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It was usually tough to stay awake at the call center anyway, what with the dim lighting and warm stagnant indoor climate and overall life-numbing drudgery, but Mitch was having an especially tricky time of it today. Ordinarily he could count on his front-row seat to The Lilina’s Feet Show to keep him perked up in more ways than one, and as always there was plenty of beauty to behold while she gripped the leather mouth of a backless clog between her stocking-shiny toes and made it wobble back and forth with clockwork rhythm. Yet even letting himself get lost in witnessing those tragically-untouchable sole wrinkles ripple and unripple under the gauzy façade of her downy tan-nude nylons couldn’t make up for Mitch’s lack of sleep. It was strange to feel quite this groggy, as he’d conked out at the usual time and then been awoken by his alarm, the same as always, without even rousing to fetch a drink of water.

The only real deviation from the norm was that dream. The dream: the one which he’d been unable to shake from his mind ever since he opened his eyes again and found his bedroom regrettably empty of midnight foot-vixens, and his boxers marked by a nighttime emission. Unlike most dreams of the boring or nonsensically surreal brand, this one didn’t fade from his memory, and Mitch found himself recalling specific sensory details of heat, weight, and head-spinning sexual frenzy, even if it became difficult to conjure exactly what her foot looked like from up close, or exactly what her voice sounded like.

All he knew was that hers was the most beautiful sole he’d ever been privileged to look upon, with permission no less, a velvety wonderland of pink-pale curves and puttied creases; these details were remembered most acutely by his cock, and he couldn’t help but shiver every few minutes at his desk in recollection of the way her sole had touched him. And her voice had been the most captivating to ever greet his ears, commanding as it was seductive, both soft and deafening, which made it all the more of a shame that he couldn’t precisely replay the sound bites in his brain. Still, Mitch was content to be grateful that he’d gotten to experience such a particular distillation of his filthiest hopes and dreams, and was certain he’d spend the rest of his life chasing an encounter even a fraction as sexually fulfilling as that fictional visage.

Slurping from his coffee, Mitch entirely lost track of the way he’d been staring strategically just off-center of Lilina’s desk without blinking for minutes on end, because although he hadn’t slumped over asleep at his desk, he realized he’d zoned out and missed at least two calls. What’s more, there was no longer a set of twin upturned soles in his field of vision, taunting him with their textured perfection from an aisle away. Surprised, Mitch immediately craned his neck to the side, and found himself looking up suddenly at Lilina herself, who’d apparently slunk right up to his work station while he clung blearily to consciousness.

“Late night?” she asked in that all-consuming tone. The woman could probably spout of some conspiracy theory about cows and crop circles and Mitch would only nod in agreement, as he did now, feeling everything she said was totally logical and correct.

“Y-Yeah. Or just, not enough sleep, I guess,” he replied. He hadn’t had many opportunities to speak directly with Lilina for longer than the time it took to pass off a piece of pricing information, and he normally would’ve been trying to subtly ingratiate himself with her at this chance, but he was so tired now that he guessed he’d only embarrass himself to try.

“You must’ve been out partying with friends.”

“Ha-ha. Uh, not quite.”

“Maybe just partying with one friend, then?” she queried, not even dropping any double entendres, but her voice was so pregnant with suggestion that Mitch almost felt dirty listening to her speak. In a funny way, she was closer to guessing this time, but he also doubted it really counted as a steamy one-night stand if the person who’d kept him up was both faceless and imaginary, no matter how palpable her footjob skills were.

“Yeah, I wish,” he muttered, then going red-cheeked with embarrassment when he saw the corner of Lilina’s lip curl with amusement, added: “S-Sorry. What I meant was… not that, either.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Personally, I don’t think there are many better reasons for losing sleep than having a special friend visit overnight,” she said so matter-of-factly that Mitch couldn’t even begin to guess if she was flirting, or if he was just in love with the sound of her voice. Given how many fathoms out of his league she sat, he realistically guessed the latter. “Otherwise, sleep is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. It’s a terrible shame to let it slip away.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” Mitch concurred. There was something so idiosyncratic and sort-of peculiar about the things Lilina actually said, just as much as the way she said them, which made him want to listen to her all day. He sipped again from his coffee, if only for a distraction to keep his eyes from wandering down her legs, and keep his loins from visibly stirring beneath the desk, since she was probably standing close enough now that if he’d been popping a boner from sole-watching her before she made her way over, he’d certainly have been noticed now. He didn’t disagree with Lilina’s advice, but at the same time, he’d have happily given up another good’s night rest, if not several, if only he could receive the same visit in his slumber. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t even ask, do you… need something?”

“Well, that is the question,” Lilina said. “I doubt my needs are the same as what this company actually pays me to need, but yes. I could use some help. Would you be so kind as to give me a hand with my computer? It’s acting up, and unfortunately I can’t have my hands in two places at once.”

“Oh! Sure,” Mitch said, only wishing she’d chosen to approach him on a day he was feeling more lucid. As most of their coworkers were wearing headsets and dialed into their dreary duties, it oddly felt like they were alone together and yet exposed all at once here. He rose from his chair, almost tripping in the process, and followed Lilina back to her desk, where she sat right away and tinkered with the mouse. This confused him, as he’d expected her to give him a shot at fixing the problem, until she shifted off to the side, revealing the shadowy space under the tabletop where the blinking CPU rested.

“Hope you don’t mind,” she said, gesturing into the darkness. “I hate to make you get on your knees, but-”

“It’s no trouble!” Mitch agreed, almost too quickly. His pulse was climbing fast, matching the pace when he first saw the dream-visitor’s soles propped on his chest, as he realized that Lilina had instinctively kicked off both clogs when she took her seat, and in spite of the fact she expected him to get on all fours like a dog and hunker under the desk to help fix her computer, she still had both stocking-coddled peds resting on the floor mere inches from the CPU. He expected her to notice this oversight any second and remove her feet to give him more room, but Mitch still had to take that risk, when he was so close to coming into real-life contact with a set of feet that almost rivaled that arch-angel’s soft wrinkly gifts.

Lowering to his haunches and trying not to let the anticipation show too moronically in his expression, Mitch watched Lilina rising above him in the throne of her swivel chair, her gaze matching his with every inch he descended toward the floor. She wasn’t a dramatically tall person, but there was something about being on one’s knees beside her that made the woman appear to expand in scope by nearly double, like he was crouched at the ankles of someone more than ten feet high. A different sort of rush traveled through Mitch’s veins now, not quite the erotic overdrive he’d felt while awaiting the dream-lady’s foot to find his erection among the sheets and blackness, but an unsubtle flutter nonetheless, like he was clawing to remember an extremely cherished memory but somehow failing. He didn’t look up at Lilina for long before he scrambled under the desk to inspect her CPU, though odds were he’d be unable to help himself from closely studying something else far more valuable down here.

“If you could, just watch this light for me, and let me know when it comes back on,” Lilina instructed, and before Mitch even had time to strategize a way to foot-watch without getting caught, she lithely hoisted one nylon-netted gam and articulated her big toe through the mesh, thumping it gently against the side of the CPU beside a green beacon just before it went dark. “Mine is on the verge of dying, so you may need to watch it very attentively in order to know. Don’t be afraid to get up close. Keep focused.”


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