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Back in his dorm room, which he’d since barricaded after word of the giantesses’ identities spread, Albert was watching news footage from Europe with his jaw hanging open. As his mother and sister’s voices were still more like thunderclaps unless spoken through a phone, all he could do was try to interpret their body language. And it certainly looked like his once-little sister Sassy was deliberately smashing entire countries at a time like a devious kid in a sandbox. This fact was confirmed when he watched Rachel arrive in Europe, bellow at Sassy with her usual maternal aplomb for discipline, only to have the girl ignore the order and continue right on grinding her feet through the land and pulverizing every puny thing in their way. When he saw Rachel having to wrestle with Sassy to make her stop, the boy had to switch to a new channel; it was too difficult to watch.

On the live feeds, Albert could see the asteroid-like structures of his sister’s pillowy toes plowing through whole regions at a time with just one flick of her stubbiest digits. Soon after, these feeds went black when Sassy’s smooth pink foot reared up again to strike, before swooping down and bathing the country in heavy, lotion-fragrant flesh. There was no going back now; any help that might’ve been offered to his giant family, particularly his sister, in reversing this situation had surely been rescinded. In fact, he could already see leaks online suggesting the military forces of both North America and Europe were partnering for an action response. Which meant they were probably going to attack Albert’s beloved mother and misguided sister.

Once he summoned the courage again, Albert returned to watching satellite imagery from higher up, rather than down below where his family’s mighty bare feet were ravaging the continent. He could see Rachel left alone now, too scared to move again after the damage wrought during the journey to find Sassy, who had since disappeared inside the house. Not knowing what else to do, the young man dialed his mother on the phone.

“Albert, dear? Is that you again?” Rachel gasped into the mouthpiece as soon as she answered. “What’s going on down there? Please, if you know anything that can help me and your sister fix this, tell me!”

“They’re going to fight back, Mom.”

“What? You mean…”

“Yes. Like, a military strike. I don’t know how or where from, but I can see things on the news. Wait, there’s… something from the president right now. Talking about how they’re going to respond,” Albert said. He scrolled in panic through the news and listened to a soundbite from the White House. “Yes, they’re… oh God, Mom.”


“They’re going to bomb the house.”

Our house? But… Sassy’s just gone back inside!”

“I know, I know. I think that’s why they’re doing it. To get her while she’s on the ocean and away from land, before she can do anything else to hurt anyone,” Albert explained, a lump in his throat. All this was so surreal, he was on the verge of fainting, but he knew he had to keep researching, for the sake of his mother and even his sister, twisted as she’d become with her newfound power. “You need to tell Sassy to get out of the house again, right away! And you have to stop her from stepping on anything else, or they won’t stop until they’ve put her down!”


Rachel closed the phone, took a weary breath, and set out for the house once more.

Problems just kept stacking up this morning. First they awoke in unfamiliar surroundings thinking there was a chemical disaster, proceeded to accidentally trample hundreds of American cities beneath their sandals, ran into some power-drunk issues with Sassy intentionally making enemies with half the free world, and finally the imminent threat of a likely-nuclear assault on the two giant women deemed threats to humanity. Given all that had happened, Rachel didn’t suppose she could blame them for wanting to explosively stop herself and her daughter. Regardless, though, as a mother, she couldn’t let harm come to her child, even if that child had just declared her desire to subjugate the ant-like humans between her slender toes.

Carefully, Rachel placed her feet only into the pre-stomped craters she’d already made while trekking here, so as not to contribute further to the scorched earth. She wiped away the last of her tears, determined to help Sassy, and waded back into the ocean. It was a short distance to the home’s backdoor entrance, though Rachel was careful not to slam the door as hard as Sassy, in case it caused a few dozen more typhoons.

“SASSY!” Rachel called. No longer at risk of crushing metropolises under her heels, the woman sprinted to the foyer, strangely aware of the fact that she was crossing hundreds of miles of distance in a few seconds, despite the fact that he house, and her body, were proportionally unchanged. In fact, it now felt more unnerving to be safely back in the confines of their home, where the illusion of gigantic size was even harder to believe. Of course, now that she was tracking in ocean water and the crumbled remains of crushed cities like dirt, Rachel couldn’t escape the truth. Not now and not ever.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Rachel threw open her daughter’s bedroom door.

“We have to go, NOW,” she shouted. Before she could blurt out another desperate cry, though, the mother was caught off-guard by Sassy’s appearance. Indeed, she’d found her daughter in the room, but not sulking in a corner and picking the cities from between her toes like lint, as Rachel had guessed. Rather, the girl was standing before the glossy floor-length mirror in her closet, admiring herself, as she’d had a change of wardrobe since taking a break from world-smashing.

The crystal-eyed, blonde-haired beauty had really outdone herself. Sassy was garbed in a leg-bearing, hip-hugging red dress that prominently displayed her assets in the bust and booty regions. The whole crimson-hued outfit sparkled in its every angle skin-tight to her youthful, curvy figure. It was clear Sassy knew just how good she looked, as she spun around in front of her reflection, savoring the way the fabric tightened around her generous upper thighs whenever she sashayed side to side. To cap off the ensemble, the girl had picked out a staggeringly tall pair of ruby leather high heels, which surely granted her an extra few miles of total height. These, too, perfectly complimented the geometry of her lithe, supple body; the natural arch of her pretty feet was on full display in the loping basin of her spiked shoes. On the floor beside the discarded shoe box lay an old towel which was now filthy with micro-terrain and bite-sized urban viscera, since Sassy had responsibly wiped her feet off on the material so as not to blemish her prized high-heels.


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