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“Sorry, Andrew. Was that too much for you?” she said. Though Emily’s voice sounded apologetic, it was deceptively so; she possessed the very same aggressive and domineering attitude that my other coworkers had so easily adopted once I was small enough for them to play with. Maybe that was why Melanie hired Emily in the first place as the replacement for Sarah, who was now far too large to fit at the desk anyway.

All I could do was cough. So far, I didn’t seem to have a hidden foot fetish, if all it involved was being bullied by a giantess’s burly toes. While I was incapacitated between her insteps, Emily shuffled her boat-sized feet toward me again. Rather than entrap me beneath the textured heft of her sole, which might’ve squashed me right into her clay-like wrinkles themselves, she instead arched off the ground, with her heel acting as an anchor, and hoisted her left pinky toe over my body. My guess was correct; my entire body was just barely longer than that little nubbin of foot flesh, though it hardly mattered, as the vast appendage actually attached to that baby toe ensured each of Emily’s digits was a thousand times more powerful than me.

Then, that dewdrop-shape of the pinky toe underbelly came lower. I flinched, expecting to be beaten up now by the receptionist’s lowliest digit. But her skin only grazed me, swiping back and forth, almost petting. She did it with such gentleness that I could distinguish the gridded pattern of the toeprint shapes decorating her peachy flesh. Not to mention, I could also notice the same musky aroma of sweat and perfume, plus flecks of cottony toejam wedged in the crevices between her digits, but compared to my first “introduction” under Emily’s foot, this was a picnic.

With impressive precision, the dark-haired smart-dressed woman massaged her littlest naked toe over my bare upturned body. The pudgy shape of her toe’s underside molded comfortably to my form, and reminded me of smothering my face between a set of tits; due to my extreme shrinkage, this plucky, perspiration-glazed toepad would have to be a substitute. Unsure at first where she was going with all this stroking with her digit, to my surprise, I looked down my body and discovered I had a hard-on. It wasn’t just from the adrenaline of being chased by giant feet, either. Genuine pleasure was tingling inside. As the erection grew, Emily seemed to notice it, against all odds, and focused the swollen bulge of her elegant pinky toe against my crotch, triumphantly giggling all the while, and ensuring there was no doubt.

I was… enjoying this.

Then, just as soon as it began, before I even had the chance to cum, the toejob came to an end. Emily peeled her foot off of me, and once again I was immobilized, except from horniness instead of exhaustion. Her giant fingers pinched me and airlifted my body past her legs and up toward the desktop. Just like Melanie had, though, Emily discarded me back into my dusty cage like old trash, and before I’d even recovered, she was swiping disinterestedly through her phone and slipping her feet back in the flats as though nothing had happened.

“It was nice to meet you too, Andrew,” Emily said. “I’m excited to be working over you, and look forward to spending lots of time together.”

Without even taking her eyes off her phone, she swooped both legs up and over the edge of the desk, then propped her feet right up against my gerbil cage. I couldn’t even see her face now past the obelisks of her skyward-pointing shoes and their scuffed soles. Occasionally Emily tilted her ankle forward and thwacked the toe of her slipper on the glass, rattling my entire habitat and burying me in sawdust, as if to remind me she was still there, as if I’d forgotten somehow.

I hadn’t even been back at work for an hour and I was already physically spent and blue-balled, which probably meant the rest of the day was going to be rough.

After being ignored for over an hour, I learned to ignore Emily’s shoes shoving my cage around. Eventually she disappeared to take a coffee break, and I could grab a nap in my little hamster house, since most of the previous night was spent humping Melanie’s nipples instead of actually sleeping. When I awoke later, however, it was because of someone’s knuckles rapping on the cage walls.

“Well, well, well. Working hard, Drewster, or hardly working?” Eve joked, though her tone was poisoned with malicious intent, as was her demonic grin. There was something different about my ginger tormentor, though I couldn’t place it; all the realities had begun to blend in my memory, and even I couldn’t remember what had or hadn’t been. In either case, I was staring up at the menacing living tower of my Japanese coworker, dressed in a form-hugging pantsuit, with her hands firmly on her hips.

Out of words, I stumbled toward the wall of the cage and stared up at her, terrified of whatever was coming, yet still latently aroused from Emily’s toe-edging and memories of my previous sexual encounters with Eve. I doubted she would’ve heard me from up there anyway, and if she did, she wouldn’t have cared what I said.

“Just thought I’d drop by and see how you’re doing today. You know, for some company,” Eve continued. She traced her manicured fingernail along the rim of my cage, clicking as she went. I knew at any moment her hand could strike like a serpent and scoop me inside. “I’ve been thinking a lot about new ways I can use you. It’s not easy, finding ways to please myself with a man so pathetically small, but I’ve got some ideas. One idea involves a dildo, some duct tape, and you. I’ll let you figure out the rest.”

I was dumbstruck at that idea, but I didn’t have long to ponder it.

“But until then,” Eve said. She reached into her purse and rummaged around. “I brought you a new companion so you don’t get lonely while you wait to be shoved up inside me where you belong.”

When she pulled her hand out of the bag, she was gripping none other than a naked Barbie doll, complete with wild blonde hair and plastic expression, though her private areas, namely the toy’s breasts and would-be vulva, had been drawn in with a marker. That definitely fit Eve’s sick sense of humor.


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