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Once he was up, though, the shrinker leapt for the front of the sofa in a panic, climbing hand-over-hand and willing himself not to get dizzy. Several times, he heard his fiancé laugh, which made his insides clench at the expectation that she’d caught him, but she was instead only reacting to something Kayla said. He’d been so focused on turning this weekend into a shrunken sexual playground, it also hadn’t occurred to Cody the danger of Ashley’s tight-knit mother and sisters popping in at any time, none of whom of course knew of the couple’s usual transmogrifier-based intimacy. Unfortunately, in order to make her attitude toward him more authentic, he’d erased himself from her believed existence, which meant that Cody had created the all-too-real possibility of the extended family walking in while he was tiny, pinned underfoot, and dutifully sucking on doughy intra-toe pores while Ashley called him worse names than the very scum he was licking out.

Clambering onto the cushions, Cody dove under the pillow and fiddled with the device. His heart was racing so fast he almost wanted to keel over, though maybe that sensation was just spillover from the underfoot grinding he’d suffered, or the scorching swallows of sole perspiration now pickling his innards. Just when he’d managed to flip the correct settings on the screen, however, and lunged again for the trigger, Cody watched in horror as the thing slid back out into the light. He chased it in a panic, realizing too late that it was only moving because Ashley had noticed him and snatched the transmogrifier out of his reach, and was now pointing it directly at him like a gun.

“Oh, slave…” she poisonously sighed, while pocketing her phone again. “…just when we were starting to get along.”

“Ashley. P-Please…” Cody whimpered with his hands in the air, realizing how truly out of options he was here.

“I’m trying to think if I’ve ever felt SO insulted by anything in my whole life!” Ashley said with a terrifyingly false grin. “And I’m thinking no, I haven’t ever been shown such fucking disrespect by such a low, useless, insignificant shit-scrape of a thing as you! FIRST you get right back on the couch when I’m not looking, even after the lesson I just taught you, but not only that! What were you going to turn me into so you could run off? Who the hell else would have even been nice enough to keep you alive by feeding you all her sweat and toe crud once you were gone, huh? Answer me THAT!”

“Please, just listen to me. T-This is all a mistake! I’m n-not your slave, we’re… engaged!” Cody hysterically explained. “And I used that to make you think we weren’t! It was stupid, but I thought it would be fun, and I n-now I just want to put everything back the way it was! Seriously, just use it on yourself, and you’ll SEE!”

“Do I really look that idiotic to you?” Ashley growled. She raised her foot off the floor again, just like she had to swat Cody off the couch, only this time pressed him fast up against the back of the furniture, shoving until the cushions depressed around him like a deflating balloon, and then she wedged his neck into the space between her biggest toes for a grip. Lifting the six-incher up by his stem, and leaving him to hack and flail in midair, the giantess took a seat herself on the sofa, while bringing Cody crashing back to earth, still under her sole and still on the verge of turning blue thanks to her pithy digits squeezing his throat. “Okay, scratch all that nice stuff I said before. We’re starting from square one.”

Cody might’ve attempted to convince her further, but couldn’t manage to fit a single word out while struggling so meekly against the complicated forces of her foot smushing down on his stomach and windpipe at once. The moment she let up, then, leaving the half-foot victim to choose between gasping and weeping, the transmogrifier clicked in her hand, and her slave began to expand larger: technically, at least, but once the process was complete, and Cody tried unsuccessfully to move his now-nonexistent limbs, he discovered his slim chances of escape had been reduced to zero, now that Ashley had refashioned him as a small circular footrest, with his last remaining human trait being his face protruding up from the cusp of the leather ottoman.

Paralyzed, he only caught a glimpse of the sweaty spandex-clad goddess kicking back on the couch and extending both legs before his face was promptly buried again under the other still-socked foot. Lacking arms and legs now, he had no power to remove it for her, which meant Cody was left simply to endure the scratchy cotton-swishy grating that ensued from Ashley circling her soppy-fabric soles atop his countenance to mop away some of the excess nastiness. Next, in lieu of her slave’s own pitiful efforts, the giantess was kind enough to rip away the sock herself, though not before whacking him across the face with its liquid-weighted mass like a riding crop, then at last thumped that newly-naked and ultra-ripe opposite foot squarely across his hybridized head. Cody could feel the pressure from both her peds and legs burdening the rest of his inanimate body, but of course the majority of the squishy, mealy, overheated pressure was concentrated straight down through his scrunched-up face.

“Hey, at least you’re solid enough now to handle two feet at once. Maybe I should start keeping you like this a lot more often,” Ashley said. Unable to see her past the pruny pink wall of her post-exercise foot flesh, Cody could hear his fiancé nonchalantly tapping away on her phone, not even paying him enough attention to look down at the living thing fighting back tears beneath her heels, and she spoke to him with appropriate barely-tolerant condescension. “Don’t worry, I haven’t gone soft. This isn’t the REAL punishment for you defying me like that. Not a chance. We’ll think of something even better for that. For now, though I think it’s best to just leave you like this, so you can’t run off and humiliate me in front of the family. They’ll be here any minute, and the last thing I need is them thinking I haven’t trained my slave well enough. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be for me?”


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