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“Well, Cody, I can’t say I expected this. For years, whenever you showed up on the front porch, you were just looking for my son…” Keely drawled, removing the shrinking device from its case and idly turning it between her palms. “But, truth be told, sugar, I’m flattered that you’ve come to see me instead. Especially for… this.”

Cody nodded and gulped, still feeling awkward at the situation, but now that he could see his best friend’s beautiful mother holding the hallowed machine with the intention to use it on him, his confidence was coming back. For years, he’d secretly pined after Keely for her fun-loving spirit, humor, and loveliness, though especially for her unique style of parental discipline which had involved shrinking her son throughout his adolescence and gently but firmly punishing him beneath her gargantuan feet, which were nearly always bare due to her colorful Bohemian aesthetic.

“I almost didn’t come,” he said. “But I just couldn’t resist asking any more. I’ve been thinking about it for… a long time.”

“And I’m glad you did finally,” Keely chuckled. She reached out, placing a hand on Cody’s shoulder and seductively massaging down around his toned brown musculature, her smile widening with each bulge she casually fondled and every line of his tribal tattoo she traced with her fingernail. “You’re not exactly a little boy anymore, are you? Well, at least age-wise… once I’ve used this on you, though, you’re certainly not going to feel like much of a big strong man. But, I gather you don’t mind that, do you?”

“Not at all,” Cody vowed, locking gaze with her flirty green eyes.

The dirty-blonde MILF (though that title hardly seemed worthy when she was still so young) giggled at his reaction. While she was technically shorter than him now at five-foot-six, Cody already viewed her as a towering goddess, having seared into his memory the few significant times over the years he’d walked in on her conditioning her tiny son into better behavior by rolling him under her earthy tanned soles and long toes. Despite her flowery exterior and teasing kindness, he knew Keely was a mighty giantess at her core, and it was only in the last week that Cody, home from college, had summoned the courage to ask for his deepest fantasy from the only woman who could grant it. He’d nearly fallen over when she accepted almost immediately after he’d point-blank requested for her to shrink him, just like she had done to her son, and “play” with him in the same educational attitude under those pretty peachy soles.

“I suppose it surprised you that I said yes, huh?” Keely said with a wink, having practically read his mind.

“Y-Yes, sort of.”

“It’s simple, sugar. I won’t stand for troublemaking, but I also happen to get a little kick out of using this thing. And, well… it just so happened to work out that my son needed to be corrected sometimes, but now that he’s off to school like you, I’ve… missed the fun,” Keely explained. She wrapped her arm around Cody’s broad shoulders, drawing him closer and murmuring in his ear: “Bet you didn’t think I’d just say that part out loud, either, did you? Most women probably wouldn’t, least of all to their son’s friends. And I’ve definitely got friends who think the same way as me. But I’m not like most moms, am I?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that. Keep that up once you’re small, and we’ll get along famously. Only, here’s the deal, Cody: I’m only going to end up depressed if you just stay around to play for an hour or two before I regrow you. It’s been quite a while since I’ve let off some steam, you see.”

“How long do you want me to stay?” Cody asked, fully prepared to give Keely just about anything she requested to see this dream fulfilled.

“You’re home, what, for a week? Let’s say you stick around until it’s time to head back to school. Then I just zap you back to full size, and you’re on your way again. If you want me to shrink you for a little fun now, I’ll need you to hang out with me for seven days straight. No grow-backs until the seventh morning. Do you agree to that?”

Taken aback, Cody had to pause. He expected her to say a day, maybe two, but a full week? Still, his hesitation didn’t last long, given this was an all-or-nothing offer, and he’d already decided that he simply had to experience some of the arousing torments his friend had endured for years. He nodded, looking deeply into Keely’s eyes again.

“Yes, I agree.”

“Perfect. Then let’s not waste another minute, huh, sugar? Much as I like you all grown-up like this,” Keely said, giving Cody’s inked tricep one last stroke, “I’m already dying to see your little head poking out from under my toes. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, I promise. After all, I must’ve done this to my son a hundred times before, and you see how well he turned out. Now, hold still, and try to relax.”

Cody took a step back, trying to calm himself for the alien sensation, though it turned out Keely’s advice was more just a courtesy, since she’d already pulled the trigger. A bright flash robbed him of his sight for an instant, and a rush of wind all around the young man brought him to his knees. When he blinked back to coherency and rubbed the water from his eyes, he discovered he was no longer staring into the face of his friend’s magnetic hippie parent, but a familiar-yet-unfamiliar bare foot resting on the hardwood and draped just above the ankle with a maroon hand-stitched skirt. The image was known to Cody, given how many of his teenage years he’d spent sneaking peeks at Keely’s bare peds and come to know their details even from afar, ranging from the well-kept nails, the sun-kissed smoothness of her skin, and the light dusting of garden soil and grass stains she often had caked on her insteps and toepads. The sight was just as foreign, however, because Keely’s feet were now the size of buses.

“Feeling all right, Cody?” Keely boomed sweetly from on high. Craning his neck up to see her face was a task unto itself, and the newly-shrunken man couldn’t even speak at first, overwhelmed by his attraction to this mega-sized mother, his sexual reverence for those perfect outdoorsy feet, and a healthy dose of fear at crouching in the presence of a being hundreds of times his size.

“Yes, I… think so,” he peeped, still disoriented and shaking in the knees, but coming to accept this wild turn of events. He stood up, though even at full height, it didn’t make much difference; Keely’s big toe still came up to the level of his tiny waist.

“I wanted you to have the chance to get used to this before we make you REALLY small, so I thought we’d start with a nice two inches. You can handle that, can’t you, sugar?” she asked.


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