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After a short walk to her car, and a roaring drive during which Brian was lightly compressed whenever Olivia pumped the pedals, followed by a jaunt up the stairs to her apartment, the beautiful mastermind slammed and locked the door behind her. Only then, in the bedroom where the pair had shared many late nights, did she pry off her sandals one by one, starting with the one not containing Brian, if only to make him stay tied to her toe a minute longer. Even once she freed him from the shoe, Olivia took her time unrolling the rubber band from around her toe, slipping it off but keeping her ex suspended between her digits just by pressing them together. Finally, bored of this, she snickered again as she splayed her toes wide and dropped Brian right into her waiting cupped palm beneath her foot.

Suddenly the conflicted shrinker was staring into the billboard-sized countenance of his one-time lover: sultry, alluring, and more intimidating than ever from this scale. Her dark eyes narrowed; her nostrils flared; her lips pursed. That was a face he certainly wouldn’t want questioning him in court, yet he was not only being questioned, but stripped of clothes, size, and dignity in the wide plain of her hand. And he sort of dug it.

“Just as I suspected,” Olivia sneered. Her other hand rose into view, with her index finger extended like a lance. Though her ex backed away, she prodded him in the gut, then stroked violently from his chest to his crotch, flicking his micro-erection with the gridded pad of her digit. “You haven’t changed a bit, Bri. Even when you’ve got no idea if I’m going to hurt you or not, and I just finished walking around with you trapped between my toes, you’re still a slut for being small. Still a slut for my feet, too. That’s why I know this is going to work. That’s why I know you’re going to belong to me soon.”

Having summoned enough courage to speak again, Brian shrugged off this bit of circumstantial evidence, as well as how good it felt to have a giant finger taunt his cock, and cleared his throat.

“Olivia,” he said, covering his hard-on with both hands. “Please. Take me back to the lab. We can… talk about us, if you want more closure. If you just make me normal-sized again, I can-”

“Ah-ah-ah. You’re not setting the terms here, shrimp, I am,” Olivia said, then swatted his arms away with that same fingertip. “Also, don’t make this weird by pretending you’re embarrassed to be seen naked. God knows I saw plenty of all that when you were still big enough to see detail. And you’re going to have to get used to this, relying on me for heat, water, food, protection… just so long as I stay in a good mood. That’s how a relationship stays healthy, after all. Everybody does their part. In this case, your part will be serving and worshiping and amusing your big sexy giantess twenty-four-seven, and my part will be agreeing not to squish you. Understand?”

The more Olivia spoke, the harder it was for Brian to stay optimistic. Not that he’d ever been able to dissuade her when she wanted her way, a major contributor to their breakup, but this was different. There was deep abiding conviction in those eyes. Olivia was well-past the negotiation stage; she was just ready to be his queen. It made him tremble and go silent.

That’s more the reaction I was hoping for,” she snickered. Again her forefinger fondled his inch-tall body, but more sweetly this time, which was somehow worse. She lingered at his erection, expertly swirling it on her velvety fingertip. “Now, before you get to thinking this whole thing is so unfair, woe is you, blah-blah-blah, I’m not unreasonable. I’m a woman of the law, after all, even if I have to sometimes bend the law to fit my needs. Like I said, I’m not forcing you to belong to me. You’re going to want me to own your little shrunken ass. Meaning in this scenario, I intend to prove to you how much sense it makes for you to give up playing scientist and just become my play-thing.”

Brian hung his head. For the first time in his life, he viciously hated his fetish, incriminating him like this. All it took was the sound of Olivia’s buttery voice plus a few swipes from her finger, and he was already going docile. Some part of him sincerely wanted to see where this was headed, even as he understood that Olivia was totally serious in her plans.

“Exhibit A,” Olivia continued. Suddenly she jammed her fingertip against his member, pinning him to her palm and earning a squeal. “Despite giving you every reason to go into a hysterical episode, shrinking you by surprise and tying you to my toe, you remained rational enough to try to make an argument once I let you out. A bad argument, but nevertheless. Most crucial of all, you maintained an erection for the last twelve and a half minutes of the sixteen minutes you spent in my sandal. Believe me, I counted. A reaction you still have, even as I’ve been explaining to you that I’m going to keep you shrunken forever as my little toy. Now, based on that, I think any jury would have to call you guilty of enjoying this.”

Demoralized, Brian went limp in his ex-girlfriend’s merciless hand as it lowered him toward the bedroom carpet. How could anyone hope to compete with this?

“Not convinced? Let’s try Exhibit B,” Olivia said. She plunked her ex-boyfriend on the floor, then arched to her full height and shuffled forth, instantly walling him in with a pair of soft bare insteps. Her feet massaged the carpet, grasping at the fibers with her dexterous toes. Just before Brian could get distracted, though, she stood on one leg and slammed her heel back to the ground with such force that the little man was bounced like a jumping bean, left with ringing in his ears.

