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As Ashley strutted through the living room, with her blonde hair tied back and her physique-hugging workout garb darkened by slick dampness, Cody’s pulse immediately quickened, but not from the sight of his towering fiancé alone. Yes, it was always a thrill when he shrunk down and got to bask in her gorgeously enlarged presence, as he was now while perched at six inches on the couch, but today’s anticipation came more from his plans for the immediate future, in the form of the transmogrifier, currently hidden under a pillow. He watched her silver-and-pink athletic sneakers majestically arcing forth, and appreciated the residual thud of those hard rubber soles smacking the floor and causing him to tremor all the way up on the furniture. Just before the giantess could turn the corner, then, Cody cleared his throat.

“Oh, wow,” Ashley uttered, a flirtatious grin crossing her lips the moment she caught sight of her action figure-sized betrothed. She backpedaled toward him, looming above Cody and crossing her arms over her chest, while thoughtfully tapping one running shoe against the hardwood. “Looks like somebody’s in the mood to play, huh?”

Cody only gave her a smile, winked, then let his gaze fall below her ankles.

“Uh-huh. I figured your mind would go down there,” Ashley teased. She reached down, unlacing both sneakers and methodically slipping her socked feet out of the cushioned hovels. Predictably, both cottony sheaths were soaked through every thread with sweat and glued to the contours of her insteps and toes, which wiggled hello toward Cody as his eyes widened at the sight. Rather than peel the socks away, though, and allow her shrunken lover to see the shapely, flushed, perspiration-caked size-7 feet provocatively concealed within, she shuffled back the same way she was headed before. “Hold that thought, cutie. I’m gonna shower real quick, and then we’ll have some fun.”

Cody nodded, but right as Ashley turned her back, he crawled under the pillow and pushed against the trigger with all his might. While he’d at first felt guilty about going through with this idea, it had become increasingly clear to the macrophiliac that if he wanted to see a mean mega-scaled Ashley in action, he’d have to resort to some secretive measures. Everything was so perfect about their relationship, and Cody loved his fiancé deeply, yet the one missing link was the girl’s complete lack of ability to play the cruel semi-sadistic titaness over him. Even her most earnest efforts felt forced and silly, and she could never bear to treat him with anything but affection while he was so small and vulnerable. This, Cody decided, was the compromise. Best of all, she’d never know what she’d done over the course of this experimental weekend.

The barrel of the device clicked, but he couldn’t be certain it had actually hit its mark, let alone worked how he hoped, until the giantess stopped dead in her tracks. Rather than continuing on with her usual tender-stepped gait, the blonde slammed her foot heel-first back to the floor, then pivoted on those sweat-slippery socks. In an instant, Ashley’s whole posture had transformed. Her fists balled, her hips were thrust to the side, and the expression on her beautiful face was one of appalled disgust. There was recognition in her eyes when she looked back at Cody again, still six inches and seated innocently on the sofa, yet when the little guy met her gaze, he felt - with a certain kinky ecstasy - like he was looking up at a stranger.

“And who the hell exactly told you that it was okayto crawl up on the furniture, slave?” Ashley barked. In a flash, she lunged back across the room, and just as soon as Cody flinched to take a leap toward the floor, she “helped” him by swooping her left leg up onto the cushions and plowing the moist sock-coated barricade of that foot into the guy’s back. Taken aback, but delighted on the inside, he plopped roughly to the ground. Thankfully his shrinkage upped his body’s durability somewhat, but not enough either that he didn’t feel a little soreness from the impact.

Still, it was nothing next to the bittersweet alarm and then limb-testing pressure he experienced next when the warm, fuzz-and-grime-sodden mass of Ashley’s foot chased his prone form to the ground and planted itself authoritatively upon him. Though her size-7 had always seemed slightly on the petite side to Cody, even while they played gentle games with the transmogrifier, there was no mistaking her ped’s overpowering nature now. The shrinker was buried wholly under the athletic slope of that sole, still clad in dingy skin-tight sock material, as it bore down with mounting force, as more and more of the weight from the giantess’s body was transferred onto him. Those same toes, which moments before were waggling inside that sock from afar to help get him excited, were now pounding against his little head through the cotton ruffles of bunched-up sock, scrunching and bopping with energy that made Cody simultaneously feel like he was getting sucker-punched by car airbags while also soaking up some of the surplus saltwater-entrenched glaze of foot sweat.

“I’m waiting on an ANSWER here, slave!” Ashley snarled from above. Having decided upon a suitable level of underfoot pressure, painful but without outright injuring Cody, she commenced grinding him back and forth. “If you think you’re important enough to sit on the couch like a real person… which we both know you’re not… then you must also feel you’re enough of a real person to use your pathetic little words like one. So what’s the deal, huh? And it better be good.”

“I’m sorry! I don’t know why I was up there! It won’t happen again!” Cody shrieked. Before, he expected he’d have to fake his way through the correct subservient panic in reaction to the newly-villainous giantess, when on the inside, he’d be quivering with arousal. However, it turned out that the actual experience of being dominated by these giant feet, which he’d previously only worshiped clean and safely nuzzled against, made it so he only had to embellish his fright a little bit. Whether or not his own fetish had created this situation, it was still a nerve-inducing challenge to flounder like a gasping fish beneath the heavy, all-consuming, sweat-itchy, vinegar-flavored slab of Ashley’s humongous sock foot. “Please forgive me!”


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