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This small display re-hypnotized Brian all over again. Even from a few inches away, he felt he was experiencing her foot already. The fleshy topography of her foot was so detailed and palpable as to have sensation without even touching it. Again he felt the heat radiating from her sole just as it did her nervous palm, only in greater and more intoxicating quantity. Unlike Olivia’s foot, there was no hint of sandal-cooked sweat, only soapy cleanliness, and in place of that citrus lotion, he detected a powerful whiff of green-tea scrub, Amy’s favorite. It was almost magical.

“That’s the gist of it,” he said.

“It sounds… sort of dangerous, though. Even if the… giantess… knew what was happening, and knew she had a sweet, handsome little person down there, touching and kissing and… licking her big feet, um…” Amy stammered. “I… I mean, the giantess… would probably be afraid of hurting him, especially if he was really tiny, since he’s so much smaller than her feet. Wouldn’t he be just a little afraid of that, too?”

“Not if he trusted the giantess completely,” Brian replied without hesitation, knowing full-well they were no longer speaking in hypotheticals. He stroked her thumb again. “Not if he knew she could never hurt him, and that it was worth the risk anyway, to be near her. To… show her how he felt about her.”

Solemnly, Amy nodded, though a hint of a mischievous gleam was visible in her eye.

“Okay, my little man,” she announced softly. “If you’ll have me… I’d like to be your giantess for a while.”


“Then… instead of explaining more about this whole thing, why don’t you just… give me a demonstration?” Amy’s hand inched closer, until the heel of her hand made delicate contact with her resting foot. Those circular-tipped toes genially pressed onto the edge of her palm, well-within prodding distance of her inch-tall fan. Instead, though, the reluctant Chinese goddess allowed him to come to her.

And he did, slowly but throbbingly, his erection already tenting his miniature toga. His arms met Amy’s statue-still toes, one in each hand, and he sampled the rubbery heft of each digit, holding them to his body as best he could. From there he commenced swabbing each toe and the space between, digging his fists into the toejam-speckled flesh. Still, the girl was reserved in their interaction, and hardly budged a muscle.

“You could, um… move them closer. Just if you wanted,” Brian suggested.

“You’re sure?”


“Okay… like this?” Amy proffered. All five toes, previously pointed down to her palm, arched up at once, coming up taller than her tiny subject now, and her whole foot pushed forth by two inches. At once, the little guy was no longer genuflected before her stationary toes, but actively sprawled beneath their fidgeting ensemble. Though Amy applied zero pressure, her bulbous digits now took turns grazing over Brian’s form, while her whole foot swiveled gradually from side to side above to give him a sample of each toe. “Is this okay? This doesn’t hurt, does it?”

“That’s… great,” Brian huffed. The act was far subtler and less passionate than anything he’d endured in Olivia’s grasp, yet meant far more to the little man than any other romantic or sexual gesture he’d encountered in life. The rich soapy scents wafted in a thick cloud, and heat was imparted to his trembling body with each nuzzling pass of Amy’s toes. He did his best to keep rubbing and serving each bronze digit that came down to touch him, but primarily Brian just had to lie back and savor the ride.

After a trial period, Amy started just smudging her flared toes along Brian’s body rather than lifting them up and dropping them back down, which was even better than her first more tentative style. The shrinker was enraptured, and did his utmost to lovingly caress each toe, and even the strip of pinkish skin which formed the ball of Amy’s expansive foot. Anything he could touch was enjoyed and massaged. His efforts tripled, out of singular devotion to this girl, and soon he was working even harder than he ever had for Olivia, which was saying something, considering that was a massage to literally save his life.

Amy nonverbally acknowledged this change in Brian, and her tensed foot muscles seemed to relax, while the pronounced prickly shape of her goose bumps increased. Her palm skin turned clammier at his back, but she diligently held him close to her foot, by now confident enough to practically sandwich Brian into her toes. Her exhalations grew longer and louder in the silence.

“You could… kiss them now, too. Just if you want. I’d… like to know what it feels like, but only if you want to, I… oh!” Amy buzzed, for before she could even finish the sentence, Brian took her up on that offer.

He kissed mellowly, only planting wet pecks on Amy’s now-shivering toes as they continued sweeping over, stroking his body now just as rigorously as he rubbed them. Assuredly, the generous giantess could feel his miniscule pants tent each time her toes brushed by, but she didn’t respond other than by pressing down just a little harder. Brian in turn kissed more vivaciously, grappling with her toes and smooching for longer each time, which Amy happily allowed by pausing her foot in motion. Again they stayed in this pattern for a while, losing themselves in a new and surprisingly intimate experience: the tiny creature cupped between a careful hand and a willing foot, kissing and kneading a sky of toe-flesh with everything he had, while his giant partner sunk deeper into the cushions, teasing and pleasing this precious little life with her bare foot, steadily coming to appreciate her position of affectionate control.

