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Eve raised the doll high over her head, then drove it down toward my cage. I dodged out of the way just in time as Barbie’s long legs were stabbed into the wood shavings and made to stand like a monument inside my micro-home. Even considering this was a twelve-inch doll, which looked rather shrimpy in the hands of a seven-foot amazon, Barbie was still a massive giantess by comparison to me. I wasn’t even tall enough to reach the knee.

“Think of this as a practice round,” Eve said with a chuckle. She crossed her arms and leaned far over the cage, so that her much-more-tremendous frame was highlighted behind the pillar of Barbie. “She’s still a hell of a lot bigger than you, but at least now you can work up towards me. Plus, I just thought it would be hilarious to see you trying to service this Barbie, since she’s got no Ken.”

I glanced from the doll to Eve’s cruel expression. Was this some kind of prank?

“Don’t just stand there looking dopey. She’s waiting on you,” Eve encouraged. She gripped the doll by its chest, then mock-walked it toward me through the sawdust. “Go on. Show her how lowly you are next to her.”

“Eve,” I finally said. “What are you-”

“Do it now,” she commanded in a whisper.

Not even knowing what she wanted, I leapt to obey. I stepped up to Barbie’s rail-thin legs, feeling ridiculous and inhuman, which I suppose was exactly what Eve wanted. Then, with nowhere else to start, I wrapped my tiny hands around the doll’s rubber foot and started rubbing it vigorously, like a servant to his inanimate queen. After a while, Eve shook the doll, causing it to kick me over, which I guessed meant it was time to move on. I also caressed Barbie’s other side, then worked my way up her legs, while Eve bent the toy back at a diagonal angle so I wouldn’t fall. Slowly, I crawled up the gigantic body, fondling it in worship the whole way, and continually degraded with each inch I advanced.

“Good job. Maybe you’re not as useless as everybody says you are,” Eve taunted once I’d made it to Barbie’s bust. “But I doubt it.”

For dear life, I clung to either side of the doll’s soft-pointed tits, with my arms stretched to their limit. “Can… I… stop now?” I panted.

“Not quite. You made it this far, but Barbie still needs a kiss from her Prince Charming,” Eve said. Between her fingers, she cranked the doll’s head forward to face me. “Kiss her like you mean it. Show her what a big man the Drewster really is.”

With no other choice, I carefully shifted to wrap my legs around Barbie’s neck. I almost didn’t fit, but there I was, with my inexplicable half-chub resting on a buxom doll’s neck, with her vacant face smiling back at me. Even though I was less than a foot of distance away from the soft bedding of the gerbil cage, this was still an unsettling height thanks to Eve tilting the doll back up as I ascended. Finally, wanting to get this over with, I leaned over and smooched the painted lips.

“There,” I said, somewhat ashamed.

“Not good enough,” Eve said. “I told you to kiss her like you mean it, not like you’re kissing your grandmother. I want to see a make-out. Kiss her like you’re going to kiss my sweet spot tonight after I’ve taped you to that dildo.”

That was about all the incentive I needed to panic, but I held firm, and leaned down to do what Eve ordered. I lingered on the uncomfortable gesture, mashing my lips against the flat plastic dome of Barbie’s head. At last, when the redheaded goddess was arbitrarily satisfied with my performance, she abruptly leaned Barbie forward. The force catapulted me straight off the doll’s body, though luckily I landed in a cushy patch of shavings.

Once again I was forcibly humiliated at the altar base of Eve’s toy, which she emphasized by picking Barbie up easily as a feather and poking me in the back with those rubber feet again. The debasement of being so outclassed by a child’s plaything, though, was nothing compared to the equally visible truth that there was a skyscraper-sized babe high above me with filthy designs happening in that twisted brain, which she was going to enact later, whether I liked it or not. After the woman had succeeded in re-burying me in gerbil chips, she carelessly leaned the doll against the glass wall: a parting gift to remind me of my place.

“I’ll be back later. I’m taking you home with me tonight, and it’s not going to be pretty for you if someone else takes you,” Eve warned as she stepped back. Her fingernails drummed on the glass one last time before she vanished from my field of view. “So just think about that, big boy.”

I was left with only the sound of Eve’s high heels clacking on the hardwood, gradually farther and farther away. As I dug my way out of the sawdust, I tried to imagine how Eve could place blame for that on me, when I had no power over which woman chose to invade my prison and capture me for a night of red-hot who-knows-what.


I shivered on Sarah’s nightstand by her bed, trembling with arousal, watching as the golden-haired, bespectacled goddess stripped away her clothes a piece at a time. She did it luxuriously, in no hurry, and all for my benefit. After another growth spurt which affected every woman in the office, she topped ten feet tall now, which meant I was only reaching about at the level of her knees on the tabletop. Staring up at her magnificent body so high above made me dizzy, and especially since I’d shrunken again down to less than a quarter inch, I was but a speck of dust in the presence of my receptionist-turned-deity.

After this mysterious size-changing began, I’d had two encounters with Sarah before: one when I was roughly half her scale, and another when I was like a doll. With each sexual rendezvous, I could feel our power dynamic shifting. Once, the extent of our hook-ups was a quick blowjob in the closet. Last time, though, Sarah instead cradled me in her arms and let me suck her enormous nipples, which even then were barely small enough to fit in my mouth; afterward, she jerked me off with those marvelous fingers, and it felt too good to care about the fact that I could no longer fuck like a man, at least not when my partner was ten times my size.


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