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Apparently satisfied with the “kiss” her three-inch pet planted on the bottom of her foot, Sarah had resorted instead to smearing his whole body up and down the length of her rubbery sole, letting the remainder of the gummy residue from her sweaty sandals soak into Matt’s body like tree sap. Each time his head returned to Sarah’s toes, those beefy digits wrapped the little man’s vulnerable skull back into their thick, smelly embrace.

“I bet you do think about the nice memories, Boogie. Especially since we make new ones all the time!” Sarah continued. Her voice was so shrill and chirpy now it sounded to Matt like she might swoon. “Like, do you remember that time I took you to class in my shoe, and I almost forgot you were down there! It was so cute when I felt you trying to wrestle out from under my toes and play tag on the floor with me while I was taking that exam. You know? I had to catch you with my toes, since I couldn’t just reach down with my hand and let the professor think I was cheating, right? But I still got you, right between your favorite two toes, my biggest ones! You’re always such a good sport when Mommy catches you, Boogie. I remember you wriggling around so cute and precious against my toes. I hated that I had to push you back inside my shoe under my foot instead of taking you back out so I could give you lots of congratulations-kisses for almost winning the game! Ohmygod, that was so funny and adorable. I think about it a lot when I’m in class still.”

Matt deflated at the recollection of this event, though Sarah didn’t seem to notice. When at last the girl tired of caressing her little man against her soft, wet, heat-swollen foot, the girl plucked Matt off her sole again and cradled him in her caged fingers. She crawled under the bedsheets, massaging her still-filthy peds into the blankets, while she cuddled the shrunken pet to her cheek. Though the odor was significantly less potent up here, especially combined with the last dregs of Sarah’s strawberry-sugar perfume, Matt was now so coated in the stench of her leather-and-brine bare foot, it was all he could sense, aside from the girl’s fingertips fondling his fragile body.

“Ooh, I’ve got another one, Boogie!” Sarah gasped with elation. “Do you remember when we were hanging out at the student quad, and I was holding you in my lap like a secret so I could give you some little-boy-fun with your peeper before my next class, and then those girls walked by, and I had to put you in my mouth to hide you cuz I didn’t have any pockets! It was only for a minute, but it was sooooo cute feeling you squiggling around inside my cheeks and on top of my tongue, I almost thought about keeping you inside there for longer, Boogie! But I had to go to class, and I like to chew gum in class, so I had to take you out and put you back in my purse. I don’t know, maybe I could chew gum and play with you inside my mouth at the same time? It’s mint flavor, so I bet you’d like it in there, too, with Mommy’s nice refreshing breath and her nice warm tongue giving you hugs! Hey, don’t let me forget, Boogie. We’ll try that next time. Anyway, that’s another thing I like to remember when I’m away from you, Boogie. How no matter where you are, in my clothes or my shoes or my mouth, it’s always so easy to love you. I bet you remember that one really good too, Boogie. Yes, that’s right, I said YOU! You love my kisses so much, you must have really loved knowing where they come from! Now why don’t you come here and give Mommy’s lips one of those big sweet kisses you gave her foot?”

True to habit, Sarah dragged Matt from her cheek to her pre-puckered mouth. The storm of kisses wasn’t quite as urgent as usual, since the girl was obviously starting to get tired as she snuggled into the covers with her favorite toy in-hand. However, Sarah still found a way to soak Matt in salivary juices just after he’d finished drying off after a thorough toweling of the girl’s tired foot. Her lips puffed, blew hot minty air into his tiny face, then retracted and rubbed her mouth over him again. The kissing recessed with the usual dramatic smack which left a dollop of spit globbed on Matt’s face.

“Don’t you remember that now, Boogie? I bet you already did, but giving Mommy a kiss must’ve helped you remember it especially good! So tell me, do you like thinking about those times as much as me? C’mon, please, Boogie. Mommy wants to hear you say it sooooo bad. Just once! Pretty, pretty please? Tell me how much you like thinking about those times,” Sarah begged. She furrowed her brow, made her eyes as large as possible, and pushed out her lower lip until it quivered with false sorrow.

Matt, exhausted already from this brief cuddle session with his owner’s sweat-scoured feet and voracious lips, hung limp in Sarah’s controlling palm. He nodded, then spoke up in a deadpan voice: “Those were the best times of my life.”

“Awww, Boogie, it’s so nice to hear you say that! I never knew you liked those memories so much that you wish we had our own anniversary to talk about them!” Sarah gushed. She pressed his face again into her smooch-readied lips, then recommenced petting his torso with a soft fingertip. “I’ll tell you what, since it’s kinda hard to remember what days all those fun times happened on, we can start now by making a promise. We’ll spend some time as often as we can just reminding each other, just Mommy and her Boogie, about all the best times we had together. I think it’s a perfect idea. What do you think?”

“It’s the best idea you ever had,” Matt sarcastically droned.

“Meep-meep-meep! Your voice might be my favorite thing about you, Boogie. It’s tied for favorite thing with your adorable little body. Oh, and your sweet little kisses are also my favorite thing. And how much you love me. And the funny movements you do when I you’re your little peeper stand up with my fingers. And the feeling of your precious little arms and legs wiggling around whenever I put my foot on top of you or hold you down inside my shoe with my cute little toesies. Wow, it’s really hard to pick a favorite thing, isn’t it, Boogie?” Sarah mumbled, obviously concerned with the difficulty of deciding. She drummed her fingers on her chin, then looked again to her pet with adoring eyes. “What do you think, Boogie? What’s your favorite thing about your Mommy, huh? Go on, you can tell me. I’ll keep it secret, just like I keep you secret. Hey, maybe that’s your favorite thing about me! That I’m sooooo good at keeping my little baby Boogie all to myself, right where he belongs!”


THE END (for now)


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