“What about the bottom of my foot?” Amy asked. Her toes pulled away from Brian with one last exploratory scrunch and arched her entire ped up against the side of her hand, causing her bulky yet sumptuous sole to linger at an angle over him, previewing. “Do you… like that part, too?”

“Y-Yes, I do.”

“Yeah? Well, in that case…” she said back, encouraged, almost laughingly, while her foot descended. This time it covered the entirety of her hand, and its passenger included. Her balmy sole squashed delicately over Brian, but not before she finished the thought: “Why don’t you… show me, then? I… haven’t felt you… lick it yet. Maybe if, I mean just if you wanted to, you could, now… try it out, on the bottom of my foot? It’s… clean, I promise.”

Discreetly, fastidiously, Amy pressed her sole firmly to her outstretched palm and fingers, feeling Brian’s shape snugly molded to the sleek, raw arch flesh there. Her wrinkles smushed around him. She watched from up-close at first, making absolute certain that there was enough of a crack for the tiny PhD to breathe and ask for help if needed, plus sufficient space for him to keep touching her foot with his own hands if he wished. Though Amy sincerely hoped he would, since by this point she was starting to reap the benefits of his fetishes as well.

Per her instruction, Brian began lapping at her skin in addition to continuing the zealous rubdown, this time with a whole massive sole to honor instead of just the globes of her toes. He certainly cherished the advertised cleanliness of her foot, though frankly, at this stage, he would’ve desperately licked Amy’s foot even if it was gunked in mud and tar first. The flavors promised by the prior aromas of green tea soap and downy sock fabric were delicious in the practice of actually tasting, but even putting that aside, Brian was just overjoyed and completely fulfilled to be worshipping under the titanic foot of the girl he had such strong feelings for.

It was odd to think that at one time, he worked as a TA to this bright young mind, serving as a mentor of sorts. Now the tables had thoroughly turned in their TA-student relationship, yet it felt like the most natural thing in the world. No longer afraid of the truth, he thrust himself serenely against Amy’s sole, using all four limbs to scour and spoil her malleable flesh, all the while hungrily licking at every patch of skin he could reach.

The deed was almost symmetrical to Brian’s brutal rendezvous with Olivia’s feet, yet aside from the physical similarity of his body and actions, the two events couldn’t have been more different. While his arousal then had been reticent, an animal response to a harrowing crisis that made him believe death was coming, Brian was now in a state of calm bliss and amorousness. Instead of expecting Olivia to end his life at any moment, he could simply yearn for this interaction with Amy, his perfect goddess, to never end.

“Oh, wow. T-That’s… good,” Amy stammered. She tempered her breathing, taken aback by how much she was loving this, but not wanting to come on too strong. “Y-Yeah, I can… I can see why you… liked the idea of this. You’re… oh, wow… you seem to be having fun, and… oh, yeah… s-sorry, you surprised me there, but you… feel good, Brian. P-Please, don’t… don’t stop yet.”

Only too willing to oblige, Brian carried on lapping, rubbing, and making out with the underside of Amy’s beguiling foot. As her hand began to travel beneath her sole, he was returned to her toes, followed by her heel and instep. All of these received the same holy attention, and inspired a complementary reaction in Amy, who was now having trouble holding back her moans. The girl even introduced her opposite foot, ripping her sock away in effort to gift him access to more bubbly scents and liquid-smooth skin.

“I was… just thinking,” Amy crooned as she lovingly pressed Brian between her two naked soles and watched him work. Her speech was occasionally stuttered by bursts of micro-pleasure activated in the secret erogenous zones among her sensitive foot flesh, but otherwise, she soldiered on, determined at last not to edit her feelings: “I’ll be so happy once you’re safe and back to your old size again, when they… woah… when they finish fixing the m-machine. But… but maybe, just maybe… you know, if you were interested… once everything’s okay again… we could pay a visit to the lab, and… oh, God… shrink you again. Just for a little while. You know, for… r-research.”

Brian answered her by burying his tongue in a particularly puffy sole-wrinkle, the buoyant flesh bending to his kisses and finally giving Amy permission to audibly squeal. Out of instinct, she hugged her opposite foot harder at his back, letting his obvious erection grind in a similar pad of doughy skin, while her gigantic fingers descended to quietly steal Brian’s toga.

He couldn’t have agreed with her more.


THE END (for now; expect these characters to return sooner rather than later)


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