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Regrettably, that night with Sarah may have been the last truly pleasurable one of my life. After that, there were no more kinky games at the office. All the ladies sprouted to profound new heights, bumping their heads against the ceilings now at fourteen feet tall, with no signs of stopping. Meanwhile, as I shrunk further and further down, until I was just a tenth of an inch tall, my interactions with my female coworkers became less about the naughty fun we could have and instead more about all of them being entertained and fascinated with the astronomic size difference between our bodies.

“Oh, Andrew. You really must be one of the smallest animals on Earth,” Melanie said as she leaned over the edge of the reception desk. She practically had to bend on her knees just to get a look at me in my pitiful cage. The woman ran her long fingers through her hair, then held them close to one open eye, trying to gauge my diminutive stature from afar.

“Even insects look huge compared to him,” Eve snarled with delight. She, however, did nothing to bow closer to my level, and probably could barely see me from nearly fifteen feet in the air. The ginger was more like a living monument statue now, so big and beyond my comprehension until her treacherous fingers reached down to poke me.

“Well, I think he’s adorable just the way he is!” Sarah said. Before I could hope she might protect me from the cruel redhead or the sure-footed brunette, though, my one-time office fuckbuddy lifted a toy magnifying glass up and held it to her eye. Her own pretty iris was amplified through the glass as she leaned over me for a better look. “Yes you are, Andrew! And you’re a very important part of this office, you know. If we didn’t have you here, we might not smile as much!”

“That’s true,” Melanie said.

“We hope you never change, shrimp,” Eve taunted. The three ladies broke into chortles, leaving me to stew in embarrassment in my heap of wood chips. I’m sure Sarah could see it through the magnified image, but she only blushed and made cooing noises at me like the precious office pet. Which I guess I was.

The next day was even worse, as I’d lost more than half my height, bringing me to a paltry one-twentieth of an inch. Still nobody was aware that anything had changed. For all my coworkers knew, I’d always been this particulate-sized man-slave trapped in a box on the front desk, and they had always been voluptuous amazons who ruled the business like queens and needed to duck down to fit under doorways. I, on the other hand, had to fight just to keep from being buried in my habitat’s sawdust.

“Can anyone see him in there?” Melanie remarked as she walked by. She frowned, even sticking her face over the cage, until it entirely covered the opening, but still she didn’t recognize me in the corner. “Maybe he wandered off.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be very professional of him to leave, would it?” Eve said sternly, though she hid a dastardly smirk. “I think that would be grounds for punishment. Maybe even termination. Luckily, I think I’d have the perfect new “job” for him, if he was finally removed from his post here…”

“I found him!” Sarah announced, peeking through the glass. Her face was so huge I nearly fainted when it suddenly appeared through the wall. “Let’s get you out of there and have a look to say good morning!”

Sure enough, Sarah fished me out with the crook of her polished fingernail, then deposited me onto the slide of an honest-to-god microscope that now rested on the edge of the reception desk. Who had even brought this damn thing? My three coworkers crowded around, giggling and arguing over who’d have the first turn. Meanwhile, I stared down the metallic barrel of the device, feeling like I was about to be lasered by some alien technology, even though I’d just been entrapped on a basic piece of scientific equipment.

“I can see him much better!” Sarah announced with a smile. Looking up through the pinhole reflection, her eye seemed the size of a star now. “Aww… he looks so confused!”

“Even though we do this every morning,” Melanie laughed. She shouldered in for her turn at staring me down through the intrusive scope. “When will he learn?”

“He neverwill,” Eve said. When she took her turn glaring at my magnified micro-self, I couldn’t help but feel a stinging sensation: maybe it was humiliation, or the light, or maybe Eve had finally managed to telepathically break me apart. Either way, I had never felt so exposed as that moment while the redhead inspected me on the slide. Her fingers even shoved the glass around, adjusting me right into the center for pinpoint study. Though I felt ridiculous, I actually started to cry. Unfortunately, something else happened, too.

“Oh my God,” Eve said. “He loves this. Just look at his little thing standing up between his legs! You two need to see it. We might have to zoom in even closer to know for sure, though.”

I hated every second of the last day, being toyed with under a microscope like the ladies’ personal science experiment, but after I woke up the next morning to find I was just one one-hundredth of an inch tall, I would’ve given anything to be stared at again through that viewer. At least they’d know where I was, even while they cackled and bullied me to oblivion. But, as it happens, reality shifted me right onto the hardwood desert of the office, and I was surrounded by infinite floor. Running in any direction didn’t seem to change my location, as my legs were so miniscule now. I was powerless to travel anywhere, climb anything, or even get anyone’s attention.

After my coworkers arrived for the day, they weren’t perturbed by my absence from the tank. They simply went about their days, topping fifteen feet tall, and wearing high heels that might’ve served as cruise liner ship for me. There was plenty of business to be done, and even sadder, they seemed to be doing better off without me. I couldn’t even try to grab onto their passing shoes; just as soon as the spire of those spike-heels stabbed the ground, whoever it was would launch her foot forward again to take a step, thinking nothing of it, but stretching a mile away from me in a second. Their faces were so high up, I had no way of knowing which woman was at risk of squashing me to nothing.

Several times, I managed to be near the front of a pointed high heel right when it landed, but before I could latch myself to the cracks into the leather exterior, I was punted across the floor. How I survived, I don’t know, but the day proceeded just like that: microscopic, anonymous, naked, down on the floor among the ever-moving mountains of my lovely coworkers, occasionally kicked about like a dust molecule, and too insignificant to ever be noticed again.




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