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All the while, Astraea felt the miniscule tough guy flailing, at first fighting with a genuine belief that he might scramble his way back to the port of her lips and escape, though because the giantess had arched back into a crouch, he’d have shattered on tumbled impact, even if she was clumsy enough to let him depart her maw. And she never was. Instead, allowing him to come close by crawling on his hands and knees along her tongue while fresh spit gushed from the walls, Astraea felt one of his tiny hands defiantly punch between the moist pillowy seal of her lips.

This was as far as she allowed the prank to go, though, before her mouth assumed a Cheshire curve and the vibratory giggles in her throat beyond, as well as the sweep of her tongue, ensured his arm was slipped back inside like spaghetti. She washed him through the now-substantial living tank of her saliva, pressurizing her cheeks and sucking on him until the little fiend’s clothes semi-disintegrated and his fear reached a fever pitch, delicious enough that the silver-haired street-stomper simply had to get him out of there, or she’d lose control, without even taking the opportunity to invest in a more fulfilling future meal. Hocking, Astraea spat the guy into her waiting hand, unspooling him along a continuous honey-like strand of translucent slaver like watery rope, until he was flattened and submerged in the pool, but usefully alive.

“I suppose I should thank you both. First you down there for being quite so terrified of this crunchy little morsel here, but mainly you for inspiring him so very well, enough for me to smell it from a quarter-mile off. Really, I couldn’t have done a better job myself. Okay, that’s a lie, but you know what I mean,” Astraea intoned, waggling her fingertip against the slobbered-up strong-armer so his writhing form was rolled over the spit moat in her cupped palm-pit. “Seriously, though, an excellent job. You may as well have slapped barbeque sauce on yourself and rang the dinner bell. Although… on the off-chance you were hoping not to be chomped into bacon bits today, maybe we can come to some sort of business arrangement.”

Shocked and hysteria-laden though the little heavy already was from his surprise lapping, swishing, and subsequent sentencing to mealtime, he appeared the most genuinely gob-smacked of all now. Sitting on the dizzily-elevated platform of the Apex’s mighty hand, he wiped the goo from his eyes and looked up into her opalescent blues, and allowed himself to believe she wasn’t in fact cracking a joke just before tossing him head-long into her undulating gullet.

“B-Business? With… you?”

“Yes, assuming you still use those sorts of terms. I’m willing to bet that the most straightforward words like robbing, blackmailing, and slaughtering haven’t caught on yet in your line of work, though. Either way, I’m guessing you’re the sort of little fellow who knows a good deal when he hears one, even if he has to sell a few friends down the river. Or, down into me, as the case may be. Let’s face it: you’re a big guy for a human, but you’ll hardly last two chews for me, and then I’ll still be left with a bad case of the rumbly-tumblies. I’d much rather hold off a few more minutes for the bigger main course. All you’ve got to do is tell me where your operation is based, and I swear on my life and the lives of my loved ones, that I will notmash you up with my teeth and then swallow you down.”

Sweating up a storm and worming even more uncomfortably in the saliva-mire, the loan collector made an effort to stand on Astraea’s palm. He slipped once in the hungry froth, managing to wobble to his pitiful full height, only to be gently prodded in the gut by the chuckling giantess’s pinky finger and plopped back into her enzyme-juices.

“T-They’ll… they’ll kill me,” he gulped, unknowingly gifting the giantess with a body-wracking bout of pleasure that made her palm shiver beneath him. This only caused her to crave the answer more, trying to conceive of insignificant edible whelps who could cause such horror in one of her potential snacks. Perhaps it was more than just a solitary loan shark paying his bills. “If I talk, I’m fuckin’ dead, but not just that. Y-You know? They’ll chop me up in pieces and keep me awake the whole t-time they do it!”

“Oh, I have no doubt they’d be grumpy, if there was a single one of them left to come after you when I’m through, but let this reassure you: this is my cheat meal day, I’ve got a very big appetite, and yet I haven’t been able to find a single worthy candidate drop on down there. Until now,” Astraea explained matter-of-factly. She plucked at her lower lip with a hooked forefinger, gliding the tip of her digit down her chin and along her neck, past her bountiful cleavage and all the way down to the muscled mocha-tan wall of her impatiently-growling midriff. This demonstration ramped up his already-considerable dread, bypassing even the reeking fears of the poor weakling he’d been threatening to hospitalize and making Astraea feel such a vivid tapestry of thirsts, carnivorous and even carnal, her naughtier imaginative instincts again pre-emptively supplanted Mitch into her palm instead of this boring squealer. Oh, how much she wished to slide her fingers yet lower down her torso, but that would be best saved for later. For now, she suppressed a giddy secret-keeping grin and threw in a fib to help seal the deal: “Just a word of advice, too… you might want to make up your mind soon, because my saliva has already begun the process of digesting you. More than a few minutes spent taking a bath in it, and you’ll be asking me nicely to just slide your little head between my molars and put you out of your misery.”

“OKAY, OKAY!” he shrieked, as if cooked suddenly in acid. “Fuck… it’s corner of Park and Ninth, big automotive warehouse, by the wharf! Can’t miss it. The whole goddamn enchilada’s in there. Drug runners, weapons cache, money-moving… P-Please, just… if you are goin’ there, just… g-get rid of ALL those bastards, so they can’t come for me? I’m g-gettin’ out of the business, cross my heart n’ hope to die.”


“I suppose I can get on board with that,” Astraea drawled.

“R-Really?” he squeaked with genuine hope.

“Well, yes. But, primarily the part where you hope to die.”

The collector had no time to sputter up a real defense, only mustering a peep as the giantess’s widespread maw opened like a portal to a dimension of steam and saliva; her lips kissed her palm around where he was mired in drool strings, and though her tongue scooped near his hunkered form, the volume of appetite-whetting fear reeking off of him was enough that Astraea needed only shoot him into her throat via industrial-strength suction, without any contact until he was already dunked head-first into the pulsating canal and inching his way down. Having been held back for so long by guilt and unwilling-willpower, the Apex was nearly overcome at her first corporeal feeding of the day. If anything, she struggled with swallowing him for a moment due to the volume of spit oozing from her cheeks and clogging her throat, but she managed nonetheless with a satisfied gurgle and a necessary backhanded lip-wipe to clear the excess. When she’d finished, with her pupils dilated and insides warmed by the little nexus of soul-depth terror plunging into her gut, Astraea looked down and found the debtor had fainted from all the commotion.

“You’re welcome,” she said, before arching back to full majestic height and backpedaling out of the alley. She was glad he’d conked out, really, since it made him so much less tempting as a second appetizer, and considering she’d saved him, Astraea was really going to have to wrestle with the seemingly-obvious ethics that she deserved to gulp him down herself, especially when it was his dread that drew her to the scene like an animal in heat in the first place.


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