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[Author’s Note: At the original commissioner’s request, this story begins somewhat “in medias res,” but I’m sure anyone literate in macro logic will quickly pick up the plot. Enjoy!]


The soft pads of Melanie’s gargantuan fingers separated, and I tumbled out of her grip. Then I was spinning end-over-end toward the expansive glass walls below, where I landed in a heap of sawdust, usually reserved for pet habitats. In fact, that’s exactly what I was in, as I pulled myself up and stared around. High above, I watched Melanie’s hand retracting; she didn’t even bother to look inside the box to confirm that I landed safely, as her attention was now devoted to conversation with the new receptionist. It seemed insane that the same titaness who only last night used me to ride her perky nipples like bucking broncos had now all but forgotten about me. I used to be the king around here. On this day, I was literally dubbed the office pet.

After a few minutes, Melanie departed to her office, leaving me alone with the woman who’d taken over Sarah’s job. “Emily.” She was cute, with cherry-red lips and sleek black hair tied in a long ponytail, and dressed in a low-cut white top and gray pencil skirt. I wished she was wearing something less conservative, like the kinds of professional-slutty ensembles that Sarah used to wear just for me.

I trekked through the wood chips, and studied Emily through the distorted glass walls of my prison, which made her appear even bigger than she already was. The girl was young, and easily the shortest person in the office aside from me, though that wasn’t saying much, when Melanie, Sarah, and Eve were all topping seven feet, while I had dwindled to less than an inch total. Emily was still somewhat average at a low five-foot-something, but it was awfully hard to believe while viewing her enormous body through the cage wall. Even at her “modest” height compared to her new female coworkers, with a lithe figure, Emily was more than capable of picking up this spacious gerbil box with one hand and flinging it, and me, wherever she wished.

“Hiiiii, Andrew!” her voice boomed. A cheerful smile curved on those humongous crimson lips. She leaned in close to the cage, until her curious face filled in most of the space on the narrow end of the cage. I watched her eagerly observing me, much like the way a schoolgirl might observe the teacher’s pet guinea pig, which was humbling.

I was also taken aback to be addressed so informally, especially by a new employee who was so much younger and inexperienced than me. If things were back to normal, this would be the kind of girl I’d have sucking my dick by the end of the week and still calling me “sir.” Instead, I had to settle for this bizarre reality, where some twenty-year-old intern-secretary can speak to me like we’re old friends. Still, I knew things could still go well, if I played my cards right. My other subordinates’ lack of respect for my puny size didn’t necessarily mean we still couldn’t have fun. And Emily looked like someone I’d like to have fun with.

“Hello, Emily,” I said, craning my neck up to look her in the eyes. I responded just as nicely, in hopes our relationship would lead somewhere sexier. “Good to meet you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Like how you like to be called the Drewster,” she said.

“Oh, yeah. What… else have you heard?”

“Nothing you need to worry about yet,” she coyly teased, winking at me, which I took as a good sign. “Would you like to come out of there?”

“Yes,” I said. The sooner I could get out of the cage, the easier time I’d have acting like a man and not an insectoid pet, even though I’d be just as miniature out there.

“Well, maybe I’ll take you out in a little bit, after I get through some more work,” she replied.

Emily’s huge fingers majestically waved to me over the edge of the cage, and then she withdrew, tending to paperwork, though after a minute of it she simply started playing on her cell phone. I tried not to get upset at her utter indifference to me, only removing me from these confines when she wanted, but I had no choice. The glass was far too high to climb, and here I was still naked and vulnerable after my rough night with Melanie.

Eventually, just when I was starting to go catatonic from boredom while pacing circles around the sawdust, I saw Emily shifting. She set down her phone and, barely even looking at me, reached into the cage. Her petite fingers were nonetheless like mighty spires relative to my size, and I flinched at their approach. It continually took readjustment to my surroundings as I shrunk each day without anyone else realizing, treating me as though I’d been this small and helpless my entire life.

The plush tips of her digits came together, sandwiching me between her index and thumb, and lifted me out. I had to weigh less than a bean, hardly even a tangible solid, at less than an inch. As it was, most of my body was swallowed up within the thick, restrictive nubs of Emily’s fingertips.

I thankfully wouldn’t be trapped between there long, since I saw the desktop coming near as her hand lowered. I was excited to be there, because it would put me closer to the level of those breasts and that delicious valley of cleavage peeking out of her top. Her tits weren’t nearly as impressive as her taller coworkers, for obvious reasons, but any woman’s boob was like its own moon to me at this size. Though dismissive and airheaded, Emily seemed nice enough, and likely could be manipulated by my charms to get me up close and personal with her juicy cans.

However, I wasn’t set down on the surface. Her hand kept descending, below the level of the desk, during which I was treated to a passing view of her billowing skirt wrapped tight around her gorgeous bare legs, tanned and smooth as cream. Those fingers carried me down and down, until I could see the floor approaching. What was she doing?

“Wait… hey!” I called out, as I felt Emily’s fingertips gently releasing their hold, marooning me on the polished hardwood. It was only last night that I was down here last, seemingly forgotten just before being swiped and taken home by Melanie. Back then, however, I was closer to being the size of an action figure, and thus about six times larger than I was now. At this size, being down on the floor wasn’t merely a challenge; it was likely suicide.

“There, you’re out now!” she said. Even from down here, her voice echoed with godlike volume.


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