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The boy was wholly uninterested in being involved in this conversation or this meal of Judy’s, but had no choice, since she’d kicked away the ladder, and was now catwalking back toward him, one naked foot padding in front of the other. He watched her thigh muscles flexing, until she stopped and took a seat at the table, likely so her son would have a much closer view of the proceedings. Her fingers molested then picked up a thin, gangly man from the batch.

“He’s the perfect follow-up, isn’t he, Scott? A nice, lowfat bite to wash down that bigger one,” Judy appraised, grinning and studying the flailing victim pinched helplessly in her fingertips. “Down the hatch! Thank you, little one, for doing your part to keep my tummy nice and flat.”

Judy didn’t fully insert the man as she had the previous sacrifice, but instead tossed him toward her gaping open mouth with a simple bat of her wrist. Turning head-over-heels, the poor fellow vanished into the blackness, landing squishily atop Judy’s tongue. That was the last Scott saw of the man, who squealed and lunged in desperation for the opening, just as Judy’s teeth clacked down and her lips resealed, catching him easily within. To emphasize her hope, she patted her stomach, swished the saliva in her cheeks, then nodded to herself while gulping. Scott watched, a ghostly pain in his own gullet, at the sight of the human-sized lump traveling down his mother’s neck.

“Be honest with me now, sweetie,” Judy insisted to her child. She cradled the two remaining humans in her palm like stress balls, circling them around one another. “Can you see the difference in me?”

Scott shuddered. He certainly could, though it made him ache to have to admit it to himself, let alone his mother. In years past, his sexuality had been thrown into a state of grey confusion, generally because of his enforced nudity and sensually compromising positions he was put into while shrunken as “punishment,” but now, even witnessing the horror of his mother casually eating strangers while speaking to him, and not being touched himself, it was still impossible to deny a certain animalistic attraction for her. It just was. More shapely than ever, athletic, statuesque yet well-endowed, and freely showing off the view of her magnificent body, no mortal could have resisted the allure, no matter how self-serving and cold Judy had become toward everyone too weak to stop her from making them into lunch.

“Y-Yes I can, Mom,” Scott whimpered.

“Pardon? Try that again.”

“Yes I can, Mommy.” Scott thought now being in his twenties would exempt him from this tradition, but apparently it had not.

“That’s what I thought. Who wouldn’t see the difference, and love me all the more for it? And I don’t know how many times it will take to remind you of what to call me, Scott, but someday, I’ll knock a little more sense into you. Mark my words, dear. And tell me now, do you know why I’ve managed to make such a drastic change?”

“Y-You… um, exercise more, and…”

“-wrong, dear. It’s these tiny things that I’m holding in my hand, right now, that’ll soon be on their way to cook in my belly,” Judy interrupted, her voice rich with pride. She thumbed the poor screamers again, alternately pinning them down then nudging them again, like a cat toying with its prey, unable to fully enjoy the consumption without first some fun. Still, she looked on them with genuine gratitude. “It’s not the dieting, not the activity, and not even my little growth spurt. I owe it all to these so-called people, these magical little pills who’ve worked better wonders on me than any scientific advancement ever could. That’s the truth, dear. Eating the weak, helpless little critters such as yourself that populate this city of dollhouses is the key to improving myself. And it’s why I’ll be making as many of these funny little fellows a part of me as I can possibly cram into each and every day, just to see how far this will go, for as long as I remain this size. Which… in case you’ve forgotten… will be forever. Picture how much more they can do for me, when I’ve only been eating them for a month now. A month. Women work years to get a figure like this, and here I’m already well on the way to Olympic status. But then again, those women are only human. They’re small, breakable, and really only fit for serving a higher purpose. A higher purpose like me. Can you imagine, then, what I’ll look like in two months? Three? A year? No, I don’t suppose you can fully imagine it, with that tiny little brain in that tiny little head of yours, Scott. But take my word for it. They’ll have to erect temples in my honor. That’s all I can say, dear.”

Deeply haunted, Scott had no choice but to slump back, chewing over his mother’s discovery. He was reluctant in coming to terms with the fact that her carnivorous habits upon innocent strangers had allowed such a beneficial transformation, nor the fact that she planned to continue right on eating through humanity just to make herself hotter, yet when he looked up again, it simply couldn’t be denied. She was better: bigger, taller, stronger, bustier, more gorgeous than ever. The power of such a concept would have to be mind-altering and tempting as sin; to a woman of Judy’s talents, with her dictatorial personality and need to subjugate her lesser, that temptation would not be resisted under any circumstances.

Judy regarded her son once more in the silent interim, then leaned her head back, holding both hysterical tinies on the wide-open plank of her hand. She declined her palm so they had no choice but to roll toward her wrist. Their meek attempts to cling to her fingers or flesh were pointless; Judy had already decided their fates, while making full eye contact with her child, and bearing a smile wide enough to suggest she was still appreciating his answer. One more tilt of her hand, and both the naked leftovers tumbled into the muggy, spit-glossed prison. Judy allowed these two a few more seconds of air and light, and even gave them the illusion of a chance by keeping her lips and teeth mercifully parted. Though the pair did their best to fight toward freedom, even two of them at once were no match for their ruler’s mighty lashing tongue, curling and squirming and slaking them with slippery fluid that made it even harder to pass through the gateway, which was now steadily closing.

Even as Judy’s lips winnowed to a narrow pucker, Scott winced to see tiny hands clawing from inside in a last bid for escape. Slurping hard enough to drag both protesting victims toward the back of her mouth for the final bow, Judy blew her son a kiss, winked, then in a feat that Scott would’ve assumed impossible without choking if he hadn’t seen it for himself, swallowed both strangers in one powerful, gushing swallow.

“Mmmm… oh, there’s nothing like this, Scott, I swear. And I can already feel them contributing to me, my shape, and the leader I’m going to become,” Judy moaned. With her palms empty again, she brazenly clutched both bra cups and squeezed, in turn distorting and yielding the buoyant lightly-freckled globes barely contained within. “Take a look at your mother now, please. Do you see it? Do you see what’s happening to me?”

Scott, very much wishing to look anywhere but at his mom while she caressed her own breasts, obeyed. He knew there was no other recourse, because if he refused, Judy would just grab his head in her fingertips and crank it back in her direction. Also, secretly, shamefully, he couldn’t resist staring of his own accord.

“I… t-think so,” he muttered. “I see.”

“Of course you do,” Judy purred. Her self-massage become more vigorous, hefting and squeezing her tits in all directions, poking springy flesh and practically turning them ruddy from the heat and ferocity of her hands. “I’m getting bigger all the time, in all the right places. Just so you know, dear, it’s all right to appreciate your mother. Don’t feel embarrassed. You love and rely on me in so many ways already, what harm or sin is there in feeling a special connection with me, when we’ve already spent so much time together, correcting you in every way you need correcting. Now, you’ll have a reward for all that time spent. Something to look forward to, and up to. Isn’t that wonderful, sweetie? Now… look at me one more time, and then get back to work, before I decide to have you for dessert. Oh, don’t make that face. I’m only kidding.”

Just before leaving Scott alone in stunned silence, Judy stood and patted her stomach, revolving herself runway-style to grant him one last look at her new scantily clad bod. Then she strutted off just as swiftly as she’d arrived, the pale crescent shapes of her ass gently quivering on every step.


THE END (of this one, but more alternate universe giant-Judy Time-Out scenes just might be on the way)


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