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“Forgive you? Yeah, right. We’ll see about that. If you want to show me a real apology, how about doing the only thing you’re good for, and pulling this sock off so you can get to cleaning my feet. Honestly, it’s bad enough that I even had to come find you here, when a REAL slave should’ve come running to find his mistress instead, maybe did a little bowing and slobbering to show how excited he was to lick up all the nasty sweaty grodiness that’s been cooking in those shoes of mine for a whole hour and a half at the gym. But, hey, I’m stuck with you, so I just have to do the best with you that I can. Now start pulling that sock off, before I have to choke you while you do it.”

Cody hurriedly got to work, while Ashley’s foot slid forward - though still pressing him relentlessly into the floor - to let him reach the elastic rim of the sock wrapped around her ankle. Despite feeling surprised at just how “into” this situation a transmogrifier-enraged Mistress Ashley could be, he’d still been looking forward to this treatment. After all, embarrassment and general kindness had always prevented his fiancé from allowing her tiny love to get too close to her feet after exercise, so he was making up for lost time now. Cody’s mouth, indeed, was watering with thoughts of at last fulfilling this filthy yet sultry task.

Stripping the sock away proved difficult while the giantess still imposed so much body-numbing heft onto her six-inch slave, but she relinquished just enough weight to let him keep breathing and, more importantly, complete the task fractions of an inch at a time. Gradually the hot, jam-flecked, pinkish-peach curve of her naked arch was exposed as the sock was rolled layer-over-layer, courtesy of Cody’s grunting efforts, until only her toes remained to liberate. Even then, she gave him a hard time by gripping the fibers in the surely-soggy crevices between her pale digits, while the shrinker struggled from his clumsy splayed-out position to shove the wet tube past this final hurdle, and when at last Ashley let him win at the chore she herself at commanded him to complete, it was done abruptly, so that Cody’s head jerked forward, causing him to face-plant into the oily padding of her big toe print.

“Geez, that sure took you long enough. I swear, you get slower and lazier every single time I give you even the simplest jobs. A tiny monkey could do this better than you, slave, I’m serious,” Ashley scoffed. “So, do I have to treat you like you have brain damage again, and remind you what you’re supposed to do after the sock comes off? Or are you going to try to meet my super-low expectations just ONCE today and start licking my foot like your stupid life depends on it?”

Obediently, Cody answered by pressing his face even deeper into the slimy brine-fuming embrace of his gargantuan fiancé’s roomiest toe crevasse and probing his tongue as stiffly as he could manage against the pudgy curve separating those digit shafts. Slurping and lapping with a thirsty vengeance built up over a long time of dreaming about this especially gnarly kind of fun, but without ever being given permission to tongue-bathe Ashley’s post-workout peds until now, Cody fell into a focused trance of mashing his face up against the underside cleavage of each pair of toes, while scouring his tongue across the dew-soaked geometry of those wriggling digits. He was so devoted to her, and so certain of the sensual catharsis he expected to feel, that a whole thirty seconds of scraping his shrunken taste buds along the meaty cardio-swollen angles of the giantess’s naked foot passed before his brain even processed what he was actually sensing in this moment.

When reality did catch up with the subtlety of a car crash, however, every part of Cody’s systems tried to lock up at once. His body went immobile, his gag reflex spasmed, and his tongue jittered from the sheer repugnance factor of willfully drinking the succulent salt-dense toejam-lumpy fluid leached straight from the dirtiest portion of his girlfriend’s magnificent body after a hard-fought workout. The shrinker’s put-upon insides rejected the vile scents and even more repulsive flavors outright, with his foot fetish being the only aspect of Cody that still urged him to continue, though even that motivation became shaky once he had no choice but to face the truth of how disgusting, cumbersome, and throat-scorching it was to lick-wash the grunge-coated underside of Ashley’s expectant foot while she stood upon him.

Dizzy from the combined submission of filling his mouth with her sour pore runoff squeezed from between toes, and the all-around smarting stress of having her whole sole still compressed so authoritatively down upon his rather fragile shape, Cody retracted his tongue and winced repeatedly. Why again had he been so obsessed with getting himself into this dangerous position? He couldn’t even explain it to himself. This pause, however, turned out to be the wrong choice yet again.

“Why do I suddenly not feel you kissing up all the juicy stuff, when I can CLEARLY see that my feet are still so goddamn gross?” Ashley demanded. “When I tell you that you can stop, then you can stop. If I don’t say you can stop, then I expect you to keep that useless tongue moving, slave, even if I NEVER tell you it’s okay to stop. How many times do we have to go over this? I… own… you. Which means I own every part of you, including your sad squeaky mouth, and right now I want it cleaning my foot, so that I don’t have to find a better use for you instead. Like, I don’t know, as an indoor soccer ball?”

Immediately the pressure bearing down through Ashley’s foot almost doubled, causing Cody to yelp and shake all the harder, though he soon wasn’t able to move much more than his lips, given the volume of giantess poundage driving and twisting him into the ground like a runty man-shaped doormat. Just by nature of the squeezing contact taking place between the writhing victim and his mind-altered girlfriend’s colossal foot, more warm fluid was seeping out of every wrinkle in her arch, sponge-style, and soaking into Cody the more ruthlessly she rubbed it into him.


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