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“T-Tara?” Laura murmured with an accidental godlike bellow, having felt the tremors from her BFF’s rampage. “W-What are you doing?”

The blonde titaness turned around, having made her tearful appeal for aid to the people below, only to see her happy-go-lucky brunette friend joyfully and remorselessly stamping another terrified city into a smoldering heap of shine-flecked rubble molded to the contours of her shapely tan-pink soles. There was no mistaking that Tara intended each and every footfall with gleeful malice, trouncing metropolises under her heels and pivoting her meaty toepads upon their downtown centers such that no sign of life or standing structure remained, but only a mess of smoking architectural carnage that looked like a child’s clay art project, complete with messily applied bare footprints.

Laura was so stunned by what she was seeing, having worked so hard to explain their benevolence while counter-intuitively Tara crushed all the city life below her into miles-long footprinted graves, that in the time it took the scientist’s daughter to find the words again, her friend had already raised her sole high in the air, wagged her toes in greeting to the helpless subjects looking up at her, then brought her foot careening down with a deafening thud and a twist for good measure, while her toes curled through the messy destruction like a mud pie. One paralyzed gasp, and thousands more civilians were turned to invisibly-tiny specks among the delicate high-rises smaller than either of the girls’ fingernails: Laura didn’t know whether to feel infinite sorrow or pure rage, but she settled for something in between.

“Uh, what’s it look like I’m doing?” Tara grinned.

“You’re STEPPING on them like BUGS!” Laura screamed.

“Well, they kind of are bugs,” her friend shrugged. “What are they going to do to stop us, anyway? We don’t have to worry about anything now. We’re the biggest baddest girls on Earth, probably in the whole universe, and nobody can stop us! Right?”

“That’s… not true,” the soft-spoken giantess declared. “Something can stop you…”

“Huh?” Tara questioned, while raising her foot up again to grind up another town into the naked grooves of her sole underbelly.

“Don’t you dare squish any more of them!”

“Oops!” Tara sarcastically giggled, before heel-drooping her ped with such a clatter that the force seemed to crack and tip the tectonic plates below the city, causing the miniscule metropolitan sprawl to cascade like metal shavings down the sloped land, straight toward the brunette-highlighted giantess’s flared-open toe crevices. Before she could enjoy the ticklish sensations of hundreds of buildings and many-more thousands of broken microscopic humans tumbling into a dirty embrace with her elegant digits, then, she was blind-sided by a tackle from Laura.


On a day when major international cities were already being instantaneously wiped off the map as though abducted by aliens, most of the terrified civilians around the globe, glued to their phones and televisions for news, had lost the ability to be shocked by any information. Yet that was exactly what happened, when the disappearances of those European capitals was rendered almost-boring in comparison to the far-more calamitous appearance of two lovely and fashionably-dressed young women, one angelically-featured with straw-golden hair and the other with a punkier sensibility and two-toned locks, literally filling the sky as they expanded into deliriously-tall colossi. Strangest of all was their appearance in a seemingly-random American state, far from the emptied craters which had, secretly, transported those overseas cities into their shoes.

In the cities positioned miles away from where the giantesses now stood, having crushed everything in their wake at the moment of their growth spurt, witnesses silently joined together in the streets, watching the cloudscape above in disbelief as both girls turned on their heels, rattling skyscraper windows and rumbling the very earth in the process. The mood was surreal but contained, though closer to where Tara and Laura’s feet rested, the atmosphere in the cities was decidedly more apocalyptic. In particular, the zagging sneaker treads of the brunette leviathan swallowed the sun and plunged a densely-populated town into darkness under the geometric rubber patterns that made up the underside island of her shoe. Most of the architecture and inhabitants were smushed outright at the instant of her expansion, while the rest were made to wait for their extinction, trapped in the raised openings between track-lines decorating the bottom of her million-ton footwear.

After some commotion between the girls, when their thunderclap voices echoed over terrain both mountainous and manmade for hundreds of miles around, the blonde took a step and then stooped to peer across the cities below. Fear was struck into the hearts of her audience, feeling the ponderous earth-quaver of her every leaden stride and worrying their eardrums might explode even at her whisper, but then the girl began nervously explaining that this was all a mistake, and that they meant no harm. Any relief this claim might’ve brought to the people in the cities surrounding her towering presence, however, was lost as they watched her dark-crowned friend wearing a devious smirk, removing her shoes, and then proceeding to send half a dozen cities back to the Stone Age with a few choice stomps, smears, and toe-flicks from her astronomically spacious bronze-tan bare feet.

Tara’s actions then led many to believe Laura was just trying to lull them all into a false sense of security before flattening them under her own heels as well. This turned out not to be the case, however, as the giantess addressed her friend with a raised voice that could’ve woken the heavens. Their argument gave the hundreds of thousands of witnesses in all surrounding lands emotional whiplash, first dreading Tara’s eager arrival to crunch their fair cities a mile deep into the planet’s crust; then they relaxed, cheering with gratitude at their defender in the form of Laura, only to panic yet again when they saw the brunette show her disdain for her friend’s opinion by purposefully delivering the heaviest sole-pounding to another population.


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