“Now run,” she boomed, her tone turning deadly. Olivia cocked her head at him between her legs, her fists planted on her hips again and her toes impatiently drumming. Numb, Brian gazed at her with newfound reverence. “I’m serious. Don’t stare at me, wondering if this is a trick. If you don’t start running, I’m stomp you flat as a pancake right now. You have ten seconds, Bri. Ten. Nine. One…”

That was enough. Brian sprinted out from between the improvised canyon of Olivia’s bare feet, past her wriggling toes, and made his way across the barren landscape of her bedroom floor. The room was cozy, with little distance from wall to wall, though for an inch-tall creature, it was bigger than a football stadium. Still the fleeting, probably-foolish thought of escape crossed his mind. If he could just reach the crack in the door, or the vent under the bed, he could navigate out of Olivia’s apartment, across campus without being unknowingly smashed, and reach Amy. She’d help him, surely. He’d be safe with Amy. That distant possibility offered a beacon of hope in an otherwise fatal plight.

For indeed, this might be the end, and he knew it. Brian’s heart railed in his chest; sweat, not from exertion but actual dread, glossed his temple. He’d heard Olivia angry before, but never like this. This was raw, power-drunk. She was a force of nature unto herself, and no matter his fantasies, he believed she was telling the truth that if he’d stayed there a second longer, he’d now be paste mashed into her naked sole. At the sound of her pounding footsteps behind him, too, he knew she was on the warpath.

“Here I come! I’d do the whole fee-fi-fo-fum thing, but I don’t want you to start having too much fun and accidentally not understand the fact that if I catch you, I’m going to squish you,” Olivia called out.

She took slow purposeful strides, obviously for theatrical effect, but even when lumbering, her long gait so outpaced Brian’s top running speed that it was only by her willing grace that he wasn’t already jammed beneath her foot. In seconds, she was just one step away from him. Sprinting for all he was worth, the little man watched the looming shadow of his ex-girlfriend’s massive leg and foot swallow him up, then grow larger as the real things neared. Only by diving did he avoid getting caught beneath Olivia’s falling foot when it made seismic berth with the carpet. Just to remind him how close he’d come, she nudged her pinky toe into Brian, and with only that nub of a digit, flipped him end-over-end with the force of a linebacker.

“Oh, no. You’ve got to be much quicker than that, Bri! What, you spent all your time in the lab and couldn’t go to the gym a few times for cardio?” Olivia laughed. She paused in her slow rampage long enough to align her destructive feet back together ballerina-style. “I’m going easy on you as it is, but wow, if you can’t show me that you’re willing to work for this a little more, then I’m afraid I’ll be the one breaking up with you this time, or should I say, breaking you. Hey, why are you just standing there? Don’t you want to come give your favorite part of my body a big hug?”

Panting, Brian watched as Olivia’s left foot reared up from the floor again, like a mythic beast, her toes flexed out and her creamy sole wrinkles rippling as the arch deepened and the peachy-olive shades of her flesh blushed in flux. Staring at that beautiful shape, it was hard for Brian to reconcile the fact that he might die underneath her foot in five seconds, when just a year ago, he’d known nothing but lust for them: rubbing after a long day at school, sucking Olivia’s toes and licking her soles, even letting her trample him for some kinky foreplay. It seemed she was still interested in that last part, but unlike before, being stepped on wasn’t going to lead to better things. He’d only end up a crimson splat painted like a victorious tattoo on the foot of this pompous leviathan of a woman.

The saddest part was he still felt much of that same affection, even as Olivia now held her astronomic foot directly above him. Weary, he started running again.

“I did tell you part of your duties would involve amusing me. It’s just your bad luck that I’m especially amused at the idea of handing you some life-or-death stakes while all I’m doing is relaxing after a long day of law lectures,” Olivia narrated. She chased steadily after Brian, slamming her feet provocatively on the carpet several times, always just a couple inches behind her sprinting ex, more than enough to throw off his pace. “You’re getting the hang of it now. Go for broke, Bri. Don’t hold back. Just because I am doesn’t mean you get to.”

This carried on for a while. Attempts to flee through the door or vent were blocked by Olivia’s stomps, corralling him back toward the center of her bedroom. Brian expended every ounce of energy he had in staying away. He heard her approaching the whole time, her strides getting stronger and louder. Every few minutes, then, he’d have the minutest warning of incoming calamity, and a split-second to dive or else be ravaged beneath a megaton sole. Each time Olivia stomped it seemed a closer call, her toes practically grazing him on the rapid descent, the wind and percussive force toppling him even without being prodded. The hope of escaping to Amy, already slim enough, became slimmer by the minute, as though Olivia was crushing those wishes with her own two feet.


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