuffs looped around their necks like dog collars, and finally the especially harmless finger-sized Deputy McDonald was allowed free powerless reign on the tabletop between his much-taller coworkers and even more colossal “prisoner.”

“Well, I suppose you’re all wondering why I gathered you here today?” Angelina said, straight-laced and purse-lipped, before bursting into laughter. She slapped the table, inadvertently knocking over Deputy McDonald from the tremor. “Oh, forgive me. It’s just… your little sham of a sheriff’s department has been causing me all sorts of trouble tonight, and humor is just about all I have left to keep me in a good mood. Trust me, that’s in your favor, boys. Now, since we’ve broken the ice, I don’t suppose it would be too cheeky to ask if any of you wants to just tell me the code, right off the bat, so we can make this easier on everyone?”

Deputy Owens, almost as pale as the prisoner’s bleach-white breasts and just as veiny from strain, bit his lip in silence until he drew blood; Sheriff Pullman, conversely, stood defiant and firetruck-red with fury, quivering like every gasket was instants from blowing; little Deputy McDonald, having the most difficulty adjusting to his toy-height, had to sit down in lieu of fainting, but didn’t answer either.

No one? Well, it was worth a try. You three really are a credit to the force, keeping your oaths sacred… or whatever it is that makes you so foolish. It’s just a shame that loyalty is going to end with all three of you floating face-down in a puddle of my famous milk,” Angelina sighed, tracing a fingernail on the tabletop and pretending to thrust it like a spear in McDonald’s direction. “Still, I plan to have some fun now, and I think it’s only fair you three are allowed to let loose a little too. You’re not on the clock now, after all! Take a load off! Don’t think of this so much as an interrogation… which, fair play, I do intend to get answers out of one of you by whatever means you make necessary… but that doesn’t mean we can’t relax, too. So let’s just call this a little friendly drinking game. I’ll give the three of you a chance to answer, and if no one says anything, everyone will get another tasty sip. By the way, if you don’t open nice and wide when it’s your turn, like the precious rascals I know you are, you will have to take an even bigger drink when I’m forced to pry your cute little jaws open myself. Does everyone understand the rules? Don’t worry, you’ll understand quickly enough. You’ll have to. All right, Deputy McDonald, brace yourself! The first round is for you, and like all the rest, it’s on the house.”

The four-inch macho-man yelped, throwing his arms over his head, yet actually had the wisdom to listen by opening his mouth. Angelina had her nipple whipped out of the bulging sling of her dress in a flash, took aim, and fired a frothing stream at McDonald with hardly a squeeze on her ample flesh. The cream not only filled his miniscule throat but pushed the man back several inches across the tabletop, now slick with a trail of milk leading from Angelina to her opponents. Naturally, Owens seized up in terror at the splash of lethal motherly beverage coming so near to soaking him again, but the sheriff remained stoic and incensed.

“Good boy! Follow his example, you two. You may be bigger than him for now, but that doesn’t mean you get to skimp on your dairy. A growing little boy needs calcium to help his bones get nice and strong,” Angelina said, unable to say another word without guffawing again. She hefted the swollen boob-mass higher now, clutching at the amorphous sweat-glazed hunk of mammary until the teat was pointed at the other deputy. Flab still yielded like half-risen dough under her palms, but her fingers kept the bump-riddled areola aimed at the man in the room who respected its power the most. “Here comes the airplane, Deputy Owens!”

Shutting his eyes, the man clamped like a bad case of lockjaw, but right as the first abundant gush of milk money-shotted his face, he willed his lips to part and take in a gulp. His body shuddered, fighting back trauma-tears, but he managed not to spit the dosage back up.


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