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After watching the magnified fortress of his former home turned to an irradiated graveyard on national TV, Albert was certain his mother and sister had been killed. He sunk into his bed, crying and delirious at the madness of this morning, going from the incredible sight of the enlarged house appearing, to the emergence of his family, plain as day, at a hundred miles tall while they unknowingly wiped cities clean off the map under their shuffling feet, until finally Sassy had ventured to Europe and forced the military’s hand to attack. And now he had no one, or at least it seemed that way, while soot and smoke clouded half the nation where once the moon-sized house stood.

Just when Albert had given up hope, however, through the veil of rising ash, the satellite feeds picked up new images: silhouettes, two of them, passing through the smoke so quickly it billowed out like mist over the whole continent. At first the reports suggested this was only a byproduct of the nuked house, an illusion, since the shadows cast by the moving shapes were far too tall, even by the standards of the colossal Rachel and Sassy, to be the same mother-daughter doombringers. After all, these ash clouds were parted by forces far larger than the girls when the cameras last got a glimpse of them before the attack, upwards of three hundred miles and close to four.

Yet once the visage of Sassy in her red dress had passed through the void, there was no more questioning, especially as Rachel followed quickly after in pursuit. Though at their original post-growth sizes, the women were already so big as to be incomprehensible except with powerful technology to view them from above the clouds, they had now adopted scales so unthinkably humongous, their statures passed through the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, their faces nearly touching outer space. Several satellites which had previously been used to photograph the giantesses before their second growth spurt were now insufficient, as the floating craft crashed into Sassy’s marching body while she took two-hundred-mile-long strides, cutting the feeds while she obliviously knocked the machinery out of the sky like gnats.

Albert frantically researched to keep up with their walk, grateful that his family was alive, but more terrified than ever of what would happen to his deity-sized mother and sibling. Clearly he had no reason to fear for their lives anymore, as the nation’s strongest bombardment of weaponry had only made them more powerful and destructive than ever, which was also the problem: Sassy and Rachel, no matter how much Albert loved them, were now the greatest threat that Earth had ever known.

The news feeds became scattered as helicopters and satellites were unwittingly smashed and collected like dust particles on Sassy’s body, but eventually the fast-moving leviathan ladies were tracked along their journey. Rachel was slower to keep up, attempting to place her feet into the exact prints left by her daughter so no further damage would be caused, but Sassy was on a determined mission, carving out a warpath toward what was eventually believed to be Washington DC. In her shimmering sequined prom dress that so accentuated her assets, and those sultry high-heels that gave her already insanely high four-hundred-mile might another boost, Albert’s “little” sister looked like a veritable angel of death, beautiful and striking in her demeanor and garb, yet frightening as every natural disaster from the planet’s history combined.

Each time Sassy’s sixty-mile foot landed again, it indeed left behind destruction akin to an earthquake measuring 18 on the Richter scale: no structure or single living thing down to the molecule could survive the oppressive, world-stamping annihilation of those tall-arched blood-hued stilettos, and all below her foot was reduced to two-dimensional dust-mesh in the precise canyon-shape of the girl’s lucky prom-shoes. Though Sassy’s sense of direction wasn’t the best, and she ended up wandering the east coast for several minutes, while seemingly enjoying each step she took upon unknown territories and populous cities alike, the giantess eventually found her target, when she felt the prickle of the military’s final defenses laying down a hail of fire hot as a supernova upon the giantess’s ankles.

To her, though, it felt like little more than the warm kiss of the sun on a pleasant summer’s day at the beach and, gratified that she’d been shown the way to her target, Sassy raised her foot over Washington DC, for she’d now become big enough that she only needed a single step to smite her enemies. In fact, the spike-heel alone probably would have been sufficient to push all those who’d wronged her ten miles deep into the planet. Rachel still pursued her daughter, pleading, but wasn’t fast enough.

“Sorry about this, everyone. Well, that’s a lie. I’m not really sorry,” Sassy boomed. Her cosmos-reaching thunderclap voice rumbled over the whole nation, audible directly from her lips to everyone on the continent if not the hemisphere. Many cities directly around where she stood were crumbled to debris just from the clatter of her unearthly loudness, but everyone else, poor Albert included, ran outside to hear the four-hundred-mile young goddess’s proclamation: “Let this be a lesson to all of you. Don’t mess with me, and don’t mess with my family. These people, the ones I’m about to crush so hard they see the other side of the world, made some bad choices. They blew up my bedroom, plus the rest of my house, and now they’re going to pay the price. So, don’t feel bad about this. Don’t be scared. And try to look on the bright side. My mom and I can be nice to you, I promise, so long as you’re nice back to us. And as a bonus, have you SEEN how good I look in this outfit? Yeah, I know it’s sexy. So just try to relax and enjoy the show, because we’re in charge now.”

With that, the hammer of Sassy’s shoe came down, pushing through a last-ditch hail-mary of DC’s atom bombs, all of which were brushed straight through by the girl’s powerful red sole like they were butterfly wings, and when she stomped on the site of Washington DC with her spike-heel stiletto, a ripple of concentric tectonic plates rolled across the land as though a pebble had been thrown in a lake, leaving the country and soon the world in a state of messy disarray, with a hard-learned lesson in their hearts.

Rachel, reaching her daughter a moment too late, buried her face in her hands, knowing there was no chance of a parlay now and, for better or for worse, she and her daughter had started a revolution they couldn’t undo, having officially declared the whole world their playground. Albert, feeling the tremors of Sassy’s shoe-slam in his university dorm even on an opposing coast, sunk to the floor, the sound of his sister’s sweet-toned totalitarian takeover still ringing fresh in his ears.